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Edeophone Scam

david robertson

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Don't even think about bidding onthis Edeophone. The pictures and the description have been ripped off from my original listing in September of this year. The concertina is currently in Australia, with a very happy new owner.
...having emailed the seller earlier he has sent me some very nice pictures of the the reed pans etc.


The serial number from the outside label reads 48877 with this number being repeated on the inside.

But how did the scammer get pictures of the reed pan?

Good point. Dave R. or Andie, is #48877 indeed the serial number of the original instrument? If so, did your (Dave's) original eBay listing include those additional photos? Or did you email them to individuals who asked for more pics?

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Don't even think about bidding onthis Edeophone. The pictures and the description have been ripped off from my original listing in September of this year. The concertina is currently in Australia, with a very happy new owner.
...having emailed the seller earlier he has sent me some very nice pictures of the the reed pans etc.


The serial number from the outside label reads 48877 with this number being repeated on the inside.

But how did the scammer get pictures of the reed pan?

Good point. Dave R. or Andie, is #48877 indeed the serial number of the original instrument? If so, did your (Dave's) original eBay listing include those additional photos? Or did you email them to individuals who asked for more pics?

The pictures were in the original listing.

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Bidding has gone back down to £255 - anyone know why?


Can't explain it, but I have just complained once again to eBay. If they have unilaterally removed the spoof bid(s), all they have achieved is to give the scammer a much better opportunity to offer a quick "sale" for cash.

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Bidding has gone back down to £255 - anyone know why?


Can't explain it, but I have just complained once again to eBay. If they have unilaterally removed the spoof bid(s), all they have achieved is to give the scammer a much better opportunity to offer a quick "sale" for cash.


I just noticed that the copy of my complaint sent to my own address came from "eBay Member: bramblejam" rather than from the eBay Safety Centre. Does this mean that someone is intercepting complaints, or am I just being paranoid? I forwarded it to the spoof@ebay address to check it out. Watch this space!

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Reason why the bidding dropped down: the following message ended up in my bulk mail and I didn't see it till just now. I will let somebody else bid to spoil his auction, having done my part for truth and justice. If we all bid lots and lots he'd have a hard time canceling us all.




are you real!?!!! please reply or i will cancel your bid!!!



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Reason why the bidding dropped down: the following message ended up in my bulk mail and I didn't see it till just now. I will let somebody else bid to spoil his auction, having done my part for truth and justice. If we all bid lots and lots he'd have a hard time canceling us all.


are you real!?!!! please reply or i will cancel your bid!!!



If you haven't already, maybe you should reply with something like:

You doubt me?

I'm sure, sir, that I'm just as real as you.
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I would imagine your bid was outdone by cocusflute so I wouldn't worry too much unless you bid 8 grand and were outbid ... :o


Assuming that Cocusflute is the current high bidder at £4100, the distressing thing from my point of view is that someone out there was prepared to bid £4000. Given that I sold it for £1500, I'm starting to feel a little hard done by! Of course, it may just be that someone else from this fine community has also put on a silly bid.



Yes, that was me. I bid £4000. My bid has now been cancelled by the seller because I'd previously sent him a rude email. I am now barred from bidding on the item. If he turns a bid of £4000 down, which pushed the highest bid by Cocusflute up to £4100, then he knows it is a scam! As I write this, the listing is still there at 22.27GMT. Sorry to get your hopes up David that a genuine bidder might be prepared to bid that sort of money for a Lachenal Edeophone and especially that far in advance of the end of the auction.



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I would love to mess with this guy, and I'm not banned from bidding, yet. However, the possibility remains (does it not?), that if this auction closes full term, I win, and do not pay, that this wingnut could give me negative feedback, right?

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"...if this auction closes full term, I win, and do not pay, that this wingnut could give me negative feedback, right?"


No- EBay allows for bids placed in error. I was prepared to say, if I had in fact won, that I had only bid £700 but a bid of £7,000 had been entered in error. Next time we see something like this we should all bid ridiculous figures.


I sent EBay the numbers both for the real and the scam auctions. Three hours later the auction was disappeared.

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I sent EBay the numbers both for the real and the scam auctions. Three hours later the auction was disappeared.


I reported it to Ebay as well last night, on the basis that even if he did have a genuine concertina for sale, it's still an Ebay offence to copy the text and pictures from another person's listing, which he clearly has done. Seems our combined efforts have worked. :rolleyes:



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Thank you all for your help and support. It's good to know that we can beat the scammers!


Hi again,


Jesus! I didn't think my concertina could cause so much trouble David!


Thanks to everyone for keeping the game straight! :D





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