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Alex West

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    Came late to the concertina having started with tuba. Now playing in regular Scottish and English dance music sessions. Occasionally still playing tuba with Flowers & Frolics.
    Also devoting a lot of time to restoring concertinas
  • Location
    North Ayrshire, Scotland

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  1. I spoke with Lynda Cornish yesterday. They're changing their supplier for valve leather and are sending me some samples Alex West
  2. Good to hear this Jake. I echo Mike's thoughts and look forward to seeing the finished concertina Alex West
  3. At this age, it may also have nickel reeds rather than steel reeds. Nickel reeds tend to be soft (as in quiet) and little can be done to make them louder (I am told). This can affect the value as to modern tastes, they would be similar to brass reeds in performance. Alex West
  4. I got them from a knife making supplier in the US called Jantz Supply. It was a custom order in the size I needed. I have some spare sheets; if you're interested send me a PM. Alex West
  5. I'd definitely be interested in your Dropbox link, Dana. Enjoy your retirement Alex West
  6. Ah - OK - I didn't see that Alex West
  7. Definitely not in the right position. The reed should sit just above the shoe, like it's neighbours. Be careful, but if it was playing OK before, then the likelihood is that it's just caught there due to a hair, spec of dust or the reed being a little tight in the shoe and getting stuck during playing. In which case if you take the reed pan out, take the reed out and - very gently - push the reed with a small wooden coffee stirrer, it should snap back into place. If it takes more than a very small effort, there's something else going on. If you have a thin feeler gauge, you could run that along the sides between the reed tongue and the shoe just to make sure there's nothing stuck there. Good luck! Alex West
  8. Matt I know some of the anglo concertina players in Edinburgh but there aren't many. I'm SW of Glasgow if that's any use sometime? And I can put you in touch with the Central Scotland Concertina Group if you're interested (mostly English system players) Alex West
  9. I've got enough takers now so I'll get them ordered today. I'll probably have a couple of spare sheets if anyone else is interested Alex
  10. Clive UK price would be around £35 per sheet. The quote (only valid until 30th April 2024) is $315.50 plus around $60 for postage from US plus a bit to cover UK postage at an exchange rate of 1.25. I'm not looking to make a profit on them so if they come in cheaper, I'll pass that on. I imagine that the quote would be revalidated beyond 30th April if we get interest beyond then Alex
  11. I've been searching for German silver or nickel-silver sheet to make new ends for a concertina with wrecked ends. I've been trying to get a specification of 65% Copper, 18% Nickel, 17% Zinc - at least this proportion of Nickel under advice from a respected maker. It's not proven easy to obtain and certainly not in the size and small quantity I need - 2 sheets of around 200mm square at a thickness of 20SWG - .036" or 0.914mm. There are places in the US which have this grade in 300mm squares, but to get 2 ends, I'd have to get 2 sheets and there's be a lot of waste. I found one place which has offered to do a special order of 10 sheets at 200mm square - but I only need 2 (4 at the most). Is there anyone who would need or want the remaining 6 sheets for their project(s)? Contact me and we can discuss pricing, postage and all those things if you're interested Alex West
  12. I use a marble wall tile. Flat enough and the leather doesn't seem to slip too much. I've not noticed the edge dulling, but then I strop the knife fairly regularly And like Jake, I use a saw blade, ground to a shallow profile. I've made a few in curved, straight cut and also in right and left hand angled versions Alex West
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