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klaus guhl

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  1. The concertina is sold.
  2. I bought in june 2005 from at german shop and always played it indoor. It´s in an excellent condition and ready to play. If you want I sell it with some sheet music (Kimber etc). There is also a case. The price I payed was 2.130,- Euro (incl. transport and case) Andrew Norman delivery is 22 month and the price for a Jubilee is now (week british pound) about 1.600,- Euro (without transport and case, I suppose). My asked price is: 1.300,- Euro (with case) (But feel free to make me your offer) Please send an e-mail to klaus-guhl@foni.net
  3. I got an answer meanwhile, thank you.
  4. I sent you a pn, asked for the price but got no answer.
  5. klaus guhl

    E Bay

    Where is it on ebay? Can not find the link. I am interested because I want to sell my norman next year, when my Suttner is ready
  6. What Concertina is Edel Fox playing? I mean the maker of her concertina. And there are some funny things on both sides of her concertina. Why?
  7. If someone likes to try: I am selling my northumbrian 11 key smallpipe.
  8. If you are not succesful here you may ask at KLINGENTHAL whether they can build you one. They are not exensive and very kind. I play a 20 button double reed C/G with a substituted C#/Bb. Try under http://www.akkordeon-schau-manufaktur.de/
  9. I play a silvetta and it has a big sound.There are some tunes published here. Cheers Klaus
  10. Klaus, I think that when you created your "link" you filled in the blanks in the wrong order. Did you mean look here? Sorry, I was in hurry. Thanks, Jim
  11. "Songs the whalemen sang" Gale Huntington http://www.smithsonianglobalsound.org/cont...aspx?itemid=138 are songs of the sea too.
  12. No, Dirge. It ´s a note programm and abc is a only one way to use it, if you want. Otherwise not. I never did any lessons with abc, because it seems complicated. With this programm musedit you may use abc with copy and paste. You copy the abc stuff and paste it into the programm and then -real magic-- you will see notes!
  13. Try "Musedit". You can use ABC, Midi, save as graphic. It has notes, tabs and words. You can convert all the tunes for mandolin, guitar, keyboard etc. It´s really great.
  14. Brian if you know what ABC means this http://concertina.datenbrei.de/?ABC-Musik/ABC-Musikst%FCcke will help. Even in german you will find a lot of links to tune compatible for two rows. Trial and error. Easier wil be this http://home.allgaeu.org/kwenger/konzertina/ and look here http://home.allgaeu.org/kwenger/konzertina/
  15. I bought it and it was a good help to get one step further.
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