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Christian Husmann

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Everything posted by Christian Husmann

  1. Hello Mark, I have a lot of accordion sheet music at home and find it pretty hard to use it for the EC. If you want tunes or songbooks for just having and idea of the music, ´s alright. But than you could as well seek something for flute/ recorder or any other instrument that plays in the same range of scales available. Accordion music uses often different registrations and if you have a look at the music using melody for the left and righthand side this might be interesting for people that play the Duet. Greetings Christian
  2. Hi folks, I am absolutely sure to have seen these pictures some time ago. I´d follow the advise to let the seller have a go over the telephone. Christian
  3. Jag skulle vilja har en flaska öl og han har en hårig buk I guess that´s most of the Swedish which is left from lessons some time ago... Welcome here and I really do hope you can find the support you need for progressing! By the way I did like the example, nice sounding instrument that is. Greetings Christian
  4. I know that Wim Wakker offers this option. Pls scroll down to the bottom on this site. Greetings Christian
  5. Thank you very much for this information! I thought that there was not really a lot of it but if there is interest in general here I might put my ears to the ground. Maybe I´ll come across some more infos. Greetings Christian Do you (Stephen) probably have an idea of the number of instruments being (re)build in Germany? Was it any common or was it just a short rise up of an interest in instruments being built in G. Britain? I simply can´t find any proper information about that. Christian, There probably isn't much information about German production or playing of them, but there are enough references and surviving instruments to show that English concertinas were formerly being made and played in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Scandinavia. They were also being exported internationally (including to Germany) from England.
  6. Hello Bob, by the way, if you look closely at one of the pictures you´ll see the bottom side of the action board. You´ll see on the close-up that the wood there has moved a lot and there is on the very top a crack between two side bars of the instrument. Not a good sign though... Christian
  7. It´s not t-h-a-t, is it? Well, at least "the situation" has changed since being a boy child with a white blank spot down there. Christian
  8. Hello Daniel, thank you for providing this information, haven´t heard of these before! Greetings Christian
  9. Not so much a lemon, more of a mel[of]on? (Melofon/melophon was the old German name for the English concertina.) Hello everybody, I have a question: I always thought to be relativly well informed what to expect in instruments built and (still) being sold in this country. Going to markets, shops ect. you´ll sometimes find all sorts of free reed instruments piled up. Since being interested in concertinas I never found any of these out there, every now and than I see an old Scholer type of Anglo but that´s it. Do you (Stephen) probably have an idea of the number of instruments being (re)build in Germany? Was it any common or was it just a short rise up of an interest in instruments being built in G. Britain? I simply can´t find any proper information about that. Thanks Christian
  10. Maybe I can add something: The German description says it´s built by someone called Zeuner having Lachenal´s concertinas taken as examples. Perhaps it might be easier to tell something about if you could give as well an image of the action. Regards Christian
  11. Yes, it's amazing how nervous you get isn't it? You can tell yourself over and over that there's no pressure because it can be re-recorded infinitely and there's nothing forcing you to put it up on youtube anyway. Still the gremlins of self doubt creep in, but it was well done anyway. Nice 'tina btw, is it a Lachenal New Model perchance? Pete, Hi Pete, yes! It is exactly that. You play the same tune over and over again and once you have pushed the record button, you seem to play the same piece of music for the first time. And you were right, it´s a New Model, end of the 1890s. Christian
  12. This was nice - IMHO, Bach is well suited for the concertina. /Henrik Hello Henrik, this little piece is indeed very well suited for the concertina covering quite a range of notes and is still very good to play. It´s got a couple of nasty parts but they´re getting better with practice - at least I do hope so. Greetings Christian
  13. Hello Pamela, reading your topic here encouraged me to upload a little video as well. You can see there the playing on just on side - I ididn´t expect myself to be so nervous being recorded, normally it´s with less changes in speed and more correct notes. You can see it Greetings Christian
  14. Done that Oh, I am really looking forward to it. Christian
  15. Thank you ever so much for your effort! Christian
  16. The part about the worms is a bit of a drawback, isn´t it? Beautiful instrument though... Christian
  17. Well, I think it´s far better to control than you´d expect it to be I recently recorded one of his life performances on tv and he used to play a lot on the pull and not that much on the push. When you listen closely to some of his recordings you can hear the ffffft-sound when he pushes the bellows together holding the air button. Greetings Christian
  18. It depends... When I´ve got other things to carry as well with the concertina (music sheets, a little camera...) I´d have a camera case with adjustable blocks. The instrument sits well in there and there´s enough space for other stuff. In general I have it in a concertina-shape gig bag, well padded (´s one of Barleycorn´s). The instrument sits very firmly in there, it´s a handy size and the instrument is well protected. Concerning changes of humidity and temperature it is good for the instrument as well. I´ve got a big bag for my accordion too and does very well it´s job since many years. Christian
  19. Thanks Greg for making the effort! That did the job - I think I found something appropriate. Christian
  20. Hello free-feet, I´d agree to the other members that you shouldn´t think about it too much, they´re rough little beasts. You see some dust on the bellows or in the bellows folds? Take a soft cloth or small brush and clean it away - that sort of thing is mainly needed when looking at permanent care. But I´ll use your posting for an additional question. Last week-end I visited Wim Wakker and he gave me the advise to have an eye on the bellows. I looked possibilities up in Dave´s book, googled some but it´s not that easy to find a comparable shoe-creme over here. Could any one please discribe what you use regarding it´s condition? Here I found a very hard version, that would be rubbed in a cloth and than applied and polished later. There is a sort of creamy thing, like tooth-paste. That usually has an integrated sponge which would help applying. Third thing would be something like liquid, like water. Two other versions I wouldn´t count, they´re called "leather soap" and "leather fat/oil" - I know that from saddle care and think they wouldn´t do the job at all. Is there any ingredience that souldn´t be in there at all? Maybe that´s the easiest way to find something appropriate... thanks for answering Christian (edited for correcting)
  21. Same with me, can´t open bellowbelle´s files - none of them. Christian
  22. Oh, sad news for the ones living close to them Christian
  23. Hello folks, I am heading towards heavy christmas stress so I´ll leave you as well with my best wishes for christmas. Do enjoy the silent time of the year (well, at least those of you who can). Read you soon Christian
  24. Hello, a bit of information concering that one: I´ve got one like this and it is a good choice if you´re playing with others. Without struggling I think the machine is loud enough and at the same time soft and with a sweet tone when it comes to more quiet moments at home. Christian
  25. Now that´s an idea Actually I am a bit unhappy with this situation. I don´t mind when someone is listening but I often sit there and I don´t play the music the way I would because I start thinking too much (what if...), silly but I can´t stop it. Not really relaxing. Thanks be to God that awful man is working a lot and not always in his appartment. Christian
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