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Why do people bother?

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Having just started my own wee forum, I was curious to see what sort of numbers had joined here & what % were active.


It looks like we have around 3,400 members! here.


Now that's great & of course there are a lot of active members too, but something that surprised me a little was the fact that around 1,422 members had gone to all the bother of joining, but had NEVER, EVER posted anything, not even a Hello!


Why do people bother? :blink: Especially as it looks like they don't even view the forum! :wacko:


As Rabbie Burns said ... "there's nowt as queer as folk!" ... which makes him sound like a Geordie! :lol:




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People join forums like this because it gives them certain privileges. They can view board stats, view member profiles and so on. Many people around the world maintain an interest in our funny little world but don't always feel comfortable joining in; others may perhaps have more sinister reasons to keep a watchful eye. Bear in mind that this is a public forum and everything you say and do will be carefully watched. Some of those eyes might not be so friendly or sincere.


Good news is we're largely a bunch of geeky folks obsessed with concertinas. :D

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others may perhaps have more sinister reasons to keep a watchful eye. Bear in mind that this is a public forum and everything you say and do will be carefully watched. Some of those eyes might not be so friendly or sincere.


Don't forget that Santa Claus is watching you!! :ph34r:

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Having just started my own wee forum, I was curious to see what sort of numbers had joined here & what % were active.


It looks like we have around 3,400 members! here.


Now that's great & of course there are a lot of active members too, but something that surprised me a little was the fact that around 1,422 members had gone to all the bother of joining, but had NEVER, EVER posted anything, not even a Hello!


Why do people bother? :blink: Especially as it looks like they don't even view the forum! :wacko:


As Rabbie Burns said ... "there's nowt as queer as folk!" ... which makes him sound like a Geordie! :lol:






maybe they used the PM instead?

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I think they're people who're thinking of getting a concertina. Then they read the "which one should I get" threads, buy a Rochelle or a Jackie, play it for a bit then decide they'd prefer a banjo or a flute or something.


Most mustard that is sold ends up on the side of the plate, uneaten. Most musical instruments, like unicycles, end up in the cupboard under the stairs.


(Which leads me to the obvious logical conclusion that most successful unicyclists and musicians live in bungalows.)

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Now that's great & of course there are a lot of active members too, but something that surprised me a little was the fact that around 1,422 members had gone to all the bother of joining, but had NEVER, EVER posted anything, not even a Hello!

Why do people bother?

People don't need that much reason.


"What, a forum about barbed wire? Let's take a look...

Oh, it's about music.

Let's see what more information they give, when you register?....

Boring... they don´t do HipHop!

Look, tallship... I like sailing. Let´s google "tallship"....

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OK then, I'll crawl out from the undergrowth and say 'Hello'.



I think they're people who're thinking of getting a concertina. Then they read the "which one should I get" threads ....(snip)


This is spot on. In my case the 'research' period has been extended (and interrupted by frequent cries of 'How (expletive deleted) much??' ), and the 'buying' bit deferred (possibly indefinitely) by a ruptured thumb tendon that requires surgery. I guess that any discussion of the prognosis for recovery from that belongs elsewhere - possibly the Ergonomics board? I don't want to be pushed, pulled and squeezed by the mods for posting on the wrong board in my first post! I did try to post there once but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again as far as I can tell.


Back on topic, a registered lurker can distinguish between read and unread posts, which is very helpful and which an unregistered lurker cannot do.

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OK then, I'll crawl out from the undergrowth and say 'Hello'.

Hello and welcome to the forum. :D


I don't want to be pushed, pulled and squeezed by the mods for posting on the wrong board in my first post!

I think you'll find that the 'mods' have a very light hand and are far more likely to gently point you in the right direction than to openly criticise a post in the wrong place.


Sorry to hear about your thumb problem, sounds pretty ghastly! It will give you time to collect your thoughts about concertinas and get used to the idea that they are expensive little beasties. Ah, the old Yorkshire war cry - "How ******* much!!?" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Supposed to be funny? I don't get it. Don't bother explaining though. I won't be back.

Sorry your upset Lyn.Many of us welcome beginners and try to help when we can.I lurked for a long time trying to pluck up courage to post on this site and was made very welcome when I did.You have a lot to offer Lyn ,you are a new player. hang around and when you want assistance please ask,there are a lot of people on this site only too willing to help.

Sorry your welcome was not as it should have been.


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