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Early C. Jeffries Concertina


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hello everybody,

thinking about selling my Jeffries concertina i decided to choose concertina.net!

why? I do not try to sell anything, without a honest and detailed description of what YOU get!

Therefor i need to know:

What do i have?????

Exactly that is the point, not knowing exactly what i´m offering:


Sure, everybody wants to pay a low price for his personal favorite......;-)

Maybe, nevertheless ANYBODY will help with details about my C. Jeffries Maker Concertina!

See my posted offert on buy/sell page.

Thanks for interest (and help)


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Hope you don't mind, I thought I'd put a link in to your picture:-




The key (pardon the pun) detail that people will need is the home keys of the instrument. There are a number of possibilities, and they will affect the value. For instance, here is the layout of my own 38 button Jeffries, in my case a G/D (it's quite high resolution, sorry about that):-




You will see that on the right hand side, middle row, the button 2nd from the left plays G on the push, and that the equivalent button on the inner row plays D on the push. That's what makes it a G/D. If you can work out what the same buttons on your concertina play then we can give you a much better idea of its possible value.



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The concertina looks to be in reasonably decent shape. Its value will in large depend in exactly how good a shape it is and what key it is in. If you mention where you live, perhaps an experienced C-netter is around and they could evaluate it for you. Another thought is you might go through the Button Box (if you are in the USA) or Barleycorne Concertinas (if in Great Britian). Both are run by really good guys and they will make sure the instrument is restored to tip top shape and get it into the hands of someone who can really appreciate it. Sigh, i would love a good 38 button Jefferies... Need to start saving ;).




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The concertina looks to be in reasonably decent shape. Its value will in large depend in exactly how good a shape it is and what key it is in. If you mention where you live, perhaps an experienced C-netter is around and they could evaluate it for you. Another thought is you might go through the Button Box (if you are in the USA) or Barleycorne Concertinas (if in Great Britian). Both are run by really good guys and they will make sure the instrument is restored to tip top shape and get it into the hands of someone who can really appreciate it. Sigh, i would love a good 38 button Jefferies... Need to start saving ;).







Instrument is located in germany. maybe you have an idea, who can help in my country?!

thanks for helping


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on the left side you can see, glue was used to repair!?


maker or repair stamp?!


maker close-up


the reeds


i found out that some buttons on the left side cause sloping tones.

is it possible this is a Crabb & Son, made for Jeffries???

i try to find out on monday what key is it (hopefully)

lid of box unfortunately is torn off.....;-(


thanks to anybody helping



Edited by christian
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Try Jurgen Suttner: http://www.suttnerconcertinas.com/ .





The concertina looks to be in reasonably decent shape. Its value will in large depend in exactly how good a shape it is and what key it is in. If you mention where you live, perhaps an experienced C-netter is around and they could evaluate it for you. Another thought is you might go through the Button Box (if you are in the USA) or Barleycorne Concertinas (if in Great Britian). Both are run by really good guys and they will make sure the instrument is restored to tip top shape and get it into the hands of someone who can really appreciate it. Sigh, i would love a good 38 button Jefferies... Need to start saving ;).







Instrument is located in germany. maybe you have an idea, who can help in my country?!

thanks for helping


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Instrument is located in germany. maybe you have an idea, who can help in my country?!

Where in Germany?

Jürgen Suttner has already been mentioned; he's in Siegen.

There are also Mario Klieman in Bielefeld and Jochen Riemer in Wasserburg (see more information here), each of whom knows others. Mario in particular has many contacts throughout Germany, from the concertina weekends he has organized.

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hello everybody,

first i like to say thanks to many people helping with details.

second, i have to tell you that i sold this instrument.

i´m pending the money in a few day.

thanks for interest and help.

i will keep my eyes open for conertinas........;-)

again, thanks Cnet to give the possibility




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hello everybody,

thinking about selling my Jeffries concertina i decided to choose concertina.net!

why? I do not try to sell anything, without a honest and detailed description of what YOU get!

Therefor i need to know:

What do i have?????

Exactly that is the point, not knowing exactly what i´m offering:


Sure, everybody wants to pay a low price for his personal favorite......;-)

Maybe, nevertheless ANYBODY will help with details about my C. Jeffries Maker Concertina!

See my posted offert on buy/sell page.

Thanks for interest (and help)



instrument is sold, i´m pending the money :rolleyes:

thanks for interest and lots of helping mails.

best regards from germany


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hello everybody,

first i like to say thanks to many people helping with details.

second, i have to tell you that i sold this instrument.

i´m pending the money in a few day.

thanks for interest and help.

i will keep my eyes open for conertinas........;-)

again, thanks Cnet to give the possibility





A great way to show your thanks would be to send the requested fee to Paul Schwartz via Paypal. He spends a lot of money keeping this site going, and that is what makes these honest (we hope) transactions possible.


Ken Coles

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hello everybody,

first i like to say thanks to many people helping with details.

second, i have to tell you that i sold this instrument.

i´m pending the money in a few day.

thanks for interest and help.

i will keep my eyes open for conertinas........;-)

again, thanks Cnet to give the possibility





A great way to show your thanks would be to send the requested fee to Paul Schwartz via Paypal. He spends a lot of money keeping this site going, and that is what makes these honest (we hope) transactions possible.


Ken Coles


thanks ken,

this is, what i promised to paul already.

and i will NOT forget.

have a nice day.......;-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to add a follow-up to this thread, rather overdue as I've been away from home.


I was the lucky chap to whom Christian sold this concertina. It duly arrived and is just as Christian described it. Having had a chance to examine it thoroughly, the ends, action and reeds are clearly all C Jeffries, from around the 1890 period. The only part of the concertina I'm not convinced is original are the bellows... There is an internal ink-stamp - H Crabb and Sons - which (if my memory serves) would be from post 1912. I suspect the bellows are Crabb replacements - the depth of fold, green bellows papers and hinges suggest this.


I am obviously delighted with the instrument - only fine-tuning, pads, valves and 'tweaking' necessary.

Christian and I became firm friends over this - can you imagine the stress of sending all that cash to a swiss bank account, then just waiting...! He kept reassuring me, and was as good as his word throughout.


Christian comes across antiques and instruments from time to time, and I promised him I would leave this message in case he should ever find himself offering a similarly valuable item on Cnet or eslewhere on the internet. Christian, I found to be utterly trustworthy and a delightful person to deal with. Anyone who ever wishes can contact me for verification. Incidentally, I have found out I am not the first Cnet member who has had the pleasure of dealing with him. Thanks Christian and thanks Cnet (and Paul!)

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