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felix castro

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About felix castro

  • Birthday 12/31/1970

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  • Interests
    My interests are traditional and folk music, mainly galician, in all its ways, books, scores, photographs, 78 rpm old discs.
    I play diatonic accordion, angloconcertina, and galician bagpipes in the closed fingering ancient style.
    Other interests are martial arts, mainly taekwondo and haidong gumdo (the way of the korean sword), old books, including antique grimoires and esoteric books, travelling, etc.
  • Location
    ourense - galiza - spain

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Sorry, perhaps the last video is out of topic as it is played with bagpipes.
  2. Some tunes played in Folk Canarias Festival (december 2023).
  3. Sorry for the delay in answering. Again you are very wellcome for your kind comments. We haven't any international travel planned, wbut we are opened to offers, by now we haven't any spanish nor international management. If somebody has any suggestion or information, we shall be very pleased and grateful. We are recording our 2nd cd, probably it would be released in summer. I shall upload more video recordings. thanks a lot Félix Castro
  4. Nice and wonderful playing, it sounds very interesting, and with scores, it is a temptation to try to learn it.
  5. Thankyou very much for you kind posts. The first muiñeira played was included on Anglo International, playing with my C/G Lachenal, thanks to Alan and Graham, etc. O repimpin arrangment is also included in that CD. We play in the group mainly in Eb, G sharp, B flat , C minor ... (concertina in Csharp / G sharp), for better matching with B flat bagpipes (although I can't play concertina, melodeon and pipes at the same time!). We are now recording our second CD, i shall put more live recordings links soon. Félix
  6. Hello all, how are you? we have uploaded some videos more of my/our group Tor, "celtic" folk music from Galicia - Spain, that I shall put under this topic if they are interesting for you. The first of them is a full live video recording of the concert that we played in Salamanca on january 2024, in the Casa Lis Museum of Art Noveau and Art Deco. For better sounding please use headphones for hearing the double bass, etc. o a good ampli. Although the mainly repertoire is galician, we play usually some tunes from Portugal, Vasque Country (in this time not recorded) and from Castille-Leon, this one with a three holes flute made with a bulture bone which is typical from Salamanca, Zamora, etc. (in minute 47). All the best Felix Castro
  7. I think that it is a hand muff, but at first sight it seems a concertina. Perhaps a concertina hand muff? Félix
  8. Yes, I waited for 4 years, when I ordered my 38 buttons Suttner 22 years ago, the year 2000. I received it the 2004. The true thing is that the time passes sooner than expected, although a watcher pot never boils. (in spanish, el que espera, desespera, the one who waits despair). When passed two years, 24 months, I was happy thinking that I would have the concertina soon. Before reading again well the web page and assumed that was 48 months, 4 years. (confusing the 24 hours a day and the 12 months a year).
  9. Hello all, I shall include some links to youtube of videos playing concertina the past 22th of october, our galician celtictrad group Tor plaied at Eibar (the Basque Country). We are Cástor Castro (bouzouki and flutes), Álvaro Iglesias, (doublebass), Xosé Liz (bouzouki), Félix Castro angloconcertina), melodeon, and galician bagpipes). Two great musicians and friends, Pancho Álvarez (fiddle), and Ángel Iglesias (banjo), joined us in several tunes. And Lucía e David dancing, and the members of the galician traditional group Os Galaicos from Eibar. There are four videos about that concert. I shall put only the links in which the concertina is played. There also another videos with melodeon if somebody are interested in it, please tell me to upload the link too if you want. This video is of one Fandango and one Arin Arin learned from the great vasque musicians Juan Arriola e Arkaitz Mine, fiddle players. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw_FXcxAOcU
  10. Hello, I have just purchased the same model the last week using a second hand online spanish platform, wallapop. I bought it from a circus and theater family. She bought it in the 80s and she toured with it for twenty years along the world. I find it a good instrument for its price, playing reasonably well for its age and for its quality. As you say it was made before the instruments production moved to the China, etc. Surely other members can you give more information.
  11. Thankyou very much for all your kind posts. We are very glad of being able of playing with our new group in such difficult times.
  12. About levitinas, as David says, I own one of them, but not the third, mine is the fourth one, before my instrument, Emmanuel made another one for an irish man, I don't know his name. My levitina is very similar to the levitina that owns David Fabre, but only with 30 buttons. I ordered it thinking that I would wait for it for two or three years as David waited, but he made it in much less time, less than a half a year. Emmanuel only allowed me to put 30 buttons in it. Surely the extra buttons in the levitinas of David and Bertram Levy made them more difficult to build. As in David's case, my levitina is also underplaied, but I hope in the future to do more things with it. All the best and a happy new year.
  13. Hello, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The galician group TOR made the Xmas concert of the Vigo University from Galicia - Spain. You can see the concert in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUu0OC8iLmQ&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0IWlnYqO-ZGMju1uuUKeVB1z4ixrflSLFzO0c08qKkpEWD5bc6kxwqwAw Tor are Félix Castro, bagpipes, anglo concertina and diatonic accordion, Cástor Castro wooden flute and bouzouki, Álvaro Iglesias doublebass, and Xosé Liz bouzouki. Félix
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