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Something For The Weekend?

Pete Dunk

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I presume this is very different from the copyright on recorded music then?

Yes it is different - in UK and EU I think for sound recordings it is now 70 years after release, extended from 50 years in 2011 after campaigning by Cliff, et al, because tunes like Eleanor Rigby were about to lapse - 50 years from 1966 is this year! 70 years takes it unto 2036.


Note that the copyright on a tune is 70 years from death of composer, but that on the sound recording is 70 years from release regardless of death or life of the performers.


It's different again in the USA, and more complex - see http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm. Pre-1972 US recordings are subject to state law not federal, so even more complex


Again, IANAL - but this is my understanding.


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I am no expert. My previous post was made after looking up a few websites via google. I did not note the url's and unfortunately have not found the same sites again. This is an extract from Wikipedia - not always an infallible source:


Sound recordings

Under the 1988 Act, copyright in a sound recording expires either (a) 50 years after the recording is made, or (B) if the recording is published during that period then 50 years from the publication, or © if during the initial 50 years the recording is played in public or communicated to the public then 50 years from that communication or playing to the public, provided the author of the broadcast is an EEA citizen. Otherwise, the duration under the laws of the country of which the author is a national applies, unless such a duration would be longer than offered in UK law, or would be contrary to treaty obligations of the UK in force on 29 October 1994.

As of 1 November 2013, the copyright on sound recordings not yet in the public domain was extended from 50 to 70 years.[21]

Posthumous works

If an unpublished work was published before the 1988 Act came into force, and the author had been dead for more than 50 years, the work remained in copyright for 50 years from the end of the year of publication.

If an unpublished work is published after the 1988 Act came into force, and the author had been dead for more than 50 years, its copyright will expire at the end of 2039. Later amendments have altered this to include only authors who died more than 70 years before the Act came into force.

Therefore, an unpublished work by an author who died before 1918, published after commencement of the 1988 Act, will expire at the end of 2039. However, if a work by an author who died in, say, 1870 was published in 1970 (i.e. before the 1988 Act), its copyright would expire 50 years after 1970, i.e. in 2020.

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Here's a jolly tune, a bit busy in places but great fun.






T:Betty Boyle
f|"D" d2 F/2G/2A "G" G/2A/2B A/2B/2c|"D" d/2e/2f/2g/2 ad "A" ceef|"D" daca BdAd|"G" GBA "D" c dDD:|
a|"D" f/2e/2d fa bdad|"D" gefd "A" ceea|"D" f/2e/2d ca "G" gBAf|BeAc "D" dDDa|
"D" f/2e/2d fa bdad|"D" g/2f/2e f/2e/2d "A" ceef|"Em" geBG "D" fdAF|"G" GBA "D" c dDD|]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a great duet, mostly in thirds so not that adventurous but good fun nonetheless.


T:Captain Reed's March
T:Capt. Reed's
T:Third Regiment of the Guards March
A2|d2 d>d d2 f>e|d2A2d2e2|f2 f>f f2 a>g|f2e2f2g2|a2 a>a a2 b>a|
z2|Z|z6 A2|d2 d>d d2f>e|d2A2d2e2|f2f>f f2 g>f|
g2 g>g g2 a>g|f2 e>d a2 g>f|e2 e>e e2::A2|A>BA>B c>dc>d|e>fe>f g2 f>e|
e2 e>e e2 f>e|d4 e2d2|c2 c>c c2::z2|z4 A>BA>B|c>dc>d e2 d>c|
d>ed>e f>gf>g|a>ba>b =c'2 b>a|b>ge>b a>fd>a|\
g>fe>d c2 B>A|B>cd>g f2e2|d2 d>d d2:|
d2z2 d>ed>e|f>gf>g a2 g>f|g2b2f2a2|b2B2A2d2|d>ed>e d2c2|d2 d>d d2:|





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  • 1 year later...

It's been a while since my last post and this isn't exactly in keeping with the spirit of the thread but this is a lovely piece inspired by this BBC video:




All the way from 1799 to the current day, what's not to like?



T:Downshire, Camperdown, Quick Step, The
%%titlefont Helvetica, 22
%%subtitlefont Helvetica,16
%%partsfont Arial, 20
%%gchordfont Arial, 16
%%barnumbers 1
%%staves [1 2]
V:1 clef=treble
V:2 clef=bass
A/G/|{G}F[DD,][DD,][DD,] D/E/F/G/ Ad|{d}c[AC][AC][AC] A/B/c/d/ eg|\
!turn!fe/f/ (e/d/)c/d/ Bggf|[L:1/16](ef)ed (cd)cB (ed)cB (AG)FE|
F2DD D2D2 DEFG ABcd|{d}c2[AC][AC] [A2C2][A2C2] (AB)cd (ef)ge|\
[L:1/8]!turn!fe/f/ (e/d/)c/d/ Bggf|(e/f/)g/e/ !trill!dc [d2A2F2]D a/g/||
[fd][fd][fd][fd] f>g a/g/f/a/|{a}g[ec][ec][ec] [ec]>f (a/e/)d/c/|\
!turn!df/e/ (d/c/)B/A/ ^GBe>d|[L:1/16]ceBe Ae^Ge AeBe ceBe|
{d}ceBe Ae^Ge AeBe ceBe|dcde fefg agab afec|\
dcde fefg agab afec|dcdf edcB AdcB AGFE||
{G}F[DD,][DD,][DD,] D/E/F/G/ Ad|{d}c[AC][AC][AC] A/B/c/d/ eg|\
!turn!fe/f/ (e/d/)c/d/ Bggf|[L:1/16](ef)ed (cd)cB (ed)cB (AG)FE|
F2DD D2D2 DEFG ABcd|{d}c2[AC][AC] [A2C2][A2C2] (AB)cd (ef)ge|\
[L:1/8]!turn!fe/f/ (e/d/)c/d/ Bggf|(e/f/)g/e/ !trill!dc [d2A2F2] HD2|]
z2|D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D,|\
A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A,|\
D,A,F,A, A,,A,E,A, G,,D,B,,D, G,,G,D,G,|\
C,A,E,A, C,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,C,A,|
D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D,|\
A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A,|\
D,A,F,A, A,,A,E,A, G,,D,B,,D, G,,G,D,G,|\
C,A,E,A, F,G,A,A,, D,2A,,2D,,2z2||
[FD][FD][FD][EC] FDEC [^G,E,][G,E,][G,E,][G,E,] [G,E,][G,E,][G,E,][G,E,]|\
[EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,] [EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,]\
[EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,] [EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,]|
[EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,] [EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,]\
[EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,] [EA,][EA,][EA,][EA,]|\
[F,D,][F,D,][F,D,][F,D,] [F,D,][F,D,][F,D,][F,D,]\
A,B,A,G, [A,A,,][A,A,,][A,A,,][A,A,,]|\
[F,D,][F,D,][F,D,][F,D,] [F,D,][F,D,][F,D,][F,D,]\
A,B,A,G, [A,A,,][A,A,,][A,A,,][A,A,,]|\
[F,D,][F,D,][F,D,][F,D,] C,A,E,G, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,C,A,||
D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D,|\
A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A,|\
D,A,F,A, A,,A,E,A, G,,D,B,,D, G,,G,D,G,|\
C,A,E,A, C,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,C,A,|
D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D, D,,D,A,,D,|\
A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A, A,,A,E,A,|\
D,A,F,A, A,,A,E,A, G,,D,B,,D, G,,G,D,G,|\
C,A,E,A, F,G,A,A,, D,2A,,2 HD,,4|]

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  • 1 month later...

One of the things I've always wanted to do with this thread is to bring the delightfully obscure to the attention of fellow musicians who might share my passion for tunes that are a bit quirky and off the beaten path. This is one such. The tune itself is well known, well documented, a standard, it has an A music and a B music.


But wait, this version has a C music. It has a C music that is so odd it causes the transcriber to comment on its' incongruity with the rest of the tune. I love it and for me it fits like a glove. This is Tink A Tink as it was intended to be! ;)


T:Tink A Tink
B:Wm.Mittell's MS, New Romney,Kent,1799
N:Unusual third bit,(to me anyway)
Z:vmp.Chris Partington
"G"G2dB G2dB|"C"cdcB "D"AGF2|"G"G2dB G2dB|"C"cAGF "G"G2z2:|
|:"G"d2gf "C"edcB|"D"ABcd "G"cBAG|d2gf "C"edcB|"D"ABcd "G"G2z2:|
|:"G"GBdB GBdB|"G"GBdB "C"cAGF|"G"GBdB "C"Gcec|"G"BAGF G2z2:|

Edited by Pete Dunk
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One of the things I've always wanted to do with this thread is to bring the delightfully obscure to the attention...This is Tink A Tink as it was intended to be! ;)


What a brilliant tune - unfamiliar to me (but then, as a beginner, most tunes are).


I found another version on t'internet, with two parts, each with a simple repeat. After a

bit of muckin' about, I now have a tune combining all five parts, which sounds OK to me.


Am I allowed to do stuff like that? How do I decide how to order the parts? How do I tell

if it's any good...



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Am I allowed to do stuff like that? How do I decide how to order the parts? How do I tell

if it's any good...




Roger this is folk music, if you wander off and change the tune entirely then it's Roger's Tink A Tink and ever more shall be so! Your ear will tell you if it's any good!


Edited to add: Post a link to your version here, a live recording if you're up for it, but if not just a copy of the dots for others to try. Nobody will criticise you for having a go but they will post a 'gloves off' critique of your efforts! ;)

Edited by Pete Dunk
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Roger this is folk music, if you wander off and change the tune entirely then it's Roger's Tink A Tink and ever more shall be so! Your ear will tell you if it's any good!

Edited to add: Post a link to your version here, a live recording if you're up for it, but if not just a copy of the dots for others to try. Nobody will criticise you for having a go but they will post a 'gloves off' critique of your efforts! ;)


Fairy Nuff! Here it is:


%%partsbox 1
T:Tink A Tink
T:A 'merged' version from concertina.net (A, B, C) and trillian.mit.edu (D, E).
T:Lightly edited to make a (more or less) seamless join between the two versions.
T:Chords added to parts D & E using those in A, B & C as a 'crib'.
B:Wm.Mittell's MS, New Romney,Kent,1799
N:Unusual third bit,(to me anyway) % was comment about unusual 3rd part in B & C script also...
Z:vmp.Chris Partington
|:"G" G2 dB G2 dB|"C" cdcB "D" AG F2|"G" G2 dB G2 dB|"C" cAGF "G" G2 z2:|
|:"G" d2 gf "C" edcB|"D" ABcd "G" cBAG| d2 gf "C" edcB|"D" ABcd "G" G2 z2:|
|:"G" GBdB GBdB|"G" GBdB "C" cAGF|"G" GBdB "C" Gcec|"G" BAGF G2 z2:|
|:"G" G2 dB G2 dB|"C" cdcB "D" AFDF |"G" G2 dB G2 dB|1 "C" cAGF "G" GFED:|2 "C" cAGF "G" G2 Bc||
|:"G" d2 gf "C" edcB|"D" ABcd "G" BGGB| d2 gf "C" edcB|1 "D" cAdF "G" GABc:|2 "D" cAdF "G" G2 z2 |]

Can't play the b*gger yet though...

Later: It occurs to me to point out (In case it's not obvious) that this was basically a 'cut and paste' job.
No originality or special insight required on my part!
Edited by lachenal74693
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I think that sounds quite good and I'm tempted to play it A B D E C ! :D I'll be giving it a go later but at a more modest pace. :ph34r:



Comments on the abc: (hope you don't mind)


%%partsbox 1 - could be just %%partsbox . Also this should be further down in the header, perhaps after the L: field but nothing should come betweed the X: and T: fields


The second T: field line ends in (D, E) and the comma forces the E to appear at the begining of the line (syntax error caused by the comma in that particular position - I'll give you a full explanation if you wish)


I would remove vmp. from the Z: field as this is no longer a Village Music Project transcription. ;)


Edit: typo

Edited by Pete Dunk
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1. I think that sounds quite good and I'm tempted to play it A B D E C ! :D I'll be giving it a go later but at a more modest pace. :ph34r:



Comments on the abc: (hope you don't mind)


2. %%partsbox 1 - could be just %%partsbox . Also this should be further down in the header, perhaps after the L: field but nothing should come betweed the X: and T: fields


3. The second T: field line ends in (D, E) and the comma forces the E to appear at the begining of the line (syntax error caused by the comma in that particular position - I'll give you a full explanation if you wish)


4. I would remove vmp. from the Z: field as this is no longer a Village Music Project transcription. ;)


Edit: typo


Ta. So there's hope for me yet.


1. I've already mucked about with the order - not come to any decision yet.


2. My old computer programming style: always explicitly put 'stuff' in even when it's not necessary. Used to drive

my workmates wild. Hadn't cottoned to the position thing though (I usually put the partsbox at the very head of my

ABC files so its scope is 'global').


3. Already spotted. I had thought the trailing comma in the T: field only did its little trick with 'A' and 'The'. Apparently

not... :)


4. Yes, that bothers me a bit with ABC scripts which I've 'borrowed' from elsewhere, After how much mucking

about do I ditch the lines which credit the good folks who had the gumption to put the thing together in the first

place - seems churlish to scrub their 'credits'.



Edited by lachenal74693
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When suggesting the removal of vmp. from the Z: field, I wasn't including the name of the transcriber, who in this case should still be credited with parts A, B and C. You could also credit John Chambers for parts D and E and even add a note about your minor edits and idea of combining all of the parts, that all makes very interesting reading in fifty years time when someone unearths a previously unknown five part version of Tink A Tink. :lol:

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Here's a lovely trad tune (Swedish I think) called Hårgalåten. Midi from the abc doesn't give the right feel for this hambo, as anything in 3/4 is treated as a Vienese waltz with the emphasis on the first beat and a very Oom, pah, pah, pulse. Here's a nice version on Youtube: Hårgalåten


I have edited John Chambers' abc transcription to add chords and spread the notation out a bit as it seemed very cramped. PDF is here.


Z:John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>. Edited by Peter Dunk 2017
N:There are several incompatible versions of this tune.
N:It is played in Gm, Am, Dm and sometimes in major.
%%titlefont Helvetica, 22
%%subtitlefont Helvetica,16
%%partsfont Arial, 20
%%gchordfont Arial, 16
%%barnumbers 1
V:1 gchord=down
|:"Am"e2 e>f e>d|d>c c>E A>c|"E7"c>B B>E ^G>B|1,3 "Am"A>^G A>B c>d:|2,4 "Am"Az A4|
|:"C"c>d e2 c2|"G7"d>e f2 d2|g2 g>a g>f|"C"f>e e4|c>d e2 c2|"G7"d>e f2 d2|
g2 g>a g>f|"E7"f>e e4|"Am"e2 e>f e>d|d>c c2 A>c|"E7"c>B B>E ^G>B|
"Am"A>^G A>B c>d|"Am"e2 e>f e>d|d>c c2 A>c|"E7"c>B B>E ^G>B|"Am"Az A4:|
|:"Am"A2 {BA}^G2 A2|"E7"B2 {cB}A2 B2|"Am"c>d c>B c>d|"E7"e2- e>d c>B|"Am"A2 {BA}^G2 A2|
"E7"B2 {cB}A2 B2|"Am"c>d c>B c>d|"C"e2 f2 ^f2|"G7"g>f d2 (3def|"C"e>d c4|
"E7"e>d B2 (3Bcd|"Am"c>B A4|"Dm"a>f d2 (3def|"Am"e>c A2 A>c|"E7"B2 B>d c>B|"Am"Az A4:|

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  • 1 month later...

My new earworm is a Playford tune, a wonderful triple time hornpipe called Well Hall. Skip straight to the tune now if you have no interest in the vagaries abc notation itself!


[abc geek] I came across it reading a post about ABC software being unable to play an accompanyment using the guitar chords in the tune if the time signature is one of the less common ones. It can handle all of the simple time beats plus the common compound time signatures 6/8 and 9/8 but anything top heavy 3/2, 6/4, 12/8, or that won't make groups of equal length notes per beat like 5/4 or 7/8 cannot be played back unless the program is given more information. The final directive in the file header - %%MIDI gchord fcc - gives the software the rythmn, fcc meaning fundamental, chord, chord, with emphasis on the fundamental. Not ideal for a 3/2 hornpipe but at least you get the chords playing [abc geek/]


T:Well Hall
C:Playford, 1679
%R:hornpipe % leave commented! correct but generates error msg
%%titlefont Helvetica 22
%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16
%%composerfont Helvetica 16
%%wordsfont Helvetica 16
%%partsfont Arial 20
%%gchordfont Arial 16
%%barnumbers 1
%%MIDI program 40 % violin
%%MIDI chordprog 0 % piano
%%MIDI gchord fcc
K:Dm clef=treble
V:1 gchord=down
"Dm"a8 "C"g4|"Dm"a2g2f2c2d2f2|
"Bb"d4F4 "F"A4|"Gm"G2A2B2c2A4|"C"B6c2B4::\

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is one of the prettiest tunes I've heard for some time and here we have a recording of the composer inviting us to enjoy the tune, do so!


T:Fée des dents
T:Avec la persmission du compositeur
C:André Brunet
Z:Éric Lortie/Peter Dunk. Projet Identitairs. 2017
|:B2D2 GA|Bdc BAG|c2E2 FG|FAG FED|B2D2 GA|
Bdc Bgf|eg d2 cB|ABF G3::[P:B]e4 dB|ced BcB|
d2B2 AG|Bdc BAG| e2e2 fg|af d2 cB|ced cBA|AGF G3:|


Here is the tune played by the composer as I understand it:


Fée des dents

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  • 11 months later...

It's been a long time since I last posted. Here's a fun tune with chords for the duet players to vamp. If you don't like chords names under the staff just deleted the two V: fields in the body text.


T:Pterodactyl Two-Step/Drowsy Dragon
%%titlefont Helvetica, 22
%%subtitlefont Helvetica,16
%%partsfont Arial, 20
%%gchordfont Arial, 16
%%barnumbers 1
%%MIDI program 73 % flute
%%MIDI chordprog 1 % piano
V:1 gchord=down
K:G clef=treble
"Pre-Intro"E2e E2 e|E2 e E2 e|"Intro" B3 A3|G3 F3||
|:"Em" EFG B2 e|"C7" _B2 e "B7"=B3|"D7"ABc "G"BAG|"A" A2 _B "B7"=B3|
"Em"EFG B2 e|"C7"_B2 e "G"d2 e|dcB "B7"AGF|"Em"E2 e E3:|
|:"Em"E2 e "C"E2 e|"G"dcB "D"AGF|"Em"EFG "D"FGA|"C"Ac_B "B7"=B2 G|
"Em"E2 e "C"E2 e|"G"dcB "D"AGF|1"Em"EFG "D"FGA|"A"E3 "B7"F3:|2 "Em"E3 "D"F3|"C7"A_BA G2 F|
|:"G"GBG [_B2e2] "C7"[Be ]|"G"GBG [_B2e2] "C7"[Be ]|"G"dBG "A/F#"^C2 E|"D"DEF "D/F#"B2 A|
"G"GBG [_B2e2] "C7"[Be ]|"G"GBG [_B2e2] "C7"[Be ]|"G"dBG "D7"ABA|"G"G2 "D"B "G"G3:|
|:"C"Ace "D"^dec|"G"BGD "G/B"BGD|"C"Ace "D"^dec|"G"B3 "G/B"B3|
"C"Ace "D"^dec|"G"BGD "G/B"BGD|"Em"EFG "D"F2 D|"A"E6:|
"Em"EFG B2 e|"C7"_B2 e "B7"=B3|"D7"ABc "G"BAG|"A" A2 _B =B3|
"Em"EFG B2 e|"C7"_B2 e"G"d3/2 z/ e|dcB "B7"AGF|"Em"E2 z e2 z||




Edited by Pete Dunk
Corrections made to coding errors.
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  • 4 months later...

I don't write many tunes but here is one I'm quite pleased with. The tune is dedicated to a young boy, son of one of the dancers in the morris side I play for, who had a rare disease which proved fatal. Young Evan was an honorary member of the side and the Squire wrote a new dance in the Lichfield style to celebrate his life, I was very pleased to dedicate the tune to him. Once the dance is established and well-rehearsed I'll post a link to a video of the side dancing it, in the meantime here's the tune.


T:Evan Maguire
C:Pete Dunk
%%titlefont Helvetica, 22
%%subtitlefont Helvetica,16
%%composerfont Helvetica
%%partsfont Arial, 20
%%gchordfont Arial, 16
%%barnumbers 0
%%MIDI program 73 % flute
%%MIDI chordprog 1 % piano
V:1 gchord=down
"G"B2 cB "D"A2d2|"C"cBAG "Em"GF"Am"ED|"G"G2 AB "C"cBAG|"D"A2 .d2 dcBA|
"G"B2 cB "D"A2d2|"C"cBAG "Em"GF"Am"ED|"Em"GFGA "C"d2 "D"cA|"G"B2 .G2 GABc||
"G".d2 dB "D".c2 cA|"G".B2 BG "D"AFED|"Em"EFGA "Bm"Bcde|"Am"e2 .A2 "D7"AcBc|
"G".d2 dB "D".c2 cA|"Em".B2 BG "C"AF"D"ED|"C"EDEF "Em"GF"C"Gc|"G"B2.G2 G2 z2|]

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