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  • Gender
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    English/Duet systems/Scooters
  • Location
    Tempe, AZ

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Well done, Matthew! I like Midsomer Murders, so I know the melody well.
  2. Bonnie's voice is to good to make the song bad, but even John Prine, who wrote the song, does a good job with it.
  3. I wouldn't mind hearing "Angel From Montgomery" on 'tina, but I think most of these Americana tunes are still in copyright.
  4. Not so much Stagi vs Maccan, rather Maccan vs Hayden vs Crane vs some outliers.
  5. I'll bite. First, a starter box "should" be inexpensive enough for a starter to buy, and be of better quality than the average rubber tube connected Stagi-ish 'tina. 20 button Anglos to start, and to get your process right, then take orders.
  6. Search for Edward Jay concertinas. There are several models with videos.
  7. Check CNet's own GCoover's Easy Anglo 123. That should get you started.
  8. Which means the key code should be K: _E ?
  9. Congrats, cornfield, on your new EC. I hope you find much enjoyment from it!
  10. This is quite the collection of videos you have, Dick. Any plans for them?
  11. This reminds me of a different tour, on a different forum, with the same idea. Send something, though much less expensive, around the world (nearly) where members bring the item to scenic and interesting places for stories and pictures. https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic130893
  12. Which instrument do you pick up most often?
  13. I am definitely impressed. I never attended a WF, but always thought they were a Big Deal.
  14. Find a needle or pin at home, stick it slightly in the button and move the button over. That worked for mine.
  15. Maybe you could find a glass dome big enough for your 'tina.
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