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Everything posted by Laitch

  1. Hey Repth That's one righteous piece of hardware! You're a lucky guy. Be sure to tack a copy of this to your wall for inspiration. http://www.ep.tc/intunewithfun/
  2. Hey Repth Congratulations! If that Gabanelli's in good shape, you've got a box that will build your upper body strength besides make any kind of music you want. You should find a teacher but until you do this site might be useful. http://www.thecipher.com/chromatic-accordion-cipher.html Listen to Boozoo Chavez play one of those. Good luck.
  3. Hey Repth Some of the sound clips on this page are GCF tuned accordions. http://www.karlitoswayaccordions.com/sound-bites.htm They're a different brand than the Panther you're buying but you'll get an idea of what some people can get out of a GCF box.
  4. Thanks, Jody. I'm especially interested in the song automatically translated as "the early morning & digests your sauerkraut." Here's a link direct to "j'ai un nouveau chapeau" http://ia300106.us.archive.org/1/items/030...hapeau_64kb.mp3 The lyrics are written in French here. http://www.archive.org/details/030902chapeau
  5. I'm so disappointed. I was about to email Ms. Breathsnatch to ask if she liked long walks in the mountains, sunsets, canoeing, and debauchery. Now, I really don't want to know. Really! I feel so used. How will I be able to trust again?
  6. Thanks, Peter, for the reminder, and thanks, Leo and Lester, for the tunes and information. Your experience is your experience, Jim, and your lack of knowledge is the result of your avoiding teaching yourself about some of the unpleasant major events and methods that shape the course of nations. In that, you probably have more company than just some Americans.
  7. Hi Juliette Was your beautiful tune composed by Claude Thomain?
  8. Jim To us rednecks, home is where the neck is.
  9. In the USA, National Headache Awareness Week is also in June. http://www.headaches.org/consumer/eventsindex.html Joint membership in the sponsoring committees may be available at discount.
  10. Congratulations, Alan, on your not violating any laws of God or government, at least when viewed from Denmark! I'll bet that's a relief.
  11. Jim The "unibody" advertising campaign might have disappeared but the concept, undoubtedly improved in application, remains in practice. Most of today's cars are built with unibody constuction. The exceptions are heavy duty trucks and some "luxury" cars. Your experience probably was from Ford's notorious front suspension geometry and components applied to the lightweight Falcon, or wheel alignment/balance problems too.
  12. Wes Billy Joes must a bin mitey lonesum wen he went an rit that storey 'bout "Datin' Yer Concertina."
  13. I knew a girl who started a celtic/klezmer band with four guys. She named it "Sheela na gig and the Stone Yonis."
  14. Maybe this is the one: http://vintage-reprints.com/catalog/produc...oducts_id=10903
  15. Hey Dick I was referring to how he was doing the fingering patterns---not the rhythm. Didn't mean to get you all riled up. When lilt has been threatened, a shot of Redbreast can help.
  16. From your opening post and then the link you posted, Alan, I figure that the setting you posted is the one that your group is learning. Right now, it doesn't matter whether the rest of the world accepts that setting, only that the people you're playing with do. If it differs from another setting you already know, you're now on your way to learning two settings. It's a pretty straight forward tune for the concertina, that setting of "Maggie in the Woods." You'll be able to access all the notes in that setting relatively smoothly on a 30 button C/G or 20 button, once you loosen up a little. If I were learning by ear from that midi, I'd try to find the original ABC file then delete the chords so I could focus on the notes. When you've hit the wall in a tune, don't be a slave to concertina methods, helpful as they can be. Look around. Make your fingers submit to your ideas even though you haven't published a concertina tutor book, yet. Are you trying to play most of the tune in the G row or are you stepping outside the "home" row? If you're playing a two-row C/G, search among the two rows for a simpler method to do any of the "little note" phrases. If yours is a three row C/G, then using a note from the accidental row also may give you an easier time. For example, some of the ways the B/A/G/A phrases can be played are: 1) using the B on the C row then getting the rest of them from the G row; 2) all on the C row; 3) all on the G row, and/or; 4) on a 30 button, using the C, accidental and G rows! That list doesn't even touch what bellows direction to use because you'll get that when you start opening yourself to mining for more options. If I had a two row, I'd be playing plenty of this tune on the C row even though the tune's in the key of G, and I'd probably end it on the G in the left hand C row. On a three row, 30 button Jeffries layout C/G, I'm sometimes playing the first G note in the tune on the accidental row, left hand! The last G note in the tune, I'm playing a pushed G on the left hand C row with a D from the G row, but could pull G on the accidental row and the D from the C row. I might even use the left hand pushed G/D chord on the G row, but usually I play across the rows because it's the way I enjoy playing most, right now. One of the coolest things about playing an anglo is when a new way to play a note or phrase of notes pops up at you. To allow the notes to flow, allow yourself to leave the systems you know so you can find tactics that work. When you do that and then are able to make the tune flow, the other players, dancers and listeners will appreciate it. How you do it should only matter to the people who want to learn how you do it.
  17. I thought that it'd been settled recently that personal unfamiliarity with a definition doesn't necessarily invalidate it. Anyway, here's another definition, folk wise. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/greenery/Mini...ping/index.html
  18. After poking around some, I found Roger Edwards listed among musicians on recordings at these links: http://www.folkmusic.net/htmfiles/webrevs/wbcd001.htm http://www.folkmusic.net/htmfiles/webrevs/wbcd002.htm
  19. A perfect and altogether poetic description of an antique concertina price.
  20. No, Jim, that's the rug they pull out from under the suspect. There's sure a twisted crew in this thread!
  21. Nice work, Henk. I like the simple format, the synchronized button and staff note animation, and the fact that it loads quickly via a dial-up connection. It'd be useful to be able to adjust the pitch to exactly match instruments. Of course, shutting down speaker volume always eliminates dissonance. Nice work, Henk.
  22. No problem, Geoff. Serious is good.
  23. Thanks for the clarification, Daniel. It's large enough to add the corer to one end, if that idea's apeeling.
  24. I like the fact that it has the word "Concertina" written on it in letters large enough to keep it from being mistaken for an apple corer.
  25. As an unqualified appraiser, I've identified this as a Stone Crab, and it's a very popular item in S. Florida, USA.
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