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Posted (edited)

That's as close as I get. Opera is Lucia. I'm the husband to be Lucia doesn't want :( . Lucia is actually Dominique and we were married. The company had a real sense of humor.


There I did it...Lederhosen, me in the 5th grade.

Edited by Mark Evans

Stangely I did notice the concertina in Mary Poppins the first time that I saw it (long before I even thought of playing one), and the reason that I noticed it was that it was obviously not the source of the sound track.

I think that this is just another aspect of the "Nit-picker" mentality brought on by being a railway enthusiast. There are so many films with unbelievably wrong trains in. If you did the same with cars you would have Ford Escorts driving past in the background of Jack the Ripper!


Robin Madge


I'm not looking to reignite the 'I saw a concertina in film X' discussion, which has reared its head a few times in the past, but this thread prompted me to mention this. I was watching a short bit of 'Pennies from Heaven' (Steve Martin - 1981). This section happened to be in a music shop. In one or two shots there was a concertina on the shop counter. The reason I mention this particularly is it was an English. All the other concertinas that I have seen Hollywood actors pretend to play have been cheap looking German boxes. Although this wasn't played and was just a prop, it looked to be a reasonable quality, wooden ended, 48 button job.

I'm not looking to reignite the 'I saw a concertina in film X' discussion, which has reared its head a few times in the past, but this thread prompted me to mention this. ...


Yes, the archived thread I have, from the old forum system, no less, and posting it is on the to do list (really!). There were easily a couple of dozen movies in it. We are in finals week, so maybe my work load will lighten soon...


(he says, hopefully)



Mark, thanks for being such a good sport.


I have enjoyed joshing you. Just got back to this site. I have been going through major house emergencies - still going on- and my enjoyment of your lederhosen predicament has been enormous. Excuse me, let me be clear. The enjoyment was enormous. You are not enormous.


Thanks and cheers,

Helen :)


I enjoyed being joshed :) . Hope your home emergency is not too serious. I listen to every creak and moan this cottage makes frearing something could go wrong. Worst so far was a water heater (that was bad enough).


I still ain't wearin' no lederhosen noway, nohow! :ph34r:

Now a kilt is a different matter :P !  For the record, I am not a traditionalist...drafts don't agree wid me lassie!


I've spent the bank holiday weekend alternately drinking and thinking about your post above, but I still can't work it out.


What were you doing with a dog up your kilt?!? :lol:




Derek, thinkin' an' drinkin' (my hope is that it was a fine quaility single malt) has brought forth genius! I've been tryin' to come up with a title for a reel I've been trying to create. It is now to be called "Dog Up Yer Kilt".


For the record, I was so concerned about that kilt I wore two pair of undergarments. The staging called for me to be involved in some business right down front by the orchestra pit. During one of the rehearsals, a chap in the woodwind section pulled out his camera and grinned. There was no choice but to make sure on opening night that my shortcomings remain a secret...relatively speaking. :ph34r:


Glad I could be of help, Mark.


For the record, being the 1st of May and the beginning of Summer, it was large quantities of foaming English Ale! (interspersed with Sloe Gin and Navy Rum for the singing voice). :rolleyes:




NB Please reply quietly, the head is still not quite the ticket! B)


Sloe gin? God in heaven man! My first and last encounter with said devils elixir ended at 3:00 in the am with a woman beating me and her husband about the head and shoulders with a long handled broom...and over a few songs :( .


In my defense, I was young.


I will think quite thoughts for you today ;) .


It's become something of a tradition among my morris freinds. On day tours and the like, there is always quite a selection of home made sloe gin (also damson gin and even one time raspberry vodka!) usually offered in those smaller plastic bottles you get "lilt" in.


It certainly eases the throat for singing, but I'm not so sure about the effect on concertina playing. I tend to give up rather early in the day on these occaisions! :blink:




Awfully glad it is the beginning of summer for you, Derek.


We had snow and hail on Monday. Now, Cleveland usually does not have cold weather at this time of year. We had two bad snowstorms in April. Both of them gave me serious home repairs.


I am SO READY for summer. Hey, I'd settle for spring.



Now, Cleveland usually does not have cold weather at this time of year.

Meanwhile we have been experiencing unseasonably warm weather (I am *not* a warm weather person!) :ph34r:


Hope you're home repairs are processing quickly and inexpensively!



Morgana B)

Awfully glad it is the beginning of summer for you, Derek.


We had snow and hail on Monday. Now, Cleveland usually does not have cold weather at this time of year. We had two bad snowstorms in April.  Both of them gave me serious home repairs.


I am SO READY for summer. Hey, I'd settle for spring.



The first of May is the beginning of Summer in England, no matter WHAT the prevailling weather conditions are at the time! That being said, we had a beautiful warm day with plenty of sunshine.



The first of May is the beginning of Summer in England, no matter WHAT the prevailling weather conditions are at the time!

Huh? :unsure: May 1 was last Sunday!

I thought this year England's summer was scheduled for a Tuesday. :ph34r: :D

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