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Desperately Seeking A Band Name.

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Press deadline is today. It's a new contra dance band with me on concertina, Jane on fiddle, Trip on harmonica and Allan on guitar. We played together at a festival a few weeks ago. What a cookin' combo. The venue had a last minute cancellation so I put this together on the fly. Any ideas? Please help!

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Press deadline is today. It's a new contra dance band with me on concertina, Jane on fiddle, Trip on harmonica and Allan on guitar. We played together at a festival a few weeks ago. What a cookin' combo. The venue had a last minute cancellation so I put this together on the fly. Any ideas? Please help!


Might be giving too much prominence to one member, but my predilection for puns led me to (you know the tune) Trip and Upstairs. B)


I'll keep thinking, but they're likely to get worse. :ph34r:

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just off the cuff: Three 'n' One (3 guys and 1 gal; could also mean "three in one", which sounds kinda useful).


Further rationale: there are lots of dances in 3/4 time; add 1/4 and you've got 4/4, which is the time signature for lots more dances.


Or, drawing on the info in your posting: "Festival Strings and Reeds" (or "Festival String and Reed Band", though this would be a bit more unwieldy). Or again: "[placename] Strings and Reeds", where placename could be e.g. where the festival was, or where the combo's first gig is taking place, or where you all come from.


Cheers, John

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Press deadline is today. It's a new contra dance band with me on concertina, Jane on fiddle, Trip on harmonica and Allan on guitar. We played together at a festival a few weeks ago. What a cookin' combo. The venue had a last minute cancellation so I put this together on the fly. Any ideas? Please help!


You probably don't want to use the suggestion I've made to various groups I've played with ( rejected every time, I can't imagine why): Reptile Dysfunction.


Two free reed instruments?


How about Reedy, Set, Go.


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You probably don't want to use the suggestion I've made to various groups I've played with ( rejected every time, I can't imagine why): Reptile Dysfunction.



Reminds me of a name I've always thought should have a group, ever since I saw this for sale posting on a university bulletin board:

Narcoleptic Puppies

Probably not the best name for a contradance band, though. B)

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Google: "Join us for a beginner level contra dance with the Improper Contraband and caller Tony Dickens."


"I have always thought that there should be a dance band named: Contra Diction" Maybe there is:


Google: The Contradictions is a contradance and couple-dance quartet based in Ithaca NY


Come on guys - the obvious ones were all taken years ago! There's even a band in Maine called the Contrapuntal Iguanas!


I can't find anything for "Contradistinction". That sounds quite.. .distinctive. We're probably past the deadline by now!


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Nope, the deadline is in 10 hours.


True, all the obvious ones are taken, some, multiple times. I love all your suggestions. Keep 'em coming... do.



I thought this obvious name was taken, but a quick search suggests maybe not:


The Contra Temps.

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