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Do You Like The New Forum

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I'm not quite sure if I like this. Currently, my broadband modem is terminally ill. For dial-up users, this new system might prove to be a problem. I also heartilly dislike the way this message appears on the screen. I'll give a more reasoned appraisal aftyer I'm back to the BB connection and am less tired and grumpy -- Tom

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I'll reserve judgement until I get a bit used to it. I will say that I don't like the fact that you cannot see who is taking part in a thread without going to it and scrolling thru the replies. Many times the users who are posting will attract me to read the thread. It is also true, though less often, that particular posters will frighten me away from a thread.

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First, let me say that at my age, any change can be somewhat disconcerting!

My initial impression is that the pages seem to be too "busy".

Also, there are more "options" than really necessary. The purpose of computers should be to make life easirer, not more complex.

However, one adjusts.

Since this system needs an ID, I decided to use my eBay moniker, not from a reason of anonymity, but to let acquaintances be aware if I am bidding.


Geo Salley

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I really don't like it!!! It's too compartmentalised. I much prefer being able to scroll down and see all the threads, the responses and who made them, all on one page. And what's with this user name c***. We've gotten along quite well without anonymity. Why start now and confuse things. My user name will be my name. Why hide it? This particular format is the reason I don't bother with other music/celtic sites. I was dismayed to see the forum, this morning! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I'm sorry to be so negative, but I think this is a step backwards. :(

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Greeting All,

Although this is similar to another forum that I check periodically, I must say that I prefer the old layout that has fewer icons but still seems to provide more direct links to other threads and pages on Concertina.net. But I prefer DOS command lines to thousands of mouse clicks, too...


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After a few visitations I can say that I definitely do NOT like the new forum. The old forum had the capacity to start *new* (or nested) threads within a thread by replying directly to a comment. This *new* thread was visible from the main page of the forum. Now, If I want to reply directly to a comment it seems I'm out of luck unless I happen to be, by chance, the next person to post a comment. If I don't happen to be on line for a day or two my response to a particular comment is buried many many comments later. And unless I word my response very carefully (or use the dreaded 'quote') readers may not even be aware of what I'm responding to without going back and finding the original comment. Who's gonna want to do that??


'Endless' nested threads (conversations) between JL and GR (and on occasion me) are now impossible. Perhaps that's a good thing but my opinion is that it's a big mistake.


Am I missing something?? This new forum is no longer a conversation, it's just a bulletin board. Yuk!! I will not be attending anywhere near as often as I used to. (Perhaps that's a good thing.)

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The above comments were in support of Frank Edgely's comments but in less than an hour my post is already four posts away from his. If I had wanted to respond directly to a particular statement of his it would already be confusing to the unknown third party. If my comment wasn't posted until tomorrow or the next day it would be useless for me to respond directly to Frank. If someone wants to respond to my post I have no way of knowing without reading thru every single post!!! The old sytem allowed me (and all of us) to see who was responding directly to who.


Not only was the old forum *not broke* it was excellent. I posted within the last year or so that Paul deserved a great big 'Thank You' for starting this website so many years ago and that the forum was the easiest, most intuitive, and most enjoyable discussion forum of all the music related sites that I attend.

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I agree with Sandy and Frank, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I was much more comfortable with the old format. Much easier to follow threads and know what was new and keep current with the ongoing topics. :(

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Remember that this is new, so you'll have to get used to starting new Topics. Since each topic has its own section, you can more easily follow individual topics. Use the "breadcrumbs" feature near the top of the page to easily move into or out of sections. So it's not so free-form as the old system, but in a way it's MUCH more organized, and so should be better in the long term as the posts and topics accumulate.


Also, you can easily reply to individual messages by using the "quote" button instead of the "add reply" button. But I do hear you that the lack of visible threading can be a bit of a pain. So try to remember to start a new topic where appropriate, and don't just keep adding unrelated posts onto the end of an old topic/thread.


One of the main reasons I moved to this new system is that it also has a great search facility, something in all honesty that I would probably NEVER have had the time to program for the old forum system, and the need for a way to go back through old posts and search or simply browse them was a very common request and definitely needed. This new system is certainly good for both searching AND browsing old topics and discussions.



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How many folkies does it take to change a light bulb? Five - one to change it and four to sing in close harmony about how good the old one was.


I'm afraid that's me exactly. I use this style of software in a couple of other fora, such as the UK's ADSLGuide, and I can live with it, but I don't love it. There were weaknesses in the old software too, such as the text entry screen, which was somewhat limited. But the tree display of all messages was just wonderful and I miss it. If there were a way of grafting that onto this software (a modicum of PHP, anyone?) it might offer the best of both worlds.



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Remember that this is new, so you'll have to get used to starting new Topics. Since each topic has its own section, you can more easily follow individual topics. Use the "breadcrumbs" feature near the top of the page to easily move into or out of sections.

What's this "breadcrumbs" feature? I don't see anything near the top of the page? How does it work?


To me, the only problem with the old system was that it was difficult to identify which posts I had already read. The new system at least identifies threads with posts I have not read, but I'm not sure (unless I'm missing something) that individual posts are flagged as "read" or "unread."

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What's this "breadcrumbs" feature? I don't see anything near the top of the page? How does it work?

Breadcrumbs are those long lists that are used on sites such as Amazon.com where there are many levels of categories and sub-categories. On this page, they are the links near the top of the page that say:


Concertina.net Discussion Forums -> Discussion Forums -> General Concertina Discussion



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:D I LOVE the new forum!! Though, I am used to this (even at my 'old' age) because I am a member of delphiforums.com and have posted over the years on the crochet boards and others. This gives me things to figure out, too -- for instance, I don't know what the difference is between 'Guided Mode' and 'Normal Mode.'


This is easier on my eyes, too, for some reason. I had trouble reading the old forum sometimes, maybe since it seems like a book page, and I don't read much because black on white (print and page) bothers me.



And, there seems to be more 'equality' of 'sides' with this type of set-up. The old board gave me this sense of the contributors making mini conquests with the posts quickly getting too stale or old, things moving in a linear way, but this type seems more 'round,' more relaxed.


I want to say something about why I use a fake name, but that will be separate.

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Paul, I appreciate your response and I appreciate all of your efforts. I'd be more than willing to give the system a chance before I am too critical except that I attend several other sites that use similar forums. I don't see that what I gain as a user outweighs what I lose. The old system was great. The 'tree' was visible to all immediately, the users/posters to a thread were visible to all immediately, the subject headings were visible to all immediately (allowing minor changes to the thread heading indicating a change of direction).


The new system is simply no longer a conversation. It does not allow me to reply *directly* to a comment (starting a sub/nested thread) nor does it allow me to see easily a reply to one of my comments, if at all.


Here is my example of why I believe the new system is inferior. The old system would allow me to reply to the user who said the old system did not indicate to him which posts he had already read. (I've forgotten who it was/ with the old system I'd still be at that comment page and would know.) That is clearly because he doesn't have his browser set up to highlight visited sites. However, this comment/reply may show up dozens of comments away from that user's comments (depending on when I post it). He may never see it and will certainly not see it without reading every comment in the thread. Bad.


It's not too late, at least I don't think it is. You are our Benevolent Benifactor, you are omnipotent. I think this new forum is a mistake.


...And *breadcrumbs*?? What!!??

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