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Jewish Leprechaun

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Everything posted by Jewish Leprechaun

  1. Haha yeah I was staying away from them too for that reason
  2. I'd say watch eBay, there has been an abundance of Lachenal's recently. Might be able to snag something for a pretty decent deal, depending on budget. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lachenal-30-button-anglo-concertina-C-G-Brass-reeds-fully-restored-with-bag-/152495495999?hash=item2381709b3f:g:pRUAAOSwA29Y4XG8 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-30-button-Lachenal-vintage-anglo-concertina-old-box-/201877713700?hash=item2f00d97324:g:AzUAAOSwDmBY4VoC
  3. Hmm I wasn't familiar with José Claro's instruments, but definitely liking the way they look, going to have to get my hands on one to see how they play. I was suspicious if it was one of Dipper's smaller models, like y'all are suggesting.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3ikv6GN4fw At approximately 2 min 46 sec, there's a young boy playing what appears to be quite a small 30 button anglo (or maybe it's just my eyes). Anyone have any ideas on what make the 'tina is?
  5. Little trouble uploading all the photos at once...
  6. Alrighty, well, it's come time to sell my Lachenal. Selling it because it just doesn't get enough attention compared to my Suttner these days. I bought this off another Cnet member about 5 years ago who I believe bought it from Paul Groff (who gave it a huge overhaul) and before that I have no idea. 32 button Lachenal- metal ended "Hot Rodded" by Paul Groff (he used to do this back in the day, fixed this lachenal up real nicely) -Modified note layout, there's a picture of the note layout, but I switched around my C# so that it's a push C# on the top outter row and a pull C# on the button under, kind of the reverse of a jeffries layout for those two notes. No serial number (must have been lost in the ages) Dipper Bellows (these are absolutely awesome bellows) Fine riveted action (something Paul added I believe)- not the typical lachenal hook action Pelican case- I blocked this and padded it and glued in the velvet, not the prettiest of interior jobs but the blocking is good and you won't find a sturdier case I'm looking for in the ballpark of $3500 including shipping to any of the contiguous states (and of course I'll make the proper donation to Cnet) Sorry I don't want to ship outside of the US. Oh and lastly there is a little bit of ware on the bellows on the edges from playing, and as it is an old instrument quite a few of the reeds are shimmed in place. I took a picture where some wood is separating in the reed pan (not cracking), I believe this is just old glue not holding and see little need for immediate repair. Plays great, it's an awesome concertina. Send a message if you're interested.
  7. I use 400 grit diamond files, I find that 200 grit is too course for control. but remember that the oldies used fine files so you need to be that smooth or better. Micro cracking results from corrosion pitting, or from stress raising deep and sharp notched scratches leading to fatigue failure. the finer the polish the longer the reed life. Dave Is there a brand for the diamond files you'd recommend over another?
  8. This is all some great info thanks! Looks like I'll need to invest in some good fine files before I attempt anything more than the harmonica reeds.
  9. Well first off I think this has been talked about before, but I can't find the discussion, so if this is pretty much exactly the same question, I'm ok with just being redirected to the old thread. Alrighty so I just finished up retuning my harmonica and it's getting me thinking about ever working on one or two of my slightly out of tune concertina reeds. They aren't really bad enough to mess with them yet, but eventually... So I'm just wondering about some differences to watch out for between tuning brass harmonica and traditional steel concertina reeds. Maybe some dangers to watch out for or is it pretty much the same. Slow and steady, little bit by little bit until you get it perfect. I ended up using Dave Elliott's concertina book tips for tuning concertina reeds and took those tips for tuning the harmonica. Used 400 and 220 grit sandpaper. Along with that, would I run a risk of causing those micro cracks using a grit as course as 220 on the steel concertina reeds?
  10. Paul Groff told a group of us a similar story and showed us one of the "disposable" concertinas he had in his collection. I think it was like you guys described, an old 20 button German concertina. If I'm remembering right, he said they'd pool resources, buy one and basically play to death in one night.
  11. I'm sorry I missed it this year, but I'll be coming next year.
  12. One of my favorites is Archibald Macdonald of Keppoch. Other people always seem to enjoy it so it must sound pretty good on the concertina. You can find sheet music for it in Paul Hardy's Session Tunebook. -Lep
  13. Probably it's a chemnitzer concertina. Check out this web page http://www.d-and-d.com/tinas/other.html -Lep
  14. I was keeping my eye on it, thought it was a jeffries, but it went out of my "that's a really good price" range. -Lep
  15. Just flew within the past couple of days. I had a backpack and my concertinas in a case. Security never asked any questions, just let me through (well except I set off the metal detector). It might be a bit of a pain lugging the concertinas from terminal to terminal, but it definitely eases the mind to know you have them with you. -Lep
  16. No, Bob Tedrow sold me reeds. They are the same reeds that he uses on his hybrids (Antonelli accordion reeds made in Italy). If you are looking for real concertina reeds ask Carroll (concertina maker) or Suttner. -Lep
  17. As Daniel said, I made my own. The thirty button looked pretty enough, but I never got it in working order. As for the mini I'm really pleased with the way it works, action is smooth and fast enough and it's nice and loud. I didn't take parts from other concertinas but I bought parts from different people. Levers and most of the inside pieces were from concertina connection and the reeds and bellows were from Bob Tedrow.
  18. Yeah thanks for the great website, it was good encouragement and a useful reference
  19. I would say that as the cross section of the bellows decreases, it should take less time and hand force to develop the interior pressure to make the reeds speak. You'll probably find that you run out of wind a little sooner too, that's the trade-off. Pure mathematics. Nice looking little 'tina you have there, you should be really proud of it. Thanks for the explanation and compliment and yes the air definitely runs out a lot sooner. -Lep
  20. Well I'll have to put some thought into making another one, but sadly for now I'm at college and separated from most of my tools. I actually built this one last summer and have just been waiting on the bellows. For now I'll just have to be content with making plans for another one.
  21. It's really hard to say how many hours, but I'd venture to guess maybe somewhere between 80-100 hrs. But that's excluding all the time I put into trying to make the 30 button, and I took a lot of measurements and knowledge away from that, not to mention the brass buttons (those were really time consuming). It took me about 2 weeks to build it, not including putting finish on it. I put it in the key of C because... well it was going to be in the key of G but I don't really feel like filing away at any of the reeds for those F sharps. I'm pretty content with it being in C and I figure I'll just leave well enough alone. Let's see, it plays pretty well, better than my Rochelle. The reeds seem more responsive, but it's hard to tell since the bellows move quicker because they're smaller. I'm not sure if that makes any sense as to why the reeds would seem more responsive. I'll be bringing it along to the Tionól in March, so you can try it out and tell me what you think of it.
  22. So,I made this concertina with my grandfather. Thought all you might like to see a picture of it. It has 10 buttons plus the air. It's in the key of C. Bob Tedrow put on excellent 7 fold bellows. I tried making bellows, but they were a complete flop. The reeds are Antonelli accordion reeds. The levers were made by Concertina Connection. I modified a Lachenal fretwork pattern for the ends, so if the pattern looks somewhat familiar that's why. This wasn't my first attempt at making a concertina. I tried making a 30 button, but that didn't turn out so well, so I cannibalized it for parts and made this one. -Lep
  23. Well, there's a big snow storm on campus which meant campus was closed today. This also marked the end of the winter semester which meant I didn't have anything that I needed to get done, so I headed outside. Oh, so that there's no discussion about what type of concertina the snowman is playing, it's an anglo -Lep
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