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About soloduet

  • Birthday 03/07/1957

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  • Interests
    world music, tango
  • Location
    Paris, France

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. A tango waltz composed by the great bandoneon player and band leader Anibal Troilo: https://youtu.be/OyYOtOKEdGw?si=NAQdQWoJj-Uq5DoQ
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  2. Thank you James, glad you like it! Didie
  3. It's a nice trip and I like it, even if it sounds more like a trip to a pakistanese restaurant somewhere in UK!
  4. The same played on my Wicki bandotina: https://youtu.be/w2cgYdT4JBI
  5. Thank you very much Simon, Randy, Jim, James and Cr for your kind comments. About the size of the bellows, it's true that I was a little disappointed when I received my special 11 folds bellows because I thought naively that with a double bellows I could get the double of air. The reality is closer to 10% or maybe 20% at his best, but even with 10% it can make a difference on some tunes. For example on this tune, when I wanted to hold a long note on the right while playing different chords on the left it was difficult with the regular 7 folds bellows but quite easy with this one. Maybe on the anglo, or even on the english, this kind of bellows doesn't make sense, but for the duets it's something that concertina makers should think about... Didie
  6. After some months enjoying my wonderful (but quite big and heavy) new bandotina I was also very happy to return to my small and very light concertina while traveling: https://youtu.be/RbAG-oKDH2k
  7. Another tune played on the bandotin, maybe a little more argentinean? https://youtu.be/-oOvDJYeWLg
  8. https://youtu.be/OnFtoSlCBRw The same played on a Jay Bandotina
  9. Yes, I can confirm that on my bandotin the reed frames are made of zinc and on common plates, exactly like on the traditional argentinean bandoneon. Harry Geuns proposed also an option with aluminium frames, for a question of weight but all the bandoneon players that I know advised to choose zinc frames to get this special sound. Actually I'd like to get the oportunity to compare both options because the instrument is quite heavy and my goal is not necessarily to reproduce exactly the bandoneon sound, even if I like it.
  10. Yes, it's unisonoric like the Hayden concertina. It's true that with the so-called diatonic Argentinean bandoneon they play almost only on the pull, and the need to return always to the pull position using the air valve gives a specific dynamic to the music. But it's possible to imitate this way of playing even with a unisonoric instrument using the air valve. Bandoneon players who play tango on the Peguri system which is also unisonoric often do that to add this specific dynamic to their music. I'd like to work also on this technic but here the style of the tune is different, it's not a "true" traditional tango, more a kind of tango nuevo and it's more Canadian than Argentinean. Also my goal is to play different kind of musics and not just imitate the Argentinean style, even if I like it very much. If the goal is to play only in the traditional Argentinean style then I think that it's better to play the Argentinean bandoneon. The same that if you want to play only Irish music it's better to play the anglo system rather than to try to imitate it on a duet for example. @ttonon I took a look at your website and I'm very interested by the technology of pitch bending on free instrument because I'd like also to play some musics from the Middle East. Did you make some prototype of concertinas with this technology? And would it also possible to adapt it on my concertina or on my bandotin?
  11. Here is a first recording with a new instrument designed and made by Harry Geuns in Belgium. It's an hybridation between the reeds system of a bandoneon and the Wicki concertina keyboard, so I called it a bandotin. This prototype has 89 buttons (46 on the right and 43 on the left) which is maybe a little too much but for this first experience I wanted to have the same range than a traditional Argentinean bandoneon, almost fully chromatic, and some double notes for the most distant altered notes (which is a condition to make this system work at his best). I hope that some other musicians will be interested to play this kind of instruments: https://youtu.be/7Lqd_ZqzSGU
  12. Yes Danny has made history and his innovative arrangements are always a great inspiration! Here are the scores and like I did it's always possible to change some notes in the accompaniment to adapt to a different range. Cheers, Didie Air on the G Chord 1.pdf Air on the G Chord 2.pdf
  13. Thank you very much! David and everybody, if you want to give it a try I can send the score that I've used for this recording.
  14. After one year spent on the Striso, a digital instrument with the same Wicki keyboard than my Beaumont duet concertina, I wanted also to feel the vibration of the reeds again: https://youtu.be/BMYCp_X70tg
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