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Free Reed Records

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I'm not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask, but I think if there's anybody who might know it'd be you guys. 

Does anyone know if Free Reed Records is still active, or have you purchased anything form them lately? I ordered a few things, and the only confirmation I received was from the third-party company that handles the payment. I've tried emailing a few different addresses I found on the website, but have had no response. There's a phone number to call, but I'm currently working in a place where phone service is ...complicated. 

If anyone has any insight, I'd really appreciate it. 

Thank you!

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Delivery to Antarctica?

No, delivery to the states. The cds were a present to myself for when I get home next month. 


Terrible to hear about Neil's health, I hope he's doing alright.

Does anyone have any alternative suggestions of where to obtain Free Reed products?

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