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Helping About Concertina Layout

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Hello, this is my first post in the forum, I'm Felix Castro, from Galicia - Spain, I play anglo and I have a Dipper C. Clare model and a Lachenal, 32 buttons with birds button both.

My question is that I ordered an A-4 Suttner concertina 2 years and a half ago, and now I must begin to decide the layout I want for it.


I play mainly galician tradicional music, mostly diatonic music but in a wide range of keys, and some times irish music, but I am know play with some acompaniament too (basic chords or notes).

My usual layout is the wheatstone sistem with the C# doubled in the 1st button of the 3rd row of the right side and the Eb in the additional button of the left side.


Any suggestions?


I am studying the Jeffries layout that is in the Suttner's web page and the 40 wheatstone's layout but they are very different.

I think I want to adapt the 40 wheatstone system to the 38 buttons suttner model but I find some additional buttons in the wheatstone system ilogical because it duplicates notes that the concertina has already but it miss other sharp or flat notes that I think they are more useful.


Thankyou very much for your reply


Felix Castro


sniff I must wait one year and a half more for my concertina sniff.

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Hi Felix


Welcome to this community! I found in this forum a discussion that may be interesting for you.

I also digged up a discussion on Jeffries and Wheatstone layout.


I wish you a lot of patience during the coming 1.5 year!



edited to insert a second link

Edited by Henk van Aalten
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Congrats on your new concertina and welcome to the forum. Hope you keep on posting even after you get your answer.


I can't help you with the design but lots of people can and will.



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Hi Felix,


A very difficult question!


One thing that seems obvious is that you should keep to the layout that you are already familiar with, and then decide what you want on the extra buttons. Otherwise you will have problems each time you change between your instruments.


I play mainly galician tradicional music, mostly diatonic music but in a wide range of keys, and some times irish music, but I am know play with some acompaniament too (basic chords or notes). My usual layout is the wheatstone sistem with the C# doubled in the 1st button of the 3rd row of the right side and the Eb in the additional button of the left side.


If you are playing an accompaniment, it might be worth considering something similar to my 38 key Jeffries, which has extra lower notes on the right hand side. This makes it easier to play the melody on the right when it needs lower notes, while the left hand can keep playing the accompaniment and not have to fill in these lower notes.


But maybe, if you need to play in many different keys, a Bb/F or Ab/Eb instrument might be useful?


best wishes ..wes

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Welcome Felix,


It's exciting to have the so-called Celtic part of Spain represented here. I'm curious what galician traditional music sounds like. What are some of your tunes? In fact, if you use the .abc format, please consider adding one of your favorite tunes to the Tune-o-Tron. Also please note that you can add .mp3's to the tune section if you're comfortable with doing that.

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I know that John Williams uses a layout on his Dipper that is a bit unusual (and proprietary), and that some members have corresponded with him to discuss his layout. He is a member of C.net, although I'm not sure if he is currently 're-registered' as new forum user. You can email him directly at bestbox@earthlink.net . He may want to charge you a nominal fee for his actual layout. I know that he will be on tour (teaching and performing at the Friday Harbor Festival) and will be away from his computer from this coming weekend thru the next week or so.

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Thankyou very much for all your kind answers to my question.

Of course I only want to know what notes do you suggest me to put in the additional buttons, in the other 31 buttons I'll keep the same wheatstone (with C # doubled) layout.


Unfortunatelly I don't have any tune in abc format, but if you want some galician tunes I can send you by e-mail scannered them.


About the tunes we have recorded, in internet, my brother and me contributed 5 years ago in the Citterns On Ice 1 and 2 project and we recorded 2 arragments for it, the link appears (I think) in the list of recordings of concertina.net.


If you want, the people that has 38 buttons with other layouts different from jeffries or that have adapted the 40 wheatstone layout to a 38 concertina, can e-mail directly to my sending his/her layout.


Yes, I feel too very alone here in Galicia (and Spain), where almost nobody plays concertina (in Galicia I know two persons only that play concertina cheap models and in a very basic manner) and recently people told me about other concertina player in Catalonia (I wanted to know who is the concertina player registered in the Basque Country.....). Of course the internet concertina comunity helps a lot to people like me....



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...and we recorded 2 arragments for it, the link appears (I think) in the list of recordings of concertina.net.


I wanted to know who is the concertina player registered in the Basque Country



Your Basque player is Joachim Delp.


Can you let us know the link to the recordings?





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If you want, the people that has 38 buttons with other layouts different from jeffries or that have adapted the 40 wheatstone layout to a 38 concertina, can e-mail directly to my sending his/her layout.

"38 buttons ... different from Jeffries" is a tricky concept. Within the past year I've played three different 38-button Jeffries, and each had a different layout.


I hope to send you the layouts I have and my comments on them, but I'm not sure how soon I'll get around to it.

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The link that appears on the concertina.net music page is now dead. The intended site is probably this one, which can be reached by either of two URL's.

this one

or this one


Felix and his brother appear about 2/3 of the way down.


The second volume of "Citterns on Ice" appears at this site.


Felix's selection is B3.


Both selections must be downloaded as .zip files and unzipped.

Edited by Stephen Mills
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