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Wheatstone Memorial Mornington Crescent Game 2007

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I know a number have been waiting for this with baited breath, but February has now arrived and it gives me great pleasure to start the annual Wheatstone Memorial Mornington Crescent game for 2007. As I won the last game I have the privilege of proposing the ruleset and making the first move. After that it's every player for him or herself.


So, as many of the forum members who read this will not be familar with the Great Game I propose something simple in the shape of the Waverley Rules of 1707, modified in honour of Charles Wheatstone with the Gloucestershire Huckleback. This states that diagonal play is only valid below the line if a call of knip has previously been made.


So let play commence with:-

Bromley By Bow


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How clever of you to start out East.

Thank you. One of the things I particularly enjoyed about the last game was the gentlemanly and polite sportsmanship displayed by all players. I have good cause to hope that this year's game will be characterised by the same ... er ... characteristics.



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Keeping things classical, and not wishing to risk anything overly diagonal at this stage, I shall play


Crutched Friars


I understand your thinking. Though the "Fratres Cruciferi" settled in London in 1249, well before the Waverley Rules of 1707 and they gave their name to the locality, near Monument, still called "Crutched Friars", I wonder whether this is a legal move. Humph?



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...Wheatstone Memorial Mornington Crescent game for 2007...

So let play commence with:-

Bromley By Bow



How clever of you to start out East.

As this is a memorial game I play -





As I understand it the Thames wasn't very wide then and one could cross by a sand-bank over to






Edited by fidjit
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Keeping things classical, and not wishing to risk anything overly diagonal at this stage, I shall play


Crutched Friars


I understand your thinking. Though the "Fratres Cruciferi" settled in London in 1249, well before the Waverley Rules of 1707 and they gave their name to the locality, near Monument, still called "Crutched Friars", I wonder whether this is a legal move. Humph?



In my defence, I don't think predating 1707 is a problem, as Monument does that. Of course I do realise mediaeval is a bit extreme. But I was playing it as a half-way house between between Tower Hill (mediaeval) and Fenchurch Street (Victorian), and I thought that might just get me in the zone.

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Keeping things classical, and not wishing to risk anything overly diagonal at this stage, I shall play


Crutched Friars

The start of this game caught me somewhat on the hop. I can only find a 2010 Underground Map, so hope that I don't play on a station which has not yet been built! :blink:


Trying to make some sense of the early strategy, I'll play:







PS - good luck to all players (and spectators) for a good, clean contest.

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As a nonparticipant, I can only hope one of you players completes the tribute by, at some juncture, crossing the Wheatstone Bridge. Just where is it located, anyway?

Ha! If you were playing, I would claim a Penalty! You should have known it doesn't exist any more, it was concertinaed in the early part of last century.

I play Bank and gain the £200 transit prize.

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Since a bridge has been called for and I believe the time-bar has been passed on this move I call

London Bridge - neatly allowing our trans-Atlantic participants the opportunity to plunge in at this point.


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Since a bridge has been called for and I believe the time-bar has been passed on this move I call

London Bridge - neatly allowing our trans-Atlantic participants the opportunity to plunge in at this point.


Since they seem a bit slow off the mark I think we shall make a little diversion to the station named after a rather famous concertina player (in fact my great great great Aunt Rebecca thrice removed) from the early 20th century - Tooting Bec.

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...Wheatstone Memorial Mornington Crescent game for 2007...

So let play commence with:-

Bromley By Bow



How clever of you to start out East.

As this is a memorial game I play -






Yes indeed Chris a fine starting point. I've just realized the implications involved with the memorial year. (I think you knew I would probably get this one) However I think it's too early in the game to end it all now so how about this. As we have been Fording and Bridging. I'll play






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Since a bridge has been called for and I believe the time-bar has been passed on this move I call

London Bridge - neatly allowing our trans-Atlantic participants the opportunity to plunge in at this point.


Hah! At last Samantha breaks her silence! Proving (as I suspect we always thought) that she is a player to match any of us.


Anyway, Wes has finessed Lordship Lane, which if am not mistaken permits me to call semi-knip and one free roll of the dice. And ... it's double seven, so I go straight to -


Old Kent Road


(Thinks: that should have lost 'em).



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Anyway, Wes has finessed Lordship Lane, which if am not mistaken permits me to call semi-knip and one free roll of the dice. And ... it's double seven, so I go straight to -


Old Kent Road


(Thinks: that should have lost 'em).


Monopoly tactics Chris? Old-fashioned and a bit risky these days, as you can get banged up for a mere cartel under new laws.

Anyway, it gives me an excuse to get into the West End and keep up the concertina connection with


Charing Cross Road

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Old Kent Road


(Thinks: that should have lost 'em).

You think that the tuna fish put us off the scent?


I'll invoke the Maccann - Chidley conversion, and play:





I should just add, for anyone sitting on the sidelines, observing and wondering, "come on in, the water's lovely".

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