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My Little Marcus

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I visited the Button Box today for a friend; brought Doug the friend's Mayfair to look at. While I was waiting, a Marcus 30-button Anglo jumped off the shelf and into my arms! I've been renting a Stagi with the exact same fingering, and have developed to the point that I'm frustrated with its limitations.


So, I left the Stagi in Amherst and have the Marcus at home on perusal! I've done a search on this site on Marcus concertinas, and it seems to be a solid little beginner-to-intermediate box.


Does anyone here have experience with the beast? Perhaps YOU were the one to trade it in for a Morse! Any thoughts or comments?


Meanwhile, I'm having fun. Now I just have to figure out where the money's coming from...



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Allison I have a marcus and just love it. It will be a long time before I outgrow this instrument. I get comments about how nice it sounds and how nice it looks. I practice/play 2+ hours a day and have had it for almost 2years now. Never any problem with it. I think it will bring you many hours of joy good luck Doug Barr

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Does anyone here have experience with the beast?

I can completely confirm the remarks of Doug. His story is almost the same as my story. The only difference is that I play it almost daily for less than an hour.


I am very positive about this solid machine and I am convinced that it is easily comparable with the anglo's that are in the same price-class. I am sure that it will take years for me before I am at the limits of the instrument (if ever).


On top of that the Marcus looks great and has a very nice fretwork (see photo)


Have fun with it and let us know if you continue with your Marcus.




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No long term experience, but I met a rather nice Marcus G/D (with glass buttons!) at Kilve last night, and it struck me as a very nice little box indeed. It has the accordion reed sound, of course, but that is quite a nice sound in its own right.



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You have pruchased one of the best mad and best sounding instrumetns among the modern makers using Accordeon reeds.

Be happy with it.


I do not wish to say there ar not other good makers. GThere are. But Marcus is fine.


It juimped off the shelve into your arms :lol:


Kind regards


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I've owned two - one C/G and one G/D, both with wood ends - loved them both. The G/D was new to me, I was the 2nd owner on the C/G. I still have the G/D. I think they are a great value for their money.


Enjoy it!



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