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Anglo and Meryl Streep

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I would think Captain Kirk has his prize concertina tucked away somewhere from his younger days:


Fass-cin-ating, as the Vulcan would say. But somehow the vision of a big tough Klingon noodling a little squeezebox just makes me laugh. Till he uses it as a weapon on me, for sure.

Celebrities playing concertinas can only be a good thing. It will be interesting to see if we get some new members trying to imitate her.



I mostly agree, but treating the tina as a cute little toy and making musical jokes (siren song) might not help its image. Oh well, a funny image is better than no image at all in people's minds.

--Mike K.

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I have an upcoming gig to entertain a very very famous movie star and his family for his 60th birthday party. This guy, like Meryl Streep is a known household name and is also a very real person who does play blues guitar quite well and has a personal life and family who love to sing and make music when they get together.


It’s interesting how it affects me, this gig. It’s a command performance for me and my band, and also a family sing-along for someone who is the closest we get today to royalty. So, my thoughts are... how can I help this person have a really good time at his personal family event? It’s really not different from anybody’s wedding or birthday party. But with the famous person, I do give it additional attention and personalized care, and expect to be paid well for this service.


I think it’s grand that Meryl is interested in the concertina and I wish her well with her exploration of the instrument. If it goes no farther than what we saw on the youtube then that will be par for the course for most beginners. If she wants to go further... I would be glad to take a limo up to the tristate area to help her out.

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While I don’t want to disclose this persons identity...


I do remember, in the early 80’s, playing a sing-along in Vermont for George Lucas (Star Wars) and his friends and family, including the producer (one of these guys, either James Burrows, Glen Charles, or Les Charles, I can’t quite remember which) of the smash TV show Cheers. Woody Harrelson, an actor from the show was there and probably some other gliterati that I did not know or recognize. Even back then, I watched almost no TV and very few movies, though I did go to see Star Wars when it came out, a few years before this party. I was an under grad in college then and I loved it.


I’m not sure, but I think this was George’s 40th birthday party. Probably one of several. There must have been 30 guests and as many cooks and gardeners to make the party work including a fine BBQ, hay ride up to the ridge in the dark and singing around the bonfire to the sound of my concertina, “Do you know Oh, My Darling Clementine?”


I also brought my collection of hand held homemade instruments. Before dinner, I taught all the guests how to play a piece of marching music I wrote. Everyone rehearsed my score and marched about banging on bonkers with “the help” as our audience. Bizarre, and also wonderful fun! Those folks really threw themselves into it.


This was a family event and I offered one stop shopping for participatory entertainment. They found me through the caterer. I don’t remember my fee, but it was probably 4 times anything I had ever made before for an evenings work.


One thing I can say is that the rich do know how to have a good time, but they are not the only ones. I tell this to my wedding clients who are outside of the dance community but want square dancing at their wedding... “If you dance, then your guests will too and we’ll all have a great time. If you don’t lead the dancing though, don’t expect your guests to do more than one or two without you.”


At George Lucas’ place, everyone got an instrument and everyone did their best to play it and George was right in there leading the way. That’s what made for a great party.

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I have been watching more tv-on-dvd than live tv, but I did happen to turn it on just as Meryl Streep was playing her concertina... thought that was cool.


Never met her, though I met a few VIPs and famous people when I worked at a place they occasionally visited -- had to sign something saying I wouldn't discuss this one guy (or, lose my job) and though it was years ago and he is in fact now gone from earth, I'm still cautious about it.


It was a lot of fun to say 'hi' to a few stars (when I knew enough to recognize them) but -- really -- it was a bit stressful to be their maid. Now, I just clean my rabbit cage... and he loves it. No big tips, but he likes my concertina playing, too.


But, of course, if I played like Jody, I could probably manage the stress!

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But, of course, if I played like Jody, I could probably manage the stress!


The VIPS I've played for have all put me at my ease. Probably not as well as your bunnies do you though.


Do they like your concertina playing or are they indifferent? My cats, wife and child all go away when I play. Especially the cats, they go running. They really hate it, sax too, and loud singing as well. It's not just concertina they hate, but anything loud and strong. There is a place for everything and home should be calm, say the cats.

Edited by Jody Kruskal
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But, of course, if I played like Jody, I could probably manage the stress!


The VIPS I've played for have all put me at my ease. Probably not as well as your bunnies do you though.


Do they like your concertina playing or are they indifferent?.....................


The rabbit (only have one, and a bunch of parakeets in same garage with him) actually appears to enjoy the concertina -- sorta goes 'chill out' and narrows his eyes into slits, stares at me and listens. I stare back, noting which songs are favorites. He does have a favorite (my 'No Clever Lines') and always relaxes if I play/sing it.


Rabbits get scared and thump loudly if they hear strange noises. I've played over them sometimes and he'll yawn, stretch, and settle down to listen!


I probably sound silly....my husband says it sounds really weird to hear me talking to 'myself' in the garage (where bunbun is). I never set out to have a rabbit...he was a rescue.


Celebs.... well, let's see... while enjoying his music, he chows down on the same great hay and alfalfa as what's served to Amy Sedaris's rabbits! Heheh.


Re those vips.... they were all great. (This job was at a medical treatment type place). They were nice people (...ok, except for the one who absolutely lost it because there was a spot on the bathroom wall that WOULD NOT come out!!!! Said 'Out out damn spot' 3 times but..... anyway...). Part of the stress factor was just that I didn't CARE if I was boring and ordinary....I think it's fun (haha)....and especially at that particular place, some of the catering to the 'beautiful people' could seem like an infringement on peace of mind at times.


Anyway....I often think I'm the one who's got it so good, not those famous and hard-working actors & musicians!

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I heard her say that she received it as a gift for her birthday. I must have missed it when she mentioned that the person who gave the gift is rich.

She said it was a gift from Joe Grifasi, who I think we can assume is rich. He is a famous TV and stage actor (just not as famous as Meryl). The link is to his page on the Internet Movie Database.

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