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Everything posted by Kautilya

  1. This is all Greek to me - and I play golf left-handed and tennis right-handed but I am not ambidextrous. Geoff Crabb had the answer at Bradfield. He repaired a concertina sent from some remote outpost overseas . He sent it back with the bill and the owner came back saying what had the master done to his treasured instrument which he had learnt on his own and which was now unplayable. In fact it arrived with the handles the 'wrong' way round and Geoff had put them where they were 'supposed' to be - but the owner had never played it that way from the beginning............
  2. Al MORE BOMBARDE, ORGAN AND VOICE - to replace organ with concertina? http://www.coop-breizh.fr/telechargement-5...recherche=46256 Below the sales and price icons there is a list of extracts for listening. First few notes of No. 1 sounds v familiar but what? I have tracked down the Breton lyrics to No. 5. Kantik Sant Erwan K
  3. STE_058.mp3 yeeeess. lovely trilling at the end
  4. Great playing and great composition. I wish I had three hands too (or is it six fingers to each hand?) Ian Alan - is there any track record for Plain Chant music on or accompanied by the concertina/melodeon/accordion? Would you be ready to try at Bradfield? Perhaps some potential (with voice as well as instruments) as per Te Deum amongst the following items under bombarde (reeded flute) et orgue (organ) http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type...+orgue&aq=f K Alan - looks suspiciously like you playing the black box here! Lovely music,many thanks for the link When I was with Rosbif I played a bit of Bombard ,but I know of no Concertina /Bombard playing. If I get time today I will post a little bit of Mel Stevens playing French Bagpipes ,Hurdy Gurdy,Cello Viola playing a slow march from Morvan called"Les Filles de Mon Pays.A lovely tune I am happy to have a go at any music at Bradfield, but I normally need time to learn the tune and make an arrangement for it.I rarely read music,so I doubt if what I play will be inspiring. Al ok, let's play it by ear metaphorically and acoustically........arriving late afternoon Friday K
  5. Great playing and great composition. I wish I had three hands too (or is it six fingers to each hand?) Ian Alan - is there any track record for Plain Chant music on or accompanied by the concertina/melodeon/accordion? Would you be ready to try at Bradfield? Perhaps some potential (with voice as well as instruments) as per Te Deum amongst the following items under bombarde (reeded flute) et orgue (organ) http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type...+orgue&aq=f K Alan - looks suspiciously like you playing the black box here!
  6. Great playing and great composition. I wish I had three hands too (or is it six fingers to each hand?) Ian Alan - is there any track record for Plain Chant music on or accompanied by the concertina/melodeon/accordion? Would you be ready to try at Bradfield? Perhaps some potential (with voice as well as instruments) as per Te Deum amongst the following items under bombarde (reeded flute) et orgue (organ) http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type...+orgue&aq=f K
  7. Yep, that was the real auction - and very well it did too! £6850!! And I thought the prices of concertinas were getting dafter. Steve Has to be a scam - that duct tape around the bass strap is identical.........
  8. SOME LONDON SONGS/TOONS?"Wouldnt it be luvverly" for one maybe and luvverly also perhaps if you had a massed C.NETconcertina band at your feet for you to conduct (when u are wont) or for support (harmonic support during playing as well as filling In the silencess during your wrist-rest-finger-breaks) at appropriate moments? Apart from Eliza's luvverly song you could also have some Covent Garden oompah 'getting married in the morning', a Nightingale sang in Berkley Square or if that is too far then Goodbye Piccaddilly farewell...Leicester Square with free travel from the Underground! London's Burning might be tempting fate but you could tip your main residence to your plinth home for an hour with "I Live in Trafalgar Square" by C.W. Murphy or "It Could Be You" by Blur ('Will you be there...Trafalgar Square') and if you get overhead bird trouble and Ken is not there to zap them, you could try "King of Birds" by R.E.M. (refers to Trafalgar Square) and to get the crowd singing, "Trafalgar Square" by Charles Deane, an old music hall number, or "I'm One Of The Whitehall Warriors" by Phil Park; and in case there is low cloud "A Foggy Day in London Town" by George and Ira Gershwin, and if you are really heavy handed "The Masher King of Piccadilly" by Richard Corney Grain or on a lighter note "Men About Town" by Noel Coward ('As we stroll down Piccadilly in the bright morning air') and for anticipated dwinkies afterwards "No More" by Noel Coward ('No more binges at the Piccadilly; Cafe Royal and Ritz, goodbye') But above all make sure you went before you go on the plinth - "The Piccadilly Trot" by George Arthurs and Worton Davis Full list of loads of others some with music at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_about_London Sounds (and surely will be) great! congrats!
  9. SPECIALIST WOOD supplier? I believe there is a specialist wood supplier (e.g. African blackwood for flutes etc) somewhere on the A1 around Catterick - anyone know the name...? Was told but can't recall.
  10. REED WAX FOR SALE Finally found this again in UK http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Accordion-Reed-Wax-S...%3A1|240%3A1318 and they sell many other bits.
  11. Listen from 4'30" YouTube - Kathleen Ferrier ~ What is life & Art thou troubled 9 min - 4 Nov 2007 - recorded in 1946 ~ Kathleen Ferrier ~ much beloved English Contralto ~ born on April 22, 1912, in Lancashire UK and died October 8th 1953. Two ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypePP1ENcmw
  12. The reed plates won't seal against bare wood, you will need to fit a gasket before screwing the plates down. Leather is commonly used but there are modern alternatives. Reed blocks for screwed in reeds are made of hardwood, waxed in reeds are generally on softwood blocks; if your blocks are softwood be cautious of over tightening the screws. Righteeho tks for tightening tip. I had wondered about leaking and though of using plumber's tape which is thin thin and seals gas and water joints tho i hear masking tape can do the same business and easier to cut and place than leather. I will have to learn the difference hardwoods and soft woods as I only know lignum vitae and MFI pine == from one extreme to the other! tks
  13. ACCORDION WAX AND OR SCREWS I am facing the same problem but thanks for the lower note about the source of spares which I had lost and failing to refind on the Web...old problem!. But as I only have a few dropped out reeds rattling around in an old accordion with the rest looking secure I may try screws which I have seen mentioned somewhere and of course a few screws in the pocket anyway might be a good temporary solution if one was on the run and could not carry a pot of wax around. It basically said something like: Instead of wax (and much quicker and despite being slightly unorthodox)6-8mm common sphere head wood screws can be used at each end of each reed metal reed frame to fix them tightly. A washer on the screw can also help the screw sit even more securely as it 'hooks' more onto the frame to hold it in place. It suggested that if the screw holes are made discreetly then they can be easily filled in and covered by waxing later on if it is a question of restoring to the "original" factory wax setup.
  14. 'Cept Concertinapol working on the G/C Octaves keeps spotting the real crims and kettle-squeezes them into a black ebony ended square pot from which there is no escape!
  15. Ken Coles WEBCAST from the Service? Amongst the discussion about everyone playing the Three Musketeers at the same time as at the service I wondered if some of those at the service might be able to link a webcam to a webcast so that people around the world could simultaneously play along as those physically present also play? Or maybe someone already suggested.
  16. Thanks, I will bookmark the Wheatstone site for future use. I did get my new thumb straps and they are back onto my little concertinia. SO MUCH BETTER! I am really glad I took the time and had them replaced. Thanks to all who replied to my inquiry. Now back to practicing! Pam Straps and ergoGnomics is there perhaps something useful here? http://www.concertina.net/learning.html
  17. Nearly right ,it is organised by Chris Shaw. Al Whoops! Tks - Shaw not Gibb - my sexdlyxia with the email gigcb!
  18. I've found the George Inn session to be friendly to beginners whilst producing some brilliant music. A winning combination as far as I'm concerned! However, I still sit by the hurdy gurdies - so only I can hear what I'm playing See you there. Is it OK to go just to listen? I am far, far, far too shy a beginner to play in public but I am very keen to listen to others who can. So, can I just turn up to enjoy the noise others make? you should surely take your box everywhere -- just in case -- or it seems u will be condemned to pinging a triangle or jangling a bell -- as it seems are punters who come 'just to listen'.
  19. After a little reserarch is that this pub? Apparently the George Inn is London's only (17thC) surviving coaching inn with a gallery and perhaps Pepys might have played his flageolet there when not at his regular. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&a...amp;safe=images It seems it is "organised" by Chris Gibb (http://www.gigcb.com/onbouge.php) from 20.00 hours to 2300 and I am told that apart from some star concertina players on high class Wheatstones and Jeffries and some poor people with cheapos, there are also hurdy gurdies, bagpipes, melodeons, accordions, fiddles, guitars, recorders, bodhrans, bells, tambourines, tin whistles, saxophones, clarinets, harmonicas and even humans singing in French, Breton and English as well as some sea shanty singers? For the mix, it apparently all depends on who turns up with what from triangle to mandolin and it seems that noodlers are very welcome too - sounds like real democratic fusion and great fun. Because of the French connection it is apparently "entree gratuite"..... Apparently there is also easy parking right next to it as it is after 18.30 Must investigate for Monday April 6th unless I get concertina-napped in Frittenden on Saturday April 4 At the Bell & Jorrocks 10.30 to 12.00am Concertina rendezvous with Alan Day http://frittendenfestival.com/wp-content/u...enden-flier.pdf
  20. 2 weeks ago Bonhams in London had an auction with around 8 concertinas - including a Jeffries duet, Wheatstone English metal ended treble, and a large McCann duet (if I recall correctly). Steve With a bit of fiddling under sales and then date 'up to March 11' you should get that auction of musical instruments and then try concertina in the search box. (it is still there unlike ebay! - but Bonhams do not always show specific item but a generic photo.............usually a cluster of metal ended superdoopers e.g. http://www.bonhams.com/cgi-bin/public.sh/p...SaleSectionNo=1 Here is url with some photos for April 9 Oxford auction (hopefully it works) http://www.bonhams.com/cgi-bin/public.sh/p...SaleSectionNo=1
  21. INVISIBLE SCAMS These alerts* are very useful but often the item is no longer there so one cannot see what it was all about and you don't know what to look out for if it pops up again. Did anyone come up with an easy way to copy and paste the item (and with photo even) into the forum so as in this case(today) and in six months it is possible to see what it was. I asked about this some time back but maybe missed the answer. rgds * Rating: 0 View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts post Today, 12:00 AM Post #1 Heavyweight Boxer ***** Group: Members Posts: 1291 Joined: 29-August 03 From: Toronto, Canada Member No.: 207 Here. There is at least one more. It's an obvious scam. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wheatstone-3-row-Ang...A1%7C240%3A1318
  22. Sounds like you are a brilliant player compared with my useless efforts. On the right hand, to disguise my incompetence, I keep stum to begin with while I listen to the mob and pick out individual notes which repeat as the tune goes along. I discreetly find a matching one on my box and when the mob plays that note I hit the one button. easy squeezy! On the left hand I listen to the tune with my three fingers on a potential chord (see various tutor books for list of chord fingering). Once I have found a chord which matches the experts, when it next comes I press the threee buttons and bingo I look and sound as though I am in the swing and I get to practice chords for free... It particularly fools the audience, even more so if you occasioanlly hold your ear down to the box (as recommened elsewhere) to show how sophisticated and sensitive you are in merging and meshing with the group particularly when it comes to the finale and you have nailed a three-button chord which you resonate out in tune with the experts' final flourishes! I am getting quite good at the only three chords I know and the virtuoso element (for the punters in the audience)is taken caren of as I "apparently" fling my box around and move my fingers So I get to make enough noise to hear myself without upsetting the squeeze cart:P
  23. Zoom H2 Digital Recorder It may be worth looking (we did a lot of research) at the following very small mike unit which needs no mains and records direct to SD card (as in camera say up to 4GB which is several hours hiqual), so recording can be downloaded later straight into the computer for editing. The H2 model for some reason has more options than the H4 which have never understood. As H2 has four mikes for 360 degree sound (sound bouncing off certain walls can improve or worsen the overall recording effect quality) as well as uni-directional possibilties. It is good for closeup work and it can be used with groups and in halls etc etc (stick it in the middle) and is used by some professional musicians (including flute and hurdy gurdy and fiddle and pipe groups with folk singers ) to record concerts for later CD sales. Our is used mainly for radio broadcast (recording presenter's input at 'this' end direct to the computer via USB cable from the H2 -- instead of using the SD card) while computer then pulls in other remote voices/sounds via Skype etc. for recording. H2 is not cheap but nor is the slightly smaller Sony electret condenser professional stereo mike (it does not record like H2, only picks up sound) which has 360 and 90 degree pickup as well as full and reduced sensitivity if you want to cut out other noises near you (like tapping feet!) is still a benchmark after 20 years or more - I think the latest configuration is ECM-MS957 and it costs from 140 to 230 quid depending on .... Even the older model (which is good for life so secondhand can be interesting) cost about 90 quid a decade ago. I dont have that model number to hand. H2 prices today 1. Zoom H2 Digital Recorder Amazon.co.uk Save on Zoom H2 Digital Recorders, Buy a Zoom H2 Digital Recorder Now! 2. Zoom H2 Recorder £159.99 PlanetGizmo.co.uk Free 4GB Card and Case Free UK Delivery. Extended Warranty 3. Zoom H2 www.dv247.com Stop Comparing! We Price Beat. Great Prices Service, Fast Delivery Search Results 1. Shopping results for zoom h2 microphone Zoom H2 Handy Portable Stereo Recorder £76.95 - NEW VISTA SALES Zoom H-2 Portable Digital Recorder £159.00 - GAK (Guitar Amp ... Zoom H2 Handy Portable Stereo Recorder £90.63 - solodeals.com
  24. SCAMS EBAY ID THEFT AND PSEUDONYMS See link below for just happened ID theft and other similar. It is also indicates why pseudonyms may be useful for making like difficult for scamsters. I cannot find the CNET link for the discussion on pseudonyms about a month ago -- I thought it too complicated to rehearse all the security argumenets in favour -- but my comments would have been similar to some of those in this link below. BTW there are a number of bike patrol policemen who are members of the my-mc forum so they are not unaware of what crooks get up to -- and can still be victims. http://www.my-mc.com/messages/13427/112060.html?1235126678
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