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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Will Harmon is a writer, editor, fiddler, fiddle tutor, pie maker, mountain biker and who-knows-what-all out of Montana, USA who fiddles a lot in the Irish style. He's composed several interesting tunes along the way. Here's someone starting a set with that tune and almost riding it off the rails. 😊
  2. This one does! It's in the third post above yours.
  3. Climbers were lined 100 deep through the Death Zone on Mt. Everest a couple of years ago, and I just viewed a video of a wingsuit flyer using a jet-pack. Attempting to learn from this tutorial might be the only reasonably unique thrill for a while.
  4. The business model has changed but apparently tutoring is still possible. Click the Concertina window at this link.
  5. Go to Catskill where not only you'll get technique learning opportunities but also will be immersed in the dance and song to which the music is dedicated.
  6. Here are some permutations of support. Consensus optional.
  7. Go to YouTube and search for C/G concertina or G/D concertina.
  8. It's in the metal. In fact, I believe that's my concertina shown in #20. I recall doing that with the red circle (quite an accomplishment given my complete lack of Photoshop skills) the last time Boyds were discussed. That photo is an extract from this recent for sale post, Jay, to which I added the red circle. Here is another Wheatstone with bowing valves.
  9. A search of this site brings up these, among others. First, an advertising description of H. Boyd. Here is his name in an endplate.
  10. In the USA it would not be OK. Your Schutz/Ehret example doesn't apply because the music is approximately 300 years beyond US copyright protection. Cutting's work is under copyright protection until 95 years after his death. Read this page and the pages following it. The strict application is that you need his permission to do anything beyond playing it for your own or your friends' pleasure in a private setting. As Jim has indicated, getting his permission is the right thing to do.
  11. Play tunes every day. Play all the notes on the instrument every day. Wipe the dust off the bellows and ends with a dry soft cloth. Store it where temperature is relatively stable. Avoid leaving it in hot vehicles or in snowbanks.
  12. My guess is that it worked by sounding one set of reeds when air was drawn through them during opening of the container and the other set when air was pushed through them during closing of the container. The sound of the chords could eventually act as an alarm to detect over-consumption of biscuits—a seemingly self-defeating marketing strategy for a biscuit maker.
  13. Isn't that the renown Slide Engine and its designer playing in the first tune? Good show!
  14. Consider discussing the situation with Junior Stevens, beryl. You can hear him play Clover, Jeffries, and Ball and Beavon C/G anglos at this Button Box webpage. Scroll down to find them and click on their videos.
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