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About tamborileru

  • Birthday 01/28/1974

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    Music, books, sports,...
  • Location
    Salamanca (Spain)

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  1. JimLucas, I wrote my answer very short In Spain copy right issues are for seventy years... after the death. In the ancient law, copy right issues were for eighty years after the death. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Derecho_de_autor_en_España In English: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_law_of_Spain
  2. In Spain, copy right issues are for seventy years. You cannot use music (or text) to get money, but you can use it for teaching, for example
  3. Happy Chritsmas from Spain! I whish that next year bring us a lot of music, especially concertina music
  4. Each instrument is a world. I think it is no possible to compare differents instruments like concertina, melodeon or other accordion or instrument because they were made for different kind of music, different kind of dances, different kind of songs and different culture. We can play many songs and play in different styles. However, there are song taht sounds better with concertina, and there are tunes that sounds better played in other instrument. But we can play them, of course. And we can try to get an own style of playing, I think this is very important.
  5. I'm going to try "Jessica's"
  6. Hello, friends! Last weekend, we made a little Irish party at home. We were six persons (three couples), and each couple had to play some Irish songs (or, at least, a celtic theme). This is difficult for us, because we paly other kind of music (folk music, but not Irish music). But, finally, we played some Irish and celtic songs. We gived ourself the name of "The Mirobrigans" (near my village there was an ancient city called Mirobriga) and, with concertina, we played the famous song "Si beagh si mhor", and this was the result: http://youtu.be/-kS2_kXhYus
  7. Wow! What a wonderful pictures! I have got only a little Höhner D40/9 with twenty buttons, but I love it! The picture is the same that my profile picture.
  8. Congratulations and welcome, Jeff! The world of concertina music is a wonderful world. Now, enjoy your new instrument! Greetings from Spain!
  9. Hello, Defra! First of all, thank you very much for your reply. I live in the province of Salamanca, near Portugal, and in Salamanca we play especially three hole flute and tabor (gaita y tamboril) and, in the village where I live, square drum (pandero cuadrado). In Asturias, where this tune is played, usually is the bagpipe (gaita de fole) the principal instrument. Thank you very much, Dean / Merci beacoup, Dean
  10. Hello, friends! This is my last concertina video (by the moment). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j9Ng5vgOxY
  11. I have only a Höhner D40/9m and I am playing it for five years. In the future, I expect toy get a new concertina (but I don't now what model), and I expect cotinue playing contertina, of course, because... I love it!
  12. I have put some links in "Videos&Music"
  13. Hello, friends! I've asked for links of traditional songs from Spain played with concertina. I have some videos in my Youtube channel. These are the links: CHARRADA DEL HERRERO (traditional from Salamanca) LA ADELAIDA (traditional from the ancient Kingdom of León): LOS PAJARITOS (traditional from Spain): RIANXEIRA (traditional from Galicia): I'll put more videos in the future.
  14. Well, I use to play traditional Spanish songs from Asturias, Galicia, Salamanca (ancient Kingdom of León),... In Youtube there are a lot of traditional tunes from Spain and Portugal that are very interesting to play with any instrument (including concertina, of course).
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