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What Other Hobbies Do You Have


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I wonder if Wim Wakker could make a moble midi concertina for commuters that would fit on the steering wheel.

Never mind the wheel; replace it with the concertina. ;)


A special design with a special switch: Switched one way it turns the bellows rigid, so that the concertina can be used like handlebars for steering. Switched the other way -- preferably not while the car is moving :o -- it becomes flexible, so that you can play the instrument.


Obviously, it would need to be connected to the steering column, so there would be no need for knees or neck straps to support it. :lol:

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Fun topic; I'm surprised that there are no home brewers, especially among our UK and PNW members. No better fun than bringing the wort to a rolling boil then settling back to play for an hour or so whilst the brew bubbles away, just waiting for the hops to go in...

I believe I'll have a pint now, come to think of it! :P

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Fun topic; I'm surprised that there are no home brewers, especially among our UK and PNW members. No better fun than bringing the wort to a rolling boil then settling back to play for an hour or so whilst the brew bubbles away, just waiting for the hops to go in...

I believe I'll have a pint now, come to think of it! :P

I have been brewing for far longer than I have been playing the concertina. They're both very wonderful hobbies, although too much of the home brew does tend to affect the quality of the music. I believe a good hobby should distract you totally from the normal stresses of the job and a hectic family life. Playing football, gardening, wood carving and of course the concertina all do the job nicely. A pint or two of home brew works pretty well too.

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That's the ticket! I do find that one pint might loosen the knuckles for freer playing, two reminds me of all those tunes that I thought I'd forgotten, three says that it's time to take a break and let someone else make the music.

Brew on, friend, and may your knuckles never cause you pain. :)

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Well I used to have a "hobby", in the form of a music shop, but I gave that up on Saturday. So now I can get on with my "work", or is that my "hobby", which is which ?
llewi od ekans gnimarch dan yellb adgni osla gnirael retho gnals chus sa gnimir sa llew tub ton gnalscab

llantrisant sia yelvol cepal dog selb mrs lemay .best wishes dick miles

Nåh, Dick, din baglæns stavemåde er ret dårligere lige end når du skriver "almindeligt". :o


Jeg håber du ved, at posten du har svaret er næsten 2 år gammel, men faktisk har Stephen ikke posteret her på Concertina.net siden d. 2. november sidst. Mon svarer ham? :unsure:

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llewi od ekans gnimarch dan yellb adgni osla gnirael retho gnals chus sa gnimir sa llew tub ton gnalscab llantrisant sia yelvol cepal dog selb mrs lemay .best wishes dick miles

Congratulations Dick. At least you are now separating the words with a space!! :)

Next step is to place a space behind a punctuation mark instead of before a punctuation mark. ;)

Instructions on capitals will follow after your punctuation degree :lol:

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New to the concertina, so it's not quite a hobby yet. I seem to have the collector gene, which has mostly manifested itself through antique duck decoys. I've been playing the whistle for several yrs and seem to have accumulated about 30 of them. The old ones are less playable and more interesting. I've been interested in concertina for a yr and seem to have acquired 4 of them. I suppose following the lead of several other comments, I work out 3-4 times a week, take care of the yard, occaisionally biking & kayaking, 12-15 hrs a week commuting on a train listening to ITM on earphones and reading mostly crime fiction, although I never think of these things as hobbies. Also involved in local govt (land use & finance boards)

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Hobbies/obsessions: Bonsai was, but you have to tend them and that takes time away from obsession #1 concertina. I've given away all but 6.


Gardening, oh yes. Evans/Armstong/Wadkins were bred for it. Short , low to the ground, strong backs, weak minds. All we need to start burrowing behavior is the smell of the spring earth.


Water gardening, a new hobby. Can be a bit nasty, but the fish and frog are fun to watch until the herrons and racoons arrive :( .


Fixing up the cottage, It's fun and Dominique and I have remodled our kitchen together and are still married. Actually a lovely experience.


Horses: I love being a groom for my daughter's eqitation lessons. I gave up riding in my 20's but love being around the beasts.


All of this revolves around my obsessions, concertinas (maybe banjo) an communing with like minded souls in the persuit of music making. Cnet...I'm an addict.


Life is very good for this roly-poly concertina player!

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How do you balance your other hobbies/pastimes/life with playing music?

I sometimes feel that it gets a little or even a lot *unbalanced* at times.

Do you have a formula for keeping things on track?


But really I would love to know what the rest of you out there do...


If you have several different hobbies how do you fit them all in. I have great difficulty with this and I want to know your secrets :ph34r:




It is apparent from this discussion that musicians dont just sit around in front of the television. I wonder if its nervous energy that musicians have, and/or just an innate curiosity and creativity.


I enjoy gardening and growing fruit trees; the harvest, the sight and smell of stacked apples in a bushel basket, and the colors of of mason jars with freshly canned fruit. I love our chickens, they are stupid to the point of endearment. I like visiting my piece of wooded land in the middle of now-where in northern Wisconsin; almost worthless, but I like it there. I like cooking; freshly baked bread is awesome, rhubarb pie is the best desert. I love my wife, she's great, she morally supports my many interests. She reads, I cant sit still.


I don't keep things well-balanced. I just enjoy them when I feel like it. I always have many irons in the fire.

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