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Everything posted by mathhag

  1. So spinning wheels , looms and such are transported by a Fiber Equipment railroad of spinners. I have done it
  2. I will definitely look at these excercises. TY
  3. Thank you all for your input. Lots of great insights and suggestions. Pretty sure I do have my head bent way too much. A little more information is that my Dr , who is fabulous and a DO (lots of training for this type of problem) did a very thorough physical exam and ruled out Carpal Tunnel. He also determined that it is not in The Central Nervous system. We are both thinking it is in my cervical spine. I have had multiple injuries that put me at risk of a problem there. My husband went through a similar problem , that was misdiagnosed as Carpal Tunnel. He eventually had a disk in his neck replaced that stopped progression but did not relieve the numbness in his hands and feet. Good news is my MRI has been approved.
  4. So I have just recently developed numb tingling fingers. My doctor and I are pursuing a diagnosis, hopefully with an MRI. however it is making concertina playing quite unenjoyable. Although my finger tips are numbing I must be pressing harder be I am not getting feedback. Then they start to hurt Anyone out there experience this and have insight or suggestions so I can play. At this point after about half hour I am done for
  5. Greetings i have a very good friend and professional musician friend who would like to add a concertina to his musical talents. He is not sure what type he would like to play. I will lend him my Anglo Jay but wonder if there is any one in Maine that could let him try out the other types. let me know’ susan
  6. I would like to thank you publicly for the help you gave me on cleaning up ABC notation for my needs. It works really well and I started exploring doing more then i saw the option you have for making the PDF of the music with the note names. This is really perfect for me.
  7. What a wonderful way to start my day! Just glorious
  8. So I also do something like this but when necessary I cheat a little. I use Transcribe+ which is the app for iPads and import the tune then if I am having trouble figuring out a part by ear I send the tune to T TE tuner app which does all kinds of things. What I do with it is have the tune play and while the screen is telling me the note I run a screen video that I send back into Transcribe+. Now I can slow it down and figure out the pesky notes that were eluding me and can even transcribe the ABC if needed.
  9. So how do we access them if we already own the book?
  10. Here is the simplest form T: The Jingle Bells R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |: BB B2 | BB B2 | Bd GA | B4 |cc c>c | cB B>B |[1 BA AB | A2 d2 😐 9[2 dd cA | G2- G2 || DB AG | D2- DD/D/ | DB AG | E2- EE/E/ | Ec BA | F2- FA/A/ | dd c/B/A | B2- BG | DB AG | D2- D2 | DB AG | E2- E2 | Ec BA | dd/d/ d^c/d/ | ed c/B/A | G2- G2 |] But actually if you can send me the dots I can translate it. I don’t read music well enough to play from it Please don’t spend too much energy on it unless it interest you. Many Thanks , Susan
  11. That was great! Would you be willing to share the ABC notation on that
  12. So I don’t believe I ever posted my Dipper but now that the family has grown I will show you both. I have had The Dipper a little over 4 years. It was built in 1981. It is 5 1/2 inches across the flats and weighs 1025 grams. It is a glorious instrument in almost every way. But I had a few concerns. First I worried about traveling with it and I worried about the excessive dryness in my house in the winter even with a humidifier. I have been fascinated by what Edward Jay has done with his 3D printed instruments. So I got my new instrument from him this week. It is 6 1/2 inches across the flats and weighs 1187 grams. I am very happy with it. It plays easily and sounds great. Since I am not great player you should visit has website to hear professionals playing it. Makes a great second instrument for me.
  13. I do not know who purchased them. Would love to know what keys they were in
  14. So I watched the auction. Here are the results Connor £1050 Dipper £5000 Wheatstone £1500 Jeffries £2400 Also 27.5% VAT Packing and shipping to US ~150
  15. Thanks. somehow I had missed those posts.
  16. This may be out there. Like many places it has been hot so I brought a fan into my practice area. Somehow that makes my concertina sound weird especially the high notes. I even checked that I was still in tune . It is almost like everything is a little tinny. When I turn the fan off it stops. I think this probably has an acoustical explanation. Just wondering about it
  17. Can some one point me to basic understanding of the ABT tabs? I use simple ABC notation but this is interesting.
  18. So I started to play concertina when I was almost 67. I had never played an instrument. Could not read music and still can’t. Have no ear But I try to play everyday and it brings me joy Recently another woman who is taking Caitlin’s online classes posted that she started at 90
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