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C.net Big Band

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Henk and I are pleased to announce the C.net Big Band Project and the band members are all of you.



Henk and I have recorded 4 master tunes to record against which you can download as an MP3.Using this master you record an MP3 against it using headphones ,similar to recording in a studio and send it to Henk for mixing.Your recordings can be with concertina or any other instrument to form an arrangement,but not multi tracked.All of you are welcome to join in ,even beginners ,but a reasonable level of playing must be achieved.

Henk will make decisions to accept or deny recordings submitted to him and his decision must be final.For awkward decisions we have enlisted two respected members on this site for Henk to approach for advice if required.Henk may even decide to ditch my original recordings,which I must accept in the spirit of this project.All rejected MP3s will be kept confidential.

Henk will update the music as contributions come in and I hope you will be excited by its development.We have the option of separating out wonderful performances,forming duets,trios etc.so many options are open to Henk for some exciting stuff.If this trial run is successful and you like it, we will ask for future master tunes to be submitted to keep this rolling.

Henk will follow up this introduction by more technical information and instructions in the music section and then it is down to you.

From an original idea, Henk has put in some considerable time and hard work to make this scheme work and I would like to thank him for his efforts.

Finally I would like to dedicate this idea to Eric Sorenson who loved the big band sound and longed to participate in a big band.

Sadly Eric had a major accident Hang Gliding and may not be able to play the concertina again.I am sure you will all join with me in wishing Eric a full recovery.

Henk and Al

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Henk and I are pleased to announce the C.net Big Band Project and the band members are all of you.

Sounds good to me. (Since I've already listened to the initial MP3's, that's a pun.:))


I hope I'll have time soon to try contributing.

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It sounds interesting and I'd like to give this a try...maybe. Shall see.


I don't know if I could figure out all the recording details and then get it all working together correctly, and, on top of that, keep the dogs from barking! :blink:


I have a lot to figure out, lately....don't know how much more I should add to the agenda.

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I have been using the Audiacity and the Amazing Slowdowner software recently for my own practicing and for practicing with others not present. I am waiting for my new Hi-MD player now so that I can upgrade my recording capabilities as my Sony powered microphone/PC sound card set up gives so-so quality.


Looking foward to contibuting a part - either with the concertina or the banjo!


Good luck guys!

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I'm guessing that as we all play an instrument that's considered a bit obscure by the mainstream there's a good chance that a fair few of us play other "odd" instruments as well :D For example...


Apart from recording a concertina line or two, I'm hoping to contribute some bass parts played on the electric fence-post, which is a home-made stand-up bass thing (with handy carrying handle!) which started life as, yes, you guessed it, a fence post. There's still traces of soil on the bottom of it as we never bothered to clean it up before we started bolting the thing together. It's great for playing rockabilly on, although it's only ever had two strings on it, as the neck isn't attached to the body particularly firmly :rolleyes:

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Thank you for your support all.

Henk and I were getting rather amused that after all the work we put in there would be no replies or interest,just our sense of humour.However we did not expect immediate results (Luckily) but your recent responses make us optimistic.

I am really looking forward to hearing the fence post being played,I would think it was a wind up if I did not know you from this site.I would expect that it will be some time before Henk calls a halt to these tunes if ever they will keep evolving as more instruments are added.

Exciting times ahead

Henk & Al

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Morgana, Jim, Wendy, David, Sunchopepper, Stuart,


Thanks for your replies and your intention to join the C.Net Big Band! Alan and I are really looking forward to your contributions.


From own experience I know it can take some time before a good track is recorded. If I can be of any technical help, please let me know.

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Henk - thank you for your kind offer; I will let you know if I need any tech support. Right now I need to learn the tune :P




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Thanks for your replies and your intention to join the C.Net Big Band! Alan and I are really looking forward to your contributions.


From own experience I know it can take some time before a good track is recorded. If I can be of any technical help, please let me know.

Thanks Henk - it's more a matter of abject disorganisation for me :D I have some time off work coming up next week, so I should have chance to dust off and record the fence-post (and other things) then.

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Great news Stuart,I am really looking forward to a fence post being played,I cannot think of anything more ingenious.I must admit I can imagine it with a bit of barbed wire and staples still hanging on it and as you have said the mud is still caked onto the bottom.How about a picture after you have done your recording.

I can still remember the Zob stick played by a member of the Bushwackers (Australian Folk Group) which was played with such gusto the player actually broke his wrist on stage playing it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In order to save this item from oblivion (on page 2 and quickly going down to page 3), I will let you all know that up till now no contributions have arrived. We realise that it's now the season for holidays an festivals, so we are patient and very hopefull.


In the meantime I have built up some experience by mixing four tracks. The result can be heard at this address en is dicussed in more detail in this thread.


I am convinced (knowing my own limitations) that a soundmix of several C.Net contributors will be much better than my experiment!

Edited by Henk van Aalten
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Nice tracks mix...shall be listening to it all, again!


I recently got software to switch .wav files to .mp3s. But, it's not really all that simple, this recording stuff, and....


even though I may get the time to try to get a good recording, I may be needing more than time. May need to find the proper genius around here.


Anway...we'll see!

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I'm working on the pieces, but does anyone else have the problem I have? By the time I'm into the third time through "Banish Misfortune", my arms are too tired to continue. No tendon troubles, just plain tired. Does it get easier? Normally I can play on all day, but this piece stops me.

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