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Luke Hillman

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  • Gender
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    Concertinas, chickens, and the Morris
  • Location
    Berkeley, CA

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. I love this analysis. When I visited the set in 2019, the only concertina I saw was in the Green Dragon, and it was a postwar 20-button German one. At least this one seems more geographically appropriate, if anachronistic.
  2. I'll also plug Anglo Piano as a way to explore chords—it isn't opinionated about how to voice them, but it will show you all notes in either direction that belong in the chord you've selected. Here's Bb7 on a 30-button C/G as an example.
  3. Welcome to the Faceless Brotherhood. Who needs it when you've got concertina.net, anyway!
  4. Hi John! I think you might be talking about the 26-button Salvation Army Jones layout on this post. I'm afraid I'm not an expert on Jones layouts in general, but hopefully this helps. The main thing I've learned through curating this list of layouts is that there are all kinds of variations on "standard" layouts, and a standard, if it exists, is pretty hard to nail down. And now I'm thinking about adding support for novelty sounds...
  5. Thanks for starting this thread. I agree that there needs to be a reliable way/place to find negative feedback. The absence of positive feedback doesn't mean you're going to have a bad experience, and the absence of negative feedback doesn't ensure a good one. Negative feedback is valuable all on its own. There are plenty of places to see only positive feedback. I made what turned out to be a bad eBay purchase a few years ago, was not able to get a refund, and was not supported by eBay in seeking one (endless back-and-forth exchanges with a different customer support agent each time, each neglecting to read the previous messages). On the one hand, I probably should have been a better informed buyer. On the other, eBay's supposed purchase protection had given me a false sense of security. This is a difficult project because the concertina world is so small. Nobody, myself included, really wants to be the one to name-and-shame someone who already has an established reputation—a dynamic I observed when discussing my experience on this forum at the time. But, given the amount of money I lost on that purchase, I (then a pretty new player) was set back several years of musical progress. That's not a situation I'd wish on anyone. I hope this is something we can figure out.
  6. Fascinating idea. Here's a Cm/Gm (harmonic minor) layout for your exploration. I started with a C/G Wheatstone layout —not entirely sure I got the accidentals right, but it's an okay starting point to look at what notes and chords are available, and where.
  7. I think you've covered most of my favorites. I know what I'm doing next weekend!
  8. With a key difference, however; Gandhi was a concertinist. The text sources in the OP are legit!
  9. My interpretation of that passage is that he's linking textile production to Indian independence and writing as strongly as he can to incite patriotic action, rather than hating on free reeds. Though who among our family members can't relate? Perhaps he's trying to manipulate parents here 😄
  10. Looks like a 38-button Jeffries Anglo. You can see from the orientation of the keyboard and the hand strap that the side facing the camera is the right hand side. There is only one definite button under the main three rows, and it's in the center, which rules out the standard 40b layout and a four-row layout. I can't help but wonder if the mahatma's concertina might have eventually found its way to a member of this forum...
  11. Bob Snope, formerly of The Button Box, is operating out of Asheville, NC. Still a ways to drive from your area, but not as bad as Birmingham.
  12. There are a couple 26b layouts here: https://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?/topic/27533-big-list-of-anglo-layouts/
  13. Here's a standard layout for a 20-button C/G: https://anglopiano.com/?cg-20
  14. I'm constantly on the search for a bicycle with the correct geometry for my body (apparently I have an extra long torso), but one thing I found that helped with wrist pain early on are ergonomic handlebar grips. Probably not as applicable if you're using back-swept handlebars, but I use these grips on my commuter bike. When I was doing more long-distance riding and needed more wrist positions, I used these bar-ended ones. Relatively cheap upgrade, and quick to install.
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