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  • Birthday 11/03/1967

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    British motorcycles and cars, antiques,and pottery
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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Well, this particular evil little tomcat has an interesting way of expressing disapproval....if he lives, I'll be more careful around him from now on. I'll open it up and see what's what in there. It seems better today, so maybe things aren't totally dire... Funny, I thought they were for making music! Nice to see that elitism isn't dead on this board! I wonder why I don't visit more....
  2. Okay, so my @#$*& cat pee'd on my Jackie...(stop that laughing, all of you!)...I've wiped the exterior woodwork with a damp cloth, and though the soft case took the brunt, it still smells "not so fresh" on the push. I can't imagine that anything was actually projected into the works, but probably took on the odor due to contact with the wetted bag's end. Is there any "approved" method of cleaning a concertina? I'm airing it out, but WHOOOO! any advice would be appreciated. (Braces himself for the inevitable ridicule and derision at being so careless).
  3. I love your Work! I'd love to see one of these as a life-size mural in a school music room, or other worthwhile venue! Keep posting!
  4. COOL! It matches my 1967 Memphis Les Paul copy!
  5. Then I guess it applies to me!! I'm the worst concertina player I've ever met!
  6. Are you saying that concertina playing causes Aids???? Long time no see! (Speak, Type, Whatever...)
  7. Also off topic, you're right, she is! And a very talented young woman as well!
  8. So, it was a comedy, then???
  9. Why it's cricket for hooligans, of course!
  10. Alan's right....a nice lie down, a cold compress, and think of baseball statistics....
  11. When my wife expressed her approval at the idea, I shaved my head (not much loss up there anyway, and too young for a combover) but drew the line at losing my beard. I just don't feel properly dressed w/o a beard and glasses!
  12. My wife and her mom have a doll and children's clothes knitting business, and they LOVED the crocheted cover! That's very original and exremely well executed! You must be very creative!
  13. You could incorporate drawstrings into the ends, and make it even more weather-proof...for an additional charge, the customer could have one made with a small hole to fish the cable through for use of a MIDI concertina.... Q: what's a MIDI concertina cable made of??? A: Concertina wire, of course! (That was just for you, Jim!)
  14. Well, I sure didn't at the time! I'm glad I could plant the seed of an idea for you!
  15. Wendy: Have you considered other materials? I absolutely DESPISE ponchos, despite their practicality...You could use rip-stop nylon for light summer rains, and the "natural" alpaca wools, etc are both warm and waterproof if left unbleached (which strips the lanolin)...,most of the better knitting stores here carry it, and it would be cool for Christmas caroling! I have a knit cap in alpaca, and it is extremely warm and waterproof! I can see a budding niche industry forming!
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