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Jack Campin

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Velum with one L usually means something rather different... as in this image search result... http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRTYiSWAeEBDCNFH8g1j1ODWR_U1x-oAS4GSFPRgxdkoYtPBkYsjKzFAw If I saw that under the fretwork I'd be inclined to leave it alone.
  2. The Lord Hood, Greenwich, every Tuesday night. Almost entirely English.
  3. Looks like the OP is a hit-and-run troll and won't be back with any more information. I'm still curious. Anybody else got the book and can post enough of the relevant theme to be recognizable?
  4. They are DIFFERENT GENRES. Not only did Mozart use different languages for each, the forms are different and so is the instrumentation. The Italian equivalent of German "lied" is "canto", not "aria". Anyway - can the OP not simply take a photo of a distinctive phrase from the music and upload it? (If the original was a concerto, my bet is that it will turn out to be the famous 6/8 finale from the horn concerto no.4, since that should transfer to the concertina reasonably well).
  5. Mozart called songs "lieder" and knew what the difference was between that form and an operatic aria. "Das Veilchen" is probably the best known, but this was one field where Haydn far outperformed him. Mozart's entire song output fits on two CDs, Naxos 8.557900-01, with 36 tracks.
  6. Mozart wrote very few songs, none of them are also concertos, and even his smallest concertos won't fit on two pages. Converse has done a bit of tacky renaming along the lines of "Lovers' Concerto" and "Symphonies for the Sixties". The melodies of Mozart's music are certainly not copyright anywhere. Just scan or photograph the main theme and upload it.
  7. Probably won't be back - we've had affordable accommodation for the last few years but we can't get anything comparable now.
  8. Not too sure of the capabilities of that thing, but maybe 18th century Scottish music might fit - as published (by the Gows among others) the arrangement usually fitted a violin in first position and a cello played in a very simple agricultural vamping style. So - left hand down to C below the bass staff up to the D above it, right hand from G below the treble staff up to B above it.
  9. Are there any recordings of Roger Quin, the tramp/busker poet/fluteplayer/concertinist of the Scottish Borders (1850-1925)? I've got a first edition copy (at work, it's for sale) of his book of poems "The Borderland" - he was good.
  10. I have a brutally compressed single-line version, fitting easily on one A4 page, in the Nine Note Tune Book on my website: http://www.campin.me.uk/ I've eliminated all repeated notation and used the ABC part construct to tell you what order to reassemble the bits in. The result is that there is much less to read or remember and you can better predict where the tricky bits are going to come.
  11. Maybe booking a few private lessons might be more effective?
  12. Is that the same Jones as the company that made the godawful sewing machines?
  13. Try https://www.flutetunes.com - simplified classical music is their main thing.
  14. Why not simply attach the file to the post? It gets stored along with the forum postings rather than on Dropbox, surely? I've done that here with David's transcription. On my (very old) machine, YouTube videos are sometimes shifted in pitch from how the uploader intended - maybe that happened this time.
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