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Bellows repair

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I have an Aeola that has had some time recently new bellows fitted.  The problem is that the bellows folds sag a lot when being played.


I inspected the bellows interior, and it appears as though the supporting fabric for the bellows is missing on both the outside and inside fold ridges - this probably accounts for the instability of the bellows. The top leather runs is all that binds the cards together - no fabric support binding - and the leather stretches causing the bellows to sag.


Overall, the bellows are of poor quality and could probably benefit from being replaced.


Here is a picture:




Before I replace the bellows, I think I'd like to try reinforcing the inside fold ridges with fabric to see if that helps eliminate the sagging of the bellows folds.


Any suggestions on the type of glue I might use? 

I want to use a glue that is flexible, strong, but grabs quickly, and sets in a reasonable amount of time since I'll probably have to hold the fabric in place by hand until it sets.

I've tried PVA and hide glue.

Edited by SteveS
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I assume you are only planning to put the fabric on the inside of the bellows, not the outside.


i have used the Tedrow method for making bellows, and used pre-gummed cambric tape for the hinges  No messy glues necessary, just lengths of the tape wetted with water.


Have you considered trying this? It comes on a roll

Gummed Linen Hinging Tape - 25mm x 9M L533-1025

Preservation Equipment Ltd



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I think that you have card where the whole of the inside is covered with fabric, as an alternative to fitting individual strips of fabric on inner hinges. I have seen this before. but before you start any work

  • how many folds do you have?
  • Is this an Aeola or an Edeophone?
  • when you open the bellows fully, and look from the outside are the external corners dipping in or collapsing?


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40 minutes ago, d.elliott said:

I think that you have card where the whole of the inside is covered with fabric, as an alternative to fitting individual strips of fabric on inner hinges. I have seen this before. but before you start any work

  • how many folds do you have?
  • Is this an Aeola or an Edeophone?
  • when you open the bellows fully, and look from the outside are the external corners dipping in or collapsing?


7 fold bellows
The external corners are dipping in mostly, with a couple collapsing where I think glue may have failed.

And the cards are entirely covered in fabric - there appears to be no fabric at the apex of the corners (outside)

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A hide glue should do it, but rather than holding the strips of fabric (or leather?) in place, you can either use butterfly type document clips to clamp the strips or make up a couple of hexagonal blocks to fit just the inside of the bellows and bolt them through to clamp all the folds at one go.  If you want to be refined about it, you can put paper in between each fold to stop the folds sticking to each other.


If the glue has failed on the external "peaks" and corners, then it's a different ball game.  You could strip off the external binding, glue some fabric over and replace the binding but by the time you've done that, you're well on the way to making a new set of bellows


Alex West

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Looking at the photo again, and considering your  reply, I think that you have two issues: the 'missing' upper external hinge, which is the lesser problem, and glue/ bond failure between the card corners and the gusset/ top skive bindings at the peaks (good word Alex). In the past I have split the top skive, re- glued the corners from outside the bellows then re-bound the folds. I have also injected glue between the card and the gusset from the inside with a glue bottle and needle like applicator. 


The photo shows some cards underlapping and sliding beneath their adjacent pair of cards.  This is a sure sign of corner glue failure, or insufficient movement gap between the cards, resulting in the same thing. 


The causes may be in manufacture / and an attempt at innovation in glues or hinging, but it may be that the bellows have been played with the folds across the knee.


I hate to say it, but given you have a top grade instrument, you might consider getting a new set of commensurate graded bellows. (Sorry)


Edited by d.elliott
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Thanks Alex and Dave for your replies


I am resigned to likely requiring new bellows.


Since this looks increasingly likely, I'll work on these bellows to try and see if I can improve them.  I've nothing to lose, so might as well give it a go.


Dave, I like the idea of splitting the top skive and gluing up the corners - I might try and insert some fabric to support the hinge.  I may even remove the top skives altogether and tape up with fabric, then redo the top skive.  I'll test this process on just one fold initially.


I have bellows making experience and have used leather glue and PVA in the past, but I wanted to elicit opinions as to how I might effect a repair on these particular bellows - interesting that Dave has encountered this construction before. 


Thanks to everyone who contributed

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Just a question: is the glue joint between the strip of leather Which connects the bellows frames to the bellows securely glued? Or is it coming off. I only ask as there have been a number of new bellows turning up recently on old instruments where they don't even seem to be glued together in a manner that will keep. I have no idea who is making them. This might not be one of those though. 


Edited by Jake Middleton-Metcalfe
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33 minutes ago, Jake Middleton-Metcalfe said:

Just a question: is the glue joint between the strip of leather Which connects the bellows frames to the bellows securely glued? Or is it coming off. I only ask as there have been a number of new bellows turning up recently on old instruments where they don't even seem to be glued together in a manner that will keep. I have no idea who is making them. This might not be one of those though. 


The leather on the bellows frames appears to be securely glued.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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