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Everything posted by Kautilya

  1. Righteeho!!!! Now the trickier part - if the peasants were using the melody back in 17thC as they dropped like flies that must mean it has been around since then. I already tried and failed to get a source by playing the youtube into several "name that tune" sites I assume David's lassie is not the same as a Bonnie Bonnie lassie?? Did you ever see a lassie, I suppose someone on mudcat might know but I would be frightened to go looking over there at night without a head torch!
  2. Fear not - u must surely have seen the concertina player, standing atop the rigging of a three-masted clipper, playing sea-shanties to drive the waves back as they topped the statue of Liberty
  3. What non-German songs is melody used for? Driving me crazy as it is so familiar but could it have been around so long? Or maybe it is played regularly by our George hurdy gurdier and it has become part of the subsconscious Ta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGJIxLkPW04 Marx Augustin oder Der liebe Augustin (eigentlich Markus Augustin; * 1643 in Wien; † 11. März 1685 Die Große Pest von Wien war eine Pestepidemie, der 1679 in Wien vermutlich rund 12.000 Menschen zum Opfer fielen. Zeitgenössische Berichte bezifferten die Anzahl der Toten mit 70.000 bis 120.000. Schriftlich nachweisbar sind rund 8.000 Tote, was allerdings nur als Untergrenze betrachtet werden kann. ... Mit der Pest wurde auch der Straßenmusikant Augustin berühmt, mit dem das Lied Oh du lieber Augustin in Verbindung gebracht wird. (Wikipedia)
  4. Wot started at 29.99 ended up as 21 Oct, 2012 21:57:29 BST Winning bid: £6,460.00 [ 42 bids ] Postage: £12.99 Standard Delivery
  5. Wooltina I bet he was rather sheepish about getting it out at sessions in case he got laughed at........... actually I should apologise to Chris for jumping him on this; such repartee is more down his master;s lane ... baa baa baaa!
  6. That link takes you to whatever TV program is currently being broadcast! Which program were you referring to? programme twas last night Paul the 29th October - under that link go into iplayer mode or whatever it is called - item it is towards the end... asI said I think 32 mins with paxo in a laboratorysomewhere and then a guy at home.... - faskinating ere u go http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01nqk70/Newsnight_29_10_2012/ the great point he makes (for carving) is that you are NOT cutting wood awayy to get your final product, but you are adding layers of wood and building on each layer to reach your final product from your drawing, or your scanned Jeffries or Chinese melodeon... so, much less 'wasteful'. I wonder how much amboyna ends or turtle shell would cost..........
  7. There were long and protractedd discussions sometime back started by someone who wanted to cut and carve their own concertina fretted ends. I cant find who but I think the end result was great for their moral determination but had some shape issues. I did suggest at the time one could print the ends (probably using Chinese design engineers to cut cost and get latest) but as usual I was too far behind the herd and it dropped by the way But here is some more info in this area - would get round all those non standard bit problems like the Victorian bolts.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/tv/bbc_two_england/watchlive
  8. You're right - you mightily deserve a rest fo all this work, so here is something depressing to put you back in order! needs a lot of bellows work to hold some of the notes and it is hell trying to hold the lung bellow notes too! I have yet to find a tina player to help do the honours as accompanist. And there ara few other toons by this chappie that may be more uplifting I dont know why this first one cuts off though just before the end.... I have it somewhere else if you want the last phrasing... same 78 record.
  9. http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/xchg//lidl_uk/hs.xsl/index_35776.htm?offerdate=&ar2=
  10. Just listenin' to this before comparing with your abc
  11. Just wondering what the tina high notes will sound like, playing along. If Dboy is a tear jerker I defy anyone to resist this one - tho not sure wot Italian piece he is singing - anyone know?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ46Ot4_lLo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  12. Wahey!!!
  13. Anything useful here? Alas, I have suggested to this chappie that he should film from above and behind but troublesome priest that he is, he does not get it -- so you cannot see the full fingering repeats here, but you can hear em praps.
  14. I presume the dots would be on mudcat too but in the meantime here is a performance by Hectorawol whom I always find entertaining and I wonder if that's not a gray Paolo Soprani he is playing on! and then a slower version All it needs now is a concertina version up there (hint hint! -would a deadline help you progess? Say a ten pennny piece in the old man's hat for Christmas?
  15. I'll wind you up before tucking you up in your nightcap and bedshirt tonight. This is a very polite sounding version so you can give us some welly!
  16. C is for caveat F is for friend G is for good news and D for delight The interim trick is to find someone (there are many about) who bought new or near new and then gave up. That way you can afford two for the price of a new one and get both a DG (such as the Hohner pokerwork) and also a CF (which Steve will also encourage you to do. CF opens up a whole range of good sounds with toons to play alone at home; and of course to join in with the growing number of CF players in UK. CF is a commmon format across Europe as opposed to UK dominant DG ... so, more toons to play around with.) Then when u get ready to move on from the pokerwork, you can rest comfortable in the knowledge you can re-sell it. But why rush? - take the opportunity to try out different boxes. Most people at sessions will not be too precious about letting you having a little try on their machines. The Shropshire Squeeze folk (RayLangton.com lend boxes for their squeeze days. There can be big differences in how they feel, weigh, sound, sqeueeze, how much effort needed and how quiet/loud. And when u get to know the variety one will surely turn up on ebay during the holidays when no one is watching and which is just down the road so you can try before you bidandbuy. Go The George on Nov 5 and talk to some of the melodeon players. \
  17. I feel like I'm the only one in London at the moment! Not so. But it's a big place - without being too cryptic which borough are you in at least! I see the palatino is one of the Chinese models which can have quite stiff bellows and buttons to begin with. Apart from Alan Day lessons, it is good to start doing scales up and down - really. Are you already a player of something else, triangle, grand piano, kazooo in terms of earlier musical notation experience - of course playing by ear is the way to go.
  18. Gerrobs (gerrobs at hotmail dot com) is organising a slimmed down Sian Nol Sia Mlan Welsh music weekend this year for any instrument (search in cnet for ystradgynlais to see previous years. There may be some action Friday afternoon: could be the Jeffreys Arms in Ystradgynlais, or even at residence of Gerrobs & T in Ystalyfera if arriving numbers small;then session in the evening at Wern Fawr pub in Ystalyfera as usual. The session on Saturday afternoon for toon swapping, teaching whistle, bodhran, pipe tricks etc., will be in the Ancient Briton, near Abercraf about three miles north of Ystradgynlais. Start around 2.30, and finish before 6, when food starts, then move to next location for evening (to be announced). Recovering Sunday morning and perhaps some more action depending on political will.
  19. Dirge go on, persuade him to take up the harmonica! Then: I have some spare mini-discs - I reckon I will sell you a couple at 100NZ$ .... each....!(plus p%p at 50NZ$ to down under) I mean it's all right you recession hit music-makinug bourgeois trying to do barter in the global recession, but some of us capitalists need to turn a bob or two as intermediaries
  20. Come to The George Inn (with your Anglo) on Nov 5 Monday, 20,00 to 2300 just 100 yards from London Bridge. Will be various people who can advise. Do you know the 17 bus or is yr "North" London like up the M1/AL!? There should also be some concertina people (but mainly English not Anglo_ at The Horseshoe Inn behind the hospital at London Bridge (Melior St I think_)from 1200 to 1500 on Sunday Nov 4th. May be it is time to start a regular gathering of beginners and intermediates who can make lots of mistakes together and start learning a few toons ensemble, meeting somewhere accessible in central london near a tube. It could be the Euston Station Piazza in the bus stand, or perhaps someone's garden shed. I am not sure what the deal is on Friends House for cheap or free rooms - oppositre Euston. ps what Anglo have you got?
  21. Wow - not cheap. You really want to check out daily useability before buying that. I bought three Sony minidisk recorders duty freee at airport before a trip and then discovered next day Sony had added a software digital rights manager blocker to their earlier machine: so you could not record/plAYBACK your own material -- only approved toons!! Fortunately Dixons Heathrow took em back and refunded the money a week later.
  22. Just watch it you. I have the conductor's score for Thomas Tallis' Spem in Alium and I know how to transcribe it! Now this is really classy: Thomas Tallis ring-tones! http://www.lyricszoo.com/thomas-tallis/if-ye-love-me/ I wonder if I should change that scotch drinking song on my phone at the moment which is auld lang syne?
  23. If you had read my previous posts with any degree of concentration you would have noted my comment that the book ended with four pages of advertisements for other publications . . . Now may we please have a blowing a raspberry emoticon? Sorry, but this is the best I can do in the short time available as had no beans for dinner and I am trying to watch the recording of tonight's earlier Homeland ... which seems to be set in the jungle putside the hall of the mountain king voiZeusEcho11032804.mp3voiPSZeusTrumpet11032802.mp3 BTW thanks in advance for alerting me to Thomas Tallis' Spem in alium - I did not know it existed but now I am certainly enjoying the youtube - stunning stuff. You see, you CAN cast pearl before swine and they will appreciate 'em.
  24. true... but looking back, for example, a Swaledale evening/night session regularly lasts five hours or more, Whitby average three hours to 3.5 hours ... so you are often pushing at the limit. On three occasions at Whitby this summer, Zoom users borrowed new batteris from me (I carry a stash) cause their machines had died and they had not brought mains' adapters and cable... and no spare batteries as they were cutting the grass and could not get to the drycleaners for their sweaters before the expensive Duracell-selling New Zealand corner convenience store had closed. Sod's law says it will just run out when you are doing your virtuoso piece of the decade. once it is put on the table,I tend to forget and do not look at the recorder until the fat Tina has sung..... In fact I left the 515 behind in The George this month (we were last out) and when I (luckily) was able to pick it up the next morning the battery was still alive - it had been running since about 2030 on the shelf behind where were playing. I am not saying he should not go for Zoom, but you really must gear up for it and be ever vigilant, and for this South Africa Ireland trip always run two machines at once. Once played it will never be repeated the same - by definition. It is like digital photos. Always shoot at the maximum quality resolution and in RAW - you can always reduce the size of a big photo and keep the quality - if you shoot small you can never increase the quality. And the space costs you nothing. The files we are getting a pain because the size means you need more mobile hard drive storage (I am on several 1TB HDs at 70 quid per (no mains power) shirt pocket size, HD drives. I need this coz I get one RAW and a viewable JPG adding up to about from 25MB to 28MB per shot. ps Love your "The Distant Shores of Love" - with that harp-rich ukulele :) pps v useful sound comparison site - will have a good listen to that.tks
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