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Everything posted by Kautilya

  1. The background: Swaledale Squeeze takes place in a remote former hunting lodge on the edge of the high wind and rainswept moors or North Yorkshire. It should be no surprise therefore that evidence of the dark forces gathering to take over the free reed movement should have emerged there last month. They have penetrated at the highest level and we must all fear for beginners being initiated unknowingly. While investigating the mystery of how we found part of Ms Dolly Armless inside a melodeon (see Melnet: http://tinyurl.com/2esm9pw ) we mentioned that there was some disturbing dark forces about John Kirkfaustus’ playing. It was clear also that other leading free-reeders such as Steve (he flaunts his allegiance to the movement -- a double-bluff cover obviously) and ally Rees Wesson have also been sucked into this demonic scenario if not lead-players.... Imagine our concern when we went to moviemaker to find the all-revealing files had disappeared…………the tapes proving the dark secret of the Demon Daffodil’s powers had disappeared since they were first downloaded in mid-May and watched with amazement. Despite evil forces having clearly been at work, after more than four hours (and two useless goals in France-England match) going through giga-hours of old cards, the Daffodil is beaten – the files have been recovered….! If you are easily tempted you need to be warned before viewing the video which follows that it was at this morning study group that John Kirkfaustus announced he would shortly be offering his new printed collection of compositions. It was a devious move (great crossover stuff) as anyone in that room would have been unknowingly subject to forces beyond their control. So think hard before you buy "JUMP AT THE SUN" - the so-called John "Kirkpatrick" Tunebook – it could take you places which you never thought you would ever see. Subliminal advertising? No! A warning! You may also be tempted to buy one of his CDs – beware, look for the telltale spots of blood bleeding from the Daffodil on the sleeve………it is part of the demonic scheme. (All proceeds are moved clandestinely, coded C F# (Chelsea Flower Show), to a bank offshore of England in the account name of Daffydyldredd (sister of DaffyDwch) in a small, little known village in Gwynedd, called Llanfairfechancwncertynapwmelodyonyangloenglychbandonwyongarmonysbanyan y tyn-y-whystel. (It has nothing to do with any musical rituals connected to any Heisteddfoddnoten). And now the incontrovertible evidence – you will notice in the first clip that poor John is clearly being controlled – just watch his eyes being “turned” – some dark force is beginning to take over his mind and so the movement of the fingers. The main clip then starts and the camera (which always lies) shows The Demon Daffodil clearly transmitting to and controlling its Chief Acolyte. At the end The Daffodil goes radiowavegalactic when Kirkfaustus calls on the initiates to copy him… And we all thought John had chosen the Daffodil ... the opposite is clearly the case. “At this point in time” all we can say is that the evidence of mindtakeover only applies to players of concertinas (and expensive big-Bertha Anglos in the main… which is why John is very careful with 20-button players... they seem to spook him. Fortunately Melodeon players have considerable protection through their Theologico-celestial connections but the Wesson boxes may already have subterfugal internal powers like the "Black" Soprani di San Paolo boxes, which Vattican-can Castatrangi (sorry, can't spell the Melodeon brand name) do not have. So next time you see someone playing a box, check their eyes, bearing in mind the implicit evidence against other ‘star’ players mentioned earlier. If they are playing without notes and casting not a glance at their fingers on the keys, look for the Daffodil ….buttercups do not seem to be involved at this stage …but…. It is know that CUSHIE BUTTERFIELD, ( http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=91321 ) third cousin to (Cushie/Cushy/Coushy Buttercup: http://www.mudcat.org/@displaysong.cfm?SongID=1418 )is in fact related to DaffyDyll through a covert melodeon repair and sales operation on the main trafficking route near the A5 (the ancient GunGrog Road which the Romans used as they played their way from Welshpool to Ynys Môn). Shield your eyes from the rays of the Demon Daffodil Courtesy and © the 'white'power of insightandmind
  2. French frogs, as you know, only croak in one direction. Or when you Drink Water you also only take it in in only one direction - Squeezing too is unidirectional too, so, unless you do the Drinkwater in PLUS out French solution, looks as tho the following could be as near as you are going to get to summat snappy: "poussé-tiré et moi je chante" or some other poetic licence :unsure: more variants (or is it déviants in French :rolleyes: ) may be triggered if you read here: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/diato-amateurs/le_diato.htm This could be why the word invented sometimebackbysomemembersomewhere is perhaps the true literary solution - to "bellows" (this implies bi-directional which in itself today is also very PC (Politically Concertinet)or AC-DC (AccordionorConcertina-Diatonic-nonChromatic). Hence: "bellows me and I will sing". French new word might be "Soufflet-ez-moi et..." etc etc. But our Quebecoiserie may be concerned at imperative derivatives from band-onéons - perhaps they can advise.... :wub: Despite the Académie française , you CAN make up new 'French' expressions which are not English, such as 'le footing' (go for a walk) or via English adoption: "culottes" If you take the word "go backwards" "reculez", and then add the diminutive element, you get "reculottez-vous" which means not "reverse a little" but: "Put your damn trousers back on!" :D
  3. Ta - trying this too, by playing along to a CD.. I daren't record the CO-cophony it as it would make the CD player sound so bad! Sooooo many interesting tips. tks again.
  4. Great findsAnother This one killingly funny! Soviet humour is back!
  5. I don't understand - it clearly states "alday breakfast"- has he stopped serving already and closed the caff?
  6. Not just a jig around the kitchen to put a new spin on the M&W slow version ( ) your high notes really had the bread (thin sliced) popping out of the toaster!
  7. [quote name='Chris Drinkwater' Looking forward to a re-edit and reposting, Chris They were just odd video snippets I snatched in the middle of playing, so MSW will just have to content himself watching only a bit of You :rolleyes: Trick in future may be to use a pukka long-life camcorder left on the window sill - the still camera memory card lasts too little time so it is a niap ni eht ersa. Without storing specially on an external server (which I unlike) I don't know of a way to put up three hours of simple audio recording. Youtube sound only is a 10min limit, as for video. With the audio left on (as opposed to specifically turned on/off videos), it takes time to edit out the nice (LoL) comments which occasionally crop up, as at Swaledale at three in the morning... so much music, so little time!
  8. apologies for the inter-note chat - cut out the wrong bits -- but the rest is in the other three hours on tape!
  9. V interesting. Important element, if you do post something is to make sure it is labelled so it cannot be hijacked for commercial purposes by some music integrator/compiler company. Warn them off with a copyright sign and no commercial reproduction. Cnet could make a few bob by reigistering a sticky label sign for sale (even a gold pin badge for Edeophone and high-end box owners ) which says "I am not up for recording thank you!" More useful: does anyone know of a software which allows you to "blur out" -- not the faces but the keyboard fingering in a youtube clip -- to avoid player embarrassment ! Randy's point on publicity for the professionals and upandcoming is true. Most are happy if extracts from get togethers appear (not the full contents of a developing album) to whet punters' appetites. Ask of course when very specific and also put "the not for commercial repro on it". This is somewhat similar to position with thumbnail photos on photo agency sites -
  10. This any good? The Simplified Fake Book: 100 Songs in the Key of "C" by Hal Leonard Publishi http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780634026553 anyone seen it in the UK? seems there are loads of 'fake' books for country music, classical, church etc in "C" tks
  11. The sun shineth so 'tis time for Jolly........ Boating weather - may not be really modern but it is certainly politically correct and absolutely contemporaenously contemporary :rolleyes: so I got it out of the Cabinet for you: some may say it is OTT but the important thing it is OOC.. so play on.. The e-ton boot song:
  12. Don't want to be a killjoy but :ph34r: - be prudent, be pseudonymous, be anonymous. Five minutes and a serious seeker will track you back to source for ID theft (including using data in Cnet such as your email address, which can then be searched for elswhere,plus using your general location and then add in post code through electoral roles etc etc. Facebook users revolt against Mark Zuckerberg over privacy ... 23 May 2010 ... Facebook users revolt against Mark Zuckerberg over privacy. This article appeared on p25 of the Main section section of the Observer on ... http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/may/23/facebook-network-begins-to-unravel
  13. Why would "Fernando" keep me boiling? These midi things are simply not fiinished. The final polish, with sound modulations, should be added. But Abba is one of my favorites. They were superb melodists. A Midi, done by diletant, is like frozen sausage, obviously recognizable, but not there yet. Tell you what, if you haven't listened to so called "Russian Chanson", you don't know whether you have gag reflex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvWP3ztMgfc Boiling with anger! But you are so right about Abba and I think the Russian dancers need strangling with those ties :D I like Bellowbelles list too and here's another Cat Stevens which seems easy in G and also 'emotionally moving' to hark back to another thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hakpGEpl3c (PS I hope this post is not hidden somewhere in the cnet ether - I wrote it earlier and then think I forgot to post it!)
  14. Practise, practise, practise - yes, I know, so let's get that out of the way first. The problem: Even meisters hit bum notes. Watching John Kirkpatrick (and other Meister/Mätressen) at Swaledale during a work-session he masterfully zipped on with his Anglo with no more than a grunt when he produced a falsie, as he demoed a piece for the class. This raises an important issue for a beginner. He and others have a real skill in bypassing the mistake - an art in itself. How to develop that? Can the expertini suggest a trick/tactic/psychomove which they have developed and use to ignore the mistake and forge ahead? This is not to do with playing something different from the dots in front of you -- indeed, John made the point that he rarely plays the way he wrote (his own) dots anyway! It is about the bum note blocker. For the illiteratini the bad note is like a hole in the road, hit by the front wheel of your bike - it not only throws you, it panics you, you grab the brakes or u just come off and everything falls apart.... Part of the problem after the bum note is hitting the correct suqsequent note of course, so holding the tune in the head has its part to play... but that is not enough methinks... any advice welcome! Tks
  15. Wunderbar! - who said Silver couldn't do rapid inandoutees on an accordion?
  16. M - seems others have the same problem. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2464/
  17. Not sure what you disagree with. I'm not saying people should be silenced if they are taste challenged, I'm just saying I'll nave no incentive to hang around. Warning: songs at this link may fright or delight but certainly easy listening for copying. Dirge will naturally be comfortable with number 2 on the list http://www.eadcentral.com/go/1/1/0/http://home.pacbell.net/ckhuang/HomeofMidis.htm Perhaps "Fernando" will keep M3838 boiling along at 38 degrees C
  18. Al - There are physical (drum beat) vibration issues here too perhaps as well as how the hearing element for the 'brain' causes you to weep, smile etc . Reaction to Wagner and the helicopter motors/blades in Apocolypse Now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz3Cc7wlfkI more interestingtly see fourth or fifth para from Evlyn Glenny http://tribalvillages.org/deaf/Evelyn-Glennie.html
  19. As promised, but you don't gotta read this till after midnight if you are GMT timeish so listen to some Russian music while you read it as they are already past the embargo time: Do film soundtracks contain non-linear analogues to influence emotion? When many vertebrates are scared or otherwise aroused, they often produce ‘noisy’ and ‘non-linear’ sounds. We asked whether humans capitalize on this seemingly widespread vertebrate response by creating non-linear analogues in film soundtracks to evoke particular emotions. We used lists of highly regarded films to generate a set of highly ranked action/adventure, dramatic, horror, and war films. We then scored the presence of a variety of non-linear analogues in these film soundtracks. We found that films of certain generas selectively enhanced or suppressed noise and types of acoustic non-linearities. Together, our results suggest that filmmakers manipulate sounds to create non-linear analogues in order to manipulate our emotional responses. Royal Society Biology Letters- Professor Daniel Blumstein, UCLA, [not sure where those 'generas' originate B)must be a Californaya thing ]
  20. Simple solution - just learn this little tune and, (just as you used to have to press your camera button to show it WAS a camera) whip your instrument out to show em and do your little turn and you will have security dancing in the aisles - here's the appropriate toon, but I hope your box is not quite as big as this fellah's coz I think the box would take HIM as carry-on luggage! never put cameras tinas compooters in the hold - I know an office group trip who were forced to put their laptops in the plane belly at the start of the one bag only scare and I think something like half a dozen of them 'disappeared' ....
  21. You might pop along with your box to the next George Inn Squeeze as there are usually two or three good tina players there who would be happy to give you some tips on chords as well as your playing along and doing some chord practise without anyone complaining about dodgy notes - all very laid back. You can chord along to the melodeons and accordins if they turn up, and the hurdygurdy and pipes... They may even have some teacher contacts. Tube and bus at London Bridge station about 100 yds or you can find somewhere to park within a few hundred yards (roadworks messing up parking right next to th epub at the moment) as it is after 1830. It will be June 7th - 2000 to 2300 (free entry!) if u need more instructions pm.
  22. It's only a wild guess but it may be this concertina. In any event it's a 40 button metal ended Wheatstone C/G. Despite Derek's Ben protestation it is this one (missing half the buttons, German metal ended with sharp edges to make the finger's bleed) making his playing even more amazing - why bother with 48 buttons when 13 will do?!!!
  23. [quote name='Anglo-Irishman' date='21 May 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1274446705' Long posting - but perhaps it proves that you're not the only one ploughing this furrow! Cheers, John Tks & V interesting, particularly Carolan, as I did not know he went blind, though at much later age than most of the world-class organists that were mentioned earlier (most were born blind or lost their sight as infants). Certainly be interesting to see what percentage such world-class blind players are of the total of professional organists. In the last 30 years there was a flow of organ students from the UK who went to Norway, as the Lutheran church, being state-funded, had lots of paid organists' jobs empty in town and village churches. I don't know whether that flow continues or not. Gavoty* is reported to have said of Vierne (who died in 1937) that his music "is and remains pure lyricism, speaking the language of the heart" * He was an organist too, a pupil of Vierne's and one of Dupre's star students, later music critic of Le Figaro and member of the Fine Arts Academy. Speed the plough! and would be interesting to have some more insights.
  24. There is at least one more meaning: elicit emotion in the audience. One does not necessarily need to feel the emotion to bring it out in the listener. A parallel would be the difference between "method acting" and "craft acting" ocd "elicit emotion in the audience" - and get recalled by the landlord as your gig increases drink sales among the listeners.... Some relevant stuff coming up but embargoed till May 26 - watch this film track space!
  25. Well... that struck a dis-chord eh?! :blink: Putting Alan Rickman and Hollywood lightly (as was intended)to one side, a few further thoughts: "but to become academic classically trained musician takes lots of usage of the eyesight"* * Not so sure about this : e.g. Vierne, Jean Langlais,or see Gaston Litaize at http://www.musimem.com/INJA.htm and André Marchal, Georges Schott, Dominique Levacque, Joséphine Boulay Some of them were pupils of Franck; and Widor, (here's the man himself playing that toccata and he was a great supporter of the National Institute for the Young Blind where most of the above studied. A certain Louis Braille, who went blind at three, was a pupil at the institute, and not only became an organist but developed his reading system, and not only for text but also musical notation) ps - not really interested in developing a ding-dong con-cer-frontation here, but a discussion to see if there is something that may not only help with learning but musical expression. So, if folk think this is a dead end thread,nema problema, I shall happily continue, as before, to plough this furrow on my ownio,
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