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Lawrence Reeves

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Everything posted by Lawrence Reeves

  1. As John, Wexford mentioned with regards to Irish Set Dances, the figures have a known number of bars. A good source for bar counts, are dance sites such as DanceMinder.com. and Mabula.net. These sites will have all of the common Set Dances listed, including number of figures, bars per figure, and tune type most common. The bar count includes the 8 bars for nothing that the dancers use to establish tempo, and the figure ends on the last note played. To make things flow for the dancers as mentioned, a good band watches for the change during a figure. Figures fall into the categories of Tops ( 1st tops have back to the band, 2nd tops are facing the band) and Sides ( the other 2 couples ), and a follow the leader type of figure where one couple at a time is active, mimicking what happened by the previous couple. Sets like the Connemara Reel Set, and the Merchant Set follow this scheme. A challenging set to play is the Ballyvourney Jig Set. It is set to Slides, and all 5 figures run straight into each other, so that the only 8 for nothing is at the beginning.If playing for set dances, I find it helpful to watch a video of the set to see where the lift to the dancers calls for new tunes. It is both fun and helpful to learn to dance some of these sets. It took a long time for me to decide to give it a go on the floor vs the stage, but really enjoy dancing for the past 8 or so years.
  2. Can you see the reed pan? there is a very snug fitting leather gasket holding it in place. reaching a finger into the center hole should free it with minor effort. What part of the world are you in? If you fear damage, please reach out to someone close to assist. I am in central North Carolina and would be happy to help.
  3. Playing in F, or at least tunes that are centered in F seems very achievable on a C/G, or using the G fingering on a Bb/F. The lust for the F/ C Dipper is more about the low voice of it. Tunes take on a completely different texture down in those haunting big reeds. Although I don't have a concertina in F/ C, I enjoy playing my Suttner Bb / F, or Jeffries Ab / Eb every chance I can.
  4. Imagine the tuning nightmare with that many reeds and valves.
  5. Back in Ennis again. Consairtín 2019 kicks off today at 2:30, and yes an extra day of workshops / concerts / and sessions have been added this year. Each year this wonderful festival has grown in large numbers. The town of Ennis offers everything needed for an event of this size. The organization for the festival by Tim Collins, Áine Hensey very impressive. Each year, with the help of their team ensures that Consairtín runs like a clock. No matter if your first time attending or a regular, you are made welcome and informed of all events. This year in addition to the extra day, I am happy to see the inclusion of visitors from around the world included on the programme. Always nice to see the concertina and other players from around the world to gather and share their love of this crazy instrument, and immerse themselves into the music of Ireland. Clare is the Mecca for concertinas in Ireland, and the music will go on until the late hours every night. So, if you have never been to Consairtín, put it on your calendar for 2020. Always the weekend after Easter. See you in Ennis.
  6. Latin Percussion makes a few different grade of Bongo Bag. They are well built, and have room to add more padding if desired, also airline carryon sized. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LP533--latin-percussion-ultra-tek-touring-series-bongo-bag?mrkgcl=28&mrkgadid=3281157627&rkg_id=0&product_id=LP533&campaigntype=shopping&campaign=aaShopping - Core - Drums & Percussion&adgroup=Drums & Percussion - Drum & Percussion Accessories&placement=google&adpos=1o1&creative=203982059428&device=c&matchtype=&network=s&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2OKKysOx4QIVxSaGCh2rcgsoEAQYASABEgIYq_D_BwE
  7. The camera bag is pretty standard. Assuming one can actually find a specialty camera shop anymore. I just returned from playing a festival this weekend. I have a double case made by Greg Jowaisas that I have owned for at least ten years. it fits in the overhead bin on all airplanes. I trust the camera bag idea, but prefer a hard case to protect my instruments. There are a number of case makers out there for the creation of a hard case.If you choose to have a hard case built, consider a small pocket to hold accessories. Mine holds phone chargers, 3 nested shot glasses, and a preamp for my microphones. With any case I suggest a tracker like Tile to always know where your instruments are, and I also keep a Humiditrak in my case, linked to an app on my phone. It tells me temperature and humidity in the case.
  8. If you are looking at new makers just order one in the A/ E tuning. If you find a vintage concertina in Ab / Eb old or high pitch it would already be 50% the way to A/ E. G/D boxes are also way to come by, but from a playing Irish Trad with others not going to be session friendly. If there is an uilleann piper in your area, see what chanter or set options they have for flat sets. Fiddles can tune tune down as low as Bb, but B and C are more common for pipes ( in my opinion ).
  9. I have both auxiliary keyed concertinas. I can play most D, and Em tunes down a step, same for Bm, but when tunes from G to F really depends on the tune. I prefer the Bb / F for a C session, to make sure all patterns and ornaments the same as my C/G. Same for concert flute, having the lower keyed instrument makes it a really easy change. There is a definite sweetness to the lower pitched boxes. My Ab / Eb is a joy to play, but a few things to consider. If you are a soloist the audience can enjoy the new keys being played, as opposed to the repetitive choices. If you are playing in a group or session what is the most likely for other instruments to tune to. I guess, it is more common to find low pitched Irish sessions in C, or B. So Bb /F and A / E might be a good choice.
  10. The best part of the tree, is to see what he has been working on. I also suspect he sells every one posted. Who is to say there may not be Valentine's Day Tree, or St Patrick's Day Tree, or even an Easter Tree. My tree is only Three high this year. An Ab/Eb Jeffries purchased from Concertina Santa along with an A2 Bb / F Suttner, and an A4C /G Ebony Suttner that Santa tunes. Two of the three in 1/5 comma mean tune. Santa is the best, and only person I trust with my instruments. Rarely is there a period of 24 hours that one of them isn't in my hands.
  11. To be totally honest I don't know an ideal. I put the humidifier in the case during winter months, In my room the humidity is often 18-26%, my case goal is above 30%.
  12. I just received a new device for tracking humidity inside the case. D'Addario Humiditrak. It connects via bluetooth to a smart phone, sends an alert when humidity goes above or below the limits I set. Does the same for temperature, and impact. It is tiny and lives in the case either attached with velcro, or a small provided clip. Because my cases have accessory pockets, I just placed it loose in there. I also purchased the small instrument humidifier to live in the case. Any humidifier is fine, but I needed another anyway. In addition to this bluetooth accessory I use a Tile tracker. On the odd chance I become separated from my case I can find it on the app, and even ring the device with an alert from the phone.
  13. I think we should consider the youngest players get Lachenals, or Wheatstones, Jones, etc to start on. There are good new makes available. Suttner, 7 Mount, and Claro are very popular. Barleycorn and others trade in several high quality vintage every month for sure. The other thing to consider is that almost every teacher has a lead on new and quality vintage to put into young hands. Brokers in Ireland, both popular and cottage industries come up with the goods when asked.
  14. Ab / Eb is a lovely thing for an Irish Bb session.
  15. So, who is around for the Trad fest? would be a perfect week to connect and have a tune and pint. Went last year, and have to say a wonderful time to be in Clare with a festival of and by musicians. We had 4 from my local session over, and think we are all back this year.
  16. I use this company. http://www.musicins.com For me the appraisals were easy, specially because a scanned page from Suttner's website with current price is easy to get the agent.
  17. Susan, based on one thing you mentioned, I think the following. Go to Feakle Festival and work with Mary MacNamara. It is only 3 days, but in a place that is peaceful and the tunes at a pace that are magical. Mary teaches an adult class. After or before consider ringing a few teachers around Clare for a private lesson or 2 or 3. By the time you add up accommodations and airfare plus the modest tuition at most Irish workshops, you would only spend the same or maybe 10 percent more than the Catskills. Once in the southwest of Ireland you could arrange lessons to be intensive as you mentioned you enjoy, take in the relaxed nature of the Feakle festival, and the way Mary teaches.
  18. Looking forward to picking it up in person at Consairtín next month. Thank you so much for offering your download as FLAC instead of low resolution. I am in the home audio industry, and know that with the right DAC and associated gear the improved resolution matters.
  19. If only I had photoshop skills. classic concertina player LP covers enhanced.
  20. To be honest, I can't stop listening to this recording. I picked it up in Ennis during the Tradfest, and have been playing it on afternoon walks on earbuds. Sounds amazing. His ability to capture the perfect balance of concertina and accompaniment, as well as microphone choice and placement to capture the concertina in a room is impeccable. On my main audio system, the sense of depth and soundstage are even better. His choice of tunes, and concertinas in various keys make it a very listenable album from start to finish. Mrs Crotty's and the Ballygriffin Hornpipes my favorite track currently.
  21. I currently use the AKG C 516. I have 2 sets, and 2 of the small B29L transformer preamps. I also have micro XLR to XLR adaptors to send a separate left and right channel to the board if a "real" sound system used. Most of my performances use C/G anglo and flute. However, if a small festival stage time ( 1 hr ), and I use both C/G and Bb/ F, I use 1 set of mics and one preamp to the board. The AKGs slip out of the mounts quickly to change to the other concertina. The spare mounts can be purchased from an AKG dealer. Two mics on boom stands approach might sound better, but the feedback issue, and the sitting in a very locked in position keep me from doing it live. The other thing is I always have a vocal mic in front of me to play flute/ whistle. The 3 stands start looking odd, and crowded. If 2 mics, a pair AKG C 1000s work well for concertina. A small head shell changes the shape of the pick up pattern, and allows to get great results with a concertina or melodeon. Someone asked if I thought good microphones were too expensive, and wanted a budget idea. I told them, I have 10k worth of instruments to perform with, should I spend at least enough to make them sound their best? My mic kit for concertina is about 700 dollars. Well worth it to know what I will sound like to an audience.
  22. http://www.daft.ie/clare/houses-for-sale/lisdoonvarna/poulnagun-lisdoonvarna-clare-1314243/
  23. 3 blank stares. A post from Consairtín 2016. No, I am not angry, just not smiling. Myself with Colin Sheehan, and Henrik Müller in Faffa's bar for the Tom Carey memorial session.
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