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Daniel Hersh

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About Daniel Hersh

  • Birthday 03/03/1956

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Playing Anglo and Crane Duet concertinas
  • Location
    near Oakland, California

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Ineluctable Opinionmaker

Ineluctable Opinionmaker (6/6)

  1. And continuing further, I have now heard from someone who told me that two people have told him that Suttner is retiring, has stopped taking new orders, and will stop making when he has completed his current order book.
  2. FYI, here's the post from Mike Acott that says Suttner is no longer making concertinas:
  3. Registration for this event is now open at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudemgqT8uGNErAjsIuCNcDZbqKA7g0M1T#/registration ! On Saturday September 7 the International Concertina Association will be hosting our second worldwide online concertina players gathering on Zoom. It will be at 7 pm UK time (2 pm eastern US, 11 am west coast US). It will be free of charge and open to everyone, not just to ICA members. Pre-registration is required! Our first one of these events, on February 10 of this year, was quite a success. Details, including photos, are at https://concertina.org/concertina-zoom-gathering-for-world-concertina-day-2024/ .
  4. Registration for this event is now open at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudemgqT8uGNErAjsIuCNcDZbqKA7g0M1T#/registration ! On Saturday September 7 the International Concertina Association will be hosting our second worldwide online concertina players gathering on Zoom. It will be at 7 pm UK time (2 pm eastern US, 11 am west coast US). It will be free of charge and open to everyone, not just to ICA members. Pre-registration is required! Our first one of these events, on February 10 of this year, was quite a success. Details, including photos, are at https://concertina.org/concertina-zoom-gathering-for-world-concertina-day-2024/ .
  5. I don't know if this pic has been posted here before. I got it from Autumn Rhodes, who says it's by the artist Imogen Speer.
  6. On Saturday September 7 the International Concertina Association will be hosting our second worldwide online concertina players gathering on Zoom. The exact time hasn't yet been set, but it's likely to be around 7 pm UK time (2 pm eastern US, 11 am west coast US). It will be free of charge and open to everyone, not just to ICA members. Pre-registration will be required. The registration link will be posted here when it's ready. Our first one of these events, on February 10 of this year, was quite a success. Details, including photos, are at https://concertina.org/concertina-zoom-gathering-for-world-concertina-day-2024/ .
  7. This might be helpful, from the ICA website: https://concertina.org/concertina-teachers
  8. This might be helpful, from the ICA website: https://concertina.org/concertina-teachers
  9. Edited to reflect that Dana Johnson [Kensington] has "gone dark". See below.
  10. I've been emailing with Maccann player Iris Bishop (one of the world's best concertina players in my opinion) about the duet concertina book she has been working on for the last few years. She has ok'ed my posting the following here, which she just posted on the Duet Concertina Workshop Facebook group: "This whole project - including the publication of the ‘Tutor & Music Anthology’ book - seems to be taking its own time! However, all elements have gradually been coming together as planned, and due to the enthusiasm, support and co-operation of players of all Duet systems, there is now enough excellent material to fill several ‘volumes’… I’m therefore currently working with a small team of editors to select and finalise the book’s content, and thus produce a great ‘resource’ ie. the sort of reference book that I would have appreciated during my Duet journey… Just to clarify, the ‘Tutor’ and ‘Anthology’ will be published together, as they support and expand on each other. I will give more details of the content when I announce the publication date. Meanwhile thank you all for your goodwill and continued patience in waiting for what I believe will be a worthwhile publication to come to fruition - it is much appreciated… Cheers! Iris B." You can hear Iris's playing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ2RBVDTQOg .
  11. I've been emailing with Iris, and she has ok'ed my posting the following which she posted on the Duet Concertina Workshop Facebook group: "This whole project - including the publication of the ‘Tutor & Music Anthology’ book - seems to be taking its own time! However, all elements have gradually been coming together as planned, and due to the enthusiasm, support and co-operation of players of all Duet systems, there is now enough excellent material to fill several ‘volumes’… I’m therefore currently working with a small team of editors to select and finalise the book’s content, and thus produce a great ‘resource’ ie. the sort of reference book that I would have appreciated during my Duet journey… Just to clarify, the ‘Tutor’ and ‘Anthology’ will be published together, as they support and expand on each other. I will give more details of the content when I announce the publication date. Meanwhile thank you all for your goodwill and continued patience in waiting for what I believe will be a worthwhile publication to come to fruition - it is much appreciated… Cheers! Iris B."
  12. I think I heard something recently about Iris's project but I can't recall the details. I can email her to ask about it if it's important to find out its current status. The Elise Hayden comes with a 50-page tutor book by William (Wim) Wakker that includes a number of arrangements. A follow-up book called "Tutor for the Wicki/Hayden Duet Concertina, Book 2" was apparently published in 2023 - I haven't seen that one myself so I don't know if it fits within the range of the Elise or assumes the reader has a larger Hayden. There are at least two old Crane tutors available online as PDFs that include some arrangements: http://www.concertina.com/crane-duet/Wilton-Bulstrode-Crane-Tutor.pdf and https://www.concertina.info/tina.faq/images/Salvation_Army_Tutor_For_Triumph_Concertina_2nd_ed.pdf . I don't know as much about the Maccann world, but there are a number of online resources listed at http://www.concertina.com/maccann-duet/index.htm . I didn't use any of these myself, though. I play Crane (and played Hayden before that) but am self-taught on both. I already played Anglo concertina, piano accordion and piano and had some knowledge of music theory before I tried out any duet systems, and that helped quite a bit.
  13. Here it is (yes, I know it's upside down) with a Wheatstone label but no visible serial number. Listing is at https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395387419637 . Is anyone familiar with these?
  14. Edited to show that Kensington will not accept any new orders.
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