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Everything posted by SIMON GABRIELOW

  1. Has there ever been half a beat? Or similar? I have heard of 1/4 time!!?
  2. John Wexford ( concertina.net) comment is good fun yes they are difficult time indeed!! But more seriously.. The 5/4 rhythm is also interesting to consider ( Holst's Mars theme) of planet suite is, I believe in that unusual measure!
  3. I maybe am not the one to give advice here; I. But to say, I have only had 2 concertinas ( Anglo) and neither cost thousands to buy.. but I would say keep playing your recent purchase, it sounds great, in description. Bellows can be stiff to begin with, and it is true they are all individual 'living' musical instruments.. having character; concertinas that is.. even my own beloved one needed working in at first, and needs attention now and again with use; but get to know it, and you never know, you could become best friends soon enough!
  4. Yes, cheerfulness is something the world needs at the moment! And whatever happens sometimes you can always disappear into a more creative zone, at least I find, and that's what is good about free reed family of instruments; there is always something different and new to add.. and less restricting in the technique, as it has never really being standardised, like say perhaps with guitar or piano, to having to do things only one method. I know I have caused interest myself with my different way of holding the concertina I use; with all fingers inside straps, [very loosely and virtually falling out of them in appearance]but it works for me! I also use my [controversial choice Hohner brand] as a 'means to an end' that is to hear sound on, neutrally as to origin, or play and write them much as someone might sitting a keyboard, to get the sense of an idea, or even play them over to hear them come to life on a page. So I don't do it traditionally, in a way, they should therefore work on any instrument [ even a tin whistle]!
  5. What a jolly piece of music ; Berry Hill, very cheerful, and hypnotic tune. I felt I may bounce around the room for the rest of the day, listening to its merry sound!
  6. I have always had a fascination with nature, trees, and scenery generally. Trees, to me, can develop such personality; almost human like characteristics.. they can be tall, elegant, sturdy, portly, literally 'willowy' and beautiful too. There's a particular beech tree by a lake which inspired me many times, and still does, but that is another story. The subject here is rather tragic sprig of wooden wonder, at least what remains of it. I took it as subject for a pictorial painted study originally about seven years back now; hollow, burned out by flames, charred interior, there it stood for a while the 'Ash tree' now hollow, a husk of bark remained. It's gone long back now; but it set me thinking the other day, and I set this tune to the thought; "Ash tree - hollow".. I call it; it's really for any solo instrument; in this case my concertina suits it quite nicely. I added a very pronounced echo to give a mysterious 'haunted' feel to the audio track, and put in a few images too, of the tree itself. The music is very slow, with held notes, and attempts a yearning mysterious sound. [Music written March 2022] .. film visuals; 2015.
  7. Poor thing [concertina].. may be on its way to that great musical palace in the sky? Reminds me of trying to clean up my rusting chrome surfaced bicycle wheel!
  8. Yes., I can see that it is all in one, in a way [ almost in one piece].. Stick with the idea as I am sure a cabinet maker will know how to refit everything; they will possibly enjoy the challenge.. Or [just a thought now] maybe you can find an existing concertina that is useable only for spares and have it refitted [use parts]? There could even be second hand instrument that is useable solely for its cabinet box as it were that could be salvaged to adapt and use? Even a boxy one [ not much cost say online sale]? that already has the shape in its structure to be useable, minus its reeds? Literally then you could have a ready made already complete box to refit with reeds! Just an unconventional suggestion for you; others may have better ideas.
  9. The Concentric is a complete little work with a mildly melodic twist here and there as it goes on. It requires a steady tempo [with rubato here and there to emphasise notes]. It takes care to play and there's no pauses in it [ throughout] so it has a few challenges particularly in use of bellows [on a concertina].. It goes on its way continuously on a rising and falling, curving, journey about with sudden surprises with the appearance., briefly, of mischievous accidentals appearing, and the like, to then end complete, whole, and is thus "Concentric". [Music composed, written/ filmed; March 2022].
  10. Your cabinet maker friend should be able to figure out the finer details of how to make ends [ if prefer wooden parts].. the buttons will need to fit through just right, I find the simple nickel metal ends on my own [hohner] brand concertina are convenient because when I need to open it to service mechanism, it is carefully unscrewed firstly, and then easier to repeatedly screw down again, as it doesn't wear down with use].. I have made a few fine decorative veneered boxes myself, over the years, [one to put my own concertina inside]..however others on here [concertina net] may have even more technical advice than I can give. I have attached photo of my own beloved concertina. I don't say it's the perfect representation of an instrument; but like your own it's been cherished for 23 years now. It shows a thin metal face plate, and how it is attached to the wooden frame [with bellow just below].. all un-screwable as well [so it can be service easily]. Don't know if it helps guide you? There's certainly many other types available to consider; but could help you see how bits can fit together [partly at least]?
  11. Just adding a thought here reading about the topic of fingers; the truth is the joy of free reed instruments is that thee has never really being [at least I believe] a fixed one size fits all approach to how to do things! Unlike say piano, or maybe violin, guitar or even flute, there's so many possibilities and personal approaches to playing them, ad so many different kinds to choose from! My own way of playing frustrates some purists, but it works for me [example I put my whole hand through straps] with thumb inside too! ] But that works also for me at least. I have found all kinds of almost contortions of finger position, or sliding over the edge of a finger to reach a note; again it works possibly only for myself regardless. Find out your own way; with a bit of good hints form others when desired and you will be fine!
  12. I love the look of that concertina; it is obviously well loved and used; it has 'Character' and personality! I've never heard of that make before actually; and didn't realise that bellows and other bits were sometimes glued together, making access difficult. my own concertina [sold under Hohner name in 1999] gets a lot of use, and thankfully is easily opened to service, which now and again is needed if say a reed buzzes, or a button slips. But it has a separate nickel type face plate screwed in separately making this easier for me. Maybe you could get a separately specially made section created, so that it can be serviced in similar manner, being then easy to open for any servicing required. I do not see that with a bit of care in finding right material, metal sheeting, or even fine wood thin panelling [veneered even] that this should be too difficult? to make a useable face plate that could be screwed into place. See if you can find a good craftsman somewhere [cabinet maker] you never know !
  13. I don't know what make of concertina you own, but would advise you get someone with experience to operate on it; at least until you have experience in the matter yourself. If the you could maybe watch how they adjust the repair work, by watching, you will probably pick up new tips on technique at the same time [in how to adjust mechanism safely]. My own instrument [Hohner brand] Steel [Accordion type reeds]. When new I had sometimes technical issues as it began to be used for first ever time by myself. Once a reed ceased sounding, and I found the flap/ valve just needed releasing [the instrument opened up was enough to do this] and it worked again. There's many things can happen with them; and you may find best to use it and see if it begins to 'settle' down, as you play it.. otherwise; have someone experienced do the job for you!
  14. That's just like one someone brought round to my home years ago; exactly the same model! Two row Anglo system, quite boxy, but solidly made. I moved on from two row model myself years ago, however I remember opening up my own similar model [with more wooden vanished casing not painted red]. to see how it worked inside, at that time. Incidentally, it was a red coloured one like in this picture which someone came round to pass onto me, many years ago, I eventually gave it to a man that ran a second hand warehouse place in York; and he was absolutely delighted with it!
  15. Sound tone can sometimes be affected by environmental conditions; damp room or weather outdoors, dry atmosphere maybe..possibly central heating; who knows.. but I would say don't tamper too much as things may adjust themselves in time on their own. I myself have the steel reeds, and sometimes they may mildly buzz but I find that they settle down with use.
  16. I wonder if like when a tight rope walker uses arms out to balance, as to whether the supposed possibly idle fingers mentioned in this post, may not be so much as ' idle' as being still important in helping to balance the tendons in fact as instrument is played . Just a thought!
  17. Enjoyed listening to that "Salve Regina".. nice to hear the melody line alone; and interesting to see the older style music manuscript notation too. Music suits a concertina very well.
  18. Adding to my previous interest..If that poor concertina has the wire springs on it ( levers) I would also possibly find them useful too.
  19. I don't know what button size or type is, but I like to keep spare buttons for my ( 1999) purchased Hohner brand concertina ( c and g set up.. but buttons could be useful for me Could not give much money as finances not marvellous. If buttons are the small white stud type? May be useful to me.. I Would need idea of size of buttons ( measurement and images). I keep part spares for my own uses and these you tell me about I could find useful at least. Let me know.
  20. I do not like myself to diagnose by description; but having once many years ago ( back in 1999) a new concertina( Hohner brand) It had issues when new for a while, and with patience, over time and with use the issues gradually reduced; I know yours is a different make altogether; Maybe,, however, with it being new, it likewise needs using and will soon adapt to your own touch over time? And crackling effect you detect hopefully loosen up? I hope it does for you.
  21. It occurred to me recently how ones inspiration to make music is often aided, and indeed, boosted by edible things!( A good beverage too)! I often take to bight upon a red strawberry lace, before my afternoon is done and also.. I am apt to enjoy a good strong percolated coffee too, with the supplement of, perhaps, a marzipan bar, sliced to taste, and find my musical thoughts greatly increased by the savouring of it! I do not believe it's all to with caffeine, so much as a way of relaxing, and there we go. I know Bach wrote a "Coffee Cantata".. I wonder if any of Forum members find inspiration flows from a good food, or beverage ( none alcoholic).. What do you think? 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  22. One of my own books on music theory I have often read is one that dates from early 20th century; and belonged to a lovely old lady called Loui Buckle! ( A delightful and tiny little soul much like a mini Queen Victoria in her appearance; but more cheerful).. I was passed on her music book.. A real old style type printed music theory book; yet very nice to read and understand! I needed only the basics, key signatures, intervals, some theory and mixed it with practice too.. so got going that way mainly!
  23. What an unusual and unexpected topic link on here; I would never have thought of myself! Yes, it is amazing how well [preserved] that ship appears to be! Is there suggestion a concertina is on board somewhere? If so the leather bellows may have long since dissolved; at least I believe? I wonder how it would sound under water ?
  24. I enjoy the architectural designing of writing music in itself, and the graphic qualities of all the notes; it's like a sort of cipher, calligraphy, or alien language when one begins learning to read even basic musical notation. When I began attempting to read music, and later on write some of my own, [ that was years ago now].. it was the thrill of suddenly realising one could understand something of what all those black stemmed symbols actually meant. Anyway, here's an up-to-date tune I wrote down first time 9 march 2022; It seemed to be straightforward, to begin with, with an odd part modulation in it, part way through, before almost settling down to end where it began. But it is a 'reliable'.. friendly, comfortable melody, pleasing, and hence its title.!! [The Reliable].
  25. I think it is quite often the case that people can become tensed up when trying a new skill out; musical or anything else for that matter. This tension can be physical too, the tendons on your hands rigid, and overall nervousness make things more apparent. I have said it before on forum I know but enjoyment is an important element in learning a skill; relax and your body will adopt a better posture, hands and fingers free up, and playing improve with practice. I cannot give advice in holding concertina as I am known for holding my own concertina straps in very unconventional manner! with whole hand through! including thumb [Anglo system]. But my hands are freer in movement and never tense up as a result. Really get going with your music and enjoy it, relax, and it will show in your musicianship!
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