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Holiday Instrument Wish List

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A little less computor and office time and more time in the park playing slower, beautiful Irish airs on your Carroll. Oh yes, a bit more of a wistful smile. Perhaps you'll get your wish!


Good luck,




PS. Leave the extended case open while playing and you'll at least have dinner paid for whether or not anyone to share it with. :rolleyes:

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Any concertina that is easy to learn to play, that sounds good, that plays as many keys as possible, and is easy to play chords on. If Santa brings it, it's good that the concertina looks fancy too..


A Michael Kelly Amber or Walnut colored F-style mandolin (or any blonde mandolin that sounds good).


A gift from heaven so that I suddenly can play the fiddle like Kevin Burke.

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A gift from heaven so that I suddenly can play the fiddle like Kevin Burke.

A gift from heaven so that Anne can play the fiddle in tune.


Actually, that's a bit unkind. I do know she'd like to play like Flos Headford or Paul Burgess. So that's my hope for my partner.



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A gift from heaven so that Anne can play the fiddle in tune.


Actually, that's a bit unkind. I do know she'd like to play like Flos Headford or Paul Burgess. So that's my hope for my partner.


Awhile back I learned the mixed blessing of unspecified prayer. Petitioner: "Lord, make my partner a good fiddle player by Christmas." God: "Hmmm! They didn't say which Christmas or say present or future partner. Reminds me of that fellow, what was his name? Oh yeah, Job."


With fiddle, things take time. Sometimes glacial time.


Best to you and Anne (and I'm sure you will eventually get your wish, Chris.)



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Paul's tongue in cheek stocking stuffer made me think that we could use this topic not only for creative dreaming but for practical gift suggestions as well.


I make a traditional type concertina case but I am always looking at other approaches. I've recommended the Fallon cases for certain applications and saw these on eBay:




If someone in the UK area needs a hard flight type case at a great price this might fill the bill. Postage costs

to the USA make it a bit less attractive for us Yanks.



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Paul's tongue in cheek stocking stuffer made me think that we could use this topic not only for creative dreaming but for practical gift suggestions as well.


I make a traditional type concertina case but I am always looking at other approaches. I've recommended the Fallon cases for certain applications and saw these on eBay:




If someone in the UK area needs a hard flight type case at a great price this might fill the bill. Postage costs

to the USA make it a bit less attractive for us Yanks.





The Fallon cases are very nice. I'd be cautious with this ebay case though. A friend has one that looks the same and it is very shoddily made.

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Frank Edgley Posted Today, 12:47 PM

Costco (in Windsor) has this type of case (looks identical) for $39 Canadian. Bonus---it comes with a set of bocci balls inside! It is evidently strong enough to hold the bocci balls. Large enough to hold a baritone, but (obviously) no blocking.




Whoa!! I like the Canadian price!


Thank you for the info, Frank.


And the note of caution, Paul.




PS I wonder how the secondary market is for bocci balls?

Edited by Greg Jowaisas
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Just for clarification, the one I was referring to had one catch and it didn't......catch that is; leading to a concertina doing a bocci ball impersonation. The hinges were pretty wobbly too. Of course, it may have been made in a different part of China to the ones Frank saw!


I actually have an aluminum one that I bought off ebay and then modified to carry two concertinas (modified by making the top smaller so it didn't stand so high. It works great but it's too fiddly to want to do it too often. This one wasn't brilliant but it was way better quality than my friend's.

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And given a list of priorities I would put world peace, my family's security, our health, better schools, a USA administration change, national health care, along with more school jobs for me ahead of wanting another concertina for my pleasure.



Nah! I'd settle for a 38/40 key Jeffries in D/G.





PS: I hope I don't have to say that I'm joking, but I will just in case: I'm joking!


PPS - or am I?


Edited to add: I've decided I'm being unreasonable; I would also find a Crabb or a Wheatstone quite acceptable, and I wouldn't throw a Lachenal out of bed on a cold morning either!

Edited by Clive Thorne
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Um... what's a bocci ball?

Generally spelled "bocce" (which you can easily google for more information) they are balls for playing the Italian game of Bocce, which is a little like horseshoes or shuffleboard, but with balls.


Edited to add: Pronounced BOTCH-ee.

Edited by David Barnert
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Awhile back I learned the mixed blessing of unspecified prayer. Petitioner: "Lord, make my partner a good fiddle player by Christmas."

Be careful of your phrasing. Be very careful.


If God makes a good fiddle player for your partner, will you still be wanted? :o

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