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Everything posted by RustyBits

  1. Ohhhhhhh! Thanks! I actually sent Bob Tedrow an e-mail today asking if the fingerings would be the same : ) but you have answerd that question for me. I'll mostly play for Highland Mary Morris Dancers and the deeper tone would be great. Now my mission is to get my hands on someones box! (Heavens! That sounds almost indecent!)
  2. Up here in Belfast, Maine most folk of Irish descent (most of us are Irish/French Canadian in this area) wear green. The latest tradition in Belfast is to go out to Three Tides, the local pub, and drink good beer while listening to Old Grey Goose, the Local most-fabulous traditional music band.
  3. Good point! C/G is what I've been playing. The thought of a G/D is interesting because it has a deeper voice. I'm not sure the fingerings would transfer though.
  4. Hi All, I'm back after a 4 year . . . ?? Insanity break? I'm wondering if anyone within a stones throw of Maine has a Tedrow concertina they'd be willing to let me have a visit with. I'm thinking of ordering one in the near future and would like to give one a squeeze first. Lisa
  5. Hi All, My concertina didn't sell on E-bay, but it's still for sale. I'd like to get $1100.00 for it as it's in excellent shape. Lisa
  6. Hi All, Since my divorce 4 years ago I haven't had time to play, so I'm selling my Herrington. I have it listed on Ebay for $1100.00 It has been well cared for and not really played that much. I also have a few learning books and CD's that I'll send along with it. Lisa
  7. I find that it is more important what I put IN me than ON me. I used to have horribly cracked finger tips every winter and started taking vitamin E and vitamin A. No more cracks, at least not on my fingers : )
  8. I posted this in the buy sell forum, but thought more folks would see it if I put it here too: My friend Bennett is interested in learning the concertina, but will be out sailing for 6 months. . . I'm thinking that a Stagi or the like would be a good choice. It will get him interested and it won't be a tragedy if it gets wrecked. Any of you have one for sale??
  9. My friend Bennett is interested in learning the concertina, but will be out sailing for 6 months. . . I'm thinking that a Stagi or the like would be a good choice. It will get him interested and it won't be a tragedy if it gets wrecked. Any of you have one for sale??
  10. An heaven knows, a photo of just Al's thumbnail (naked or clothed) would not do him justice, even if cold water was involved
  11. Just remember. . . women may come and go, but your concertina is ALWAYS your concertina!
  12. Very interesting kit those dancers have. Sadly my Morris side wouldn't look quite so. . .so. . . "sharp" in that sort of kit. Gravity has definitely taken it's toll on Highland Mary Morris. It doesn't look like Mr. Moon is actually playing, and it's kind of a crappy looking box.
  13. Here in Maine you can't smoke in pubs, restaurants or any public places. They phased the laws in gradually starting with the restaurants. It's wonderful to be able to listen to music for the evening and not be stinky when I get home. . . except for the Guinness on my breath
  14. Here! Here! I agree. Any concertina is a good concertina if it gets people playing!
  15. I once heard English Country dancing referred to as Contra dancing without the "fun". (no offense to you English fans ) Contra gets much more whooped up and fast moving, which is great in a hall with 200 people. When everyone does the "balance" step the whole building shakes. You can be creative within the form of the dance by adding extra twirls and spins, which in English is a no-no. It's a rolicking good time! You may have to come over on a field trip, Al, so that we can get you dancing!
  16. Maybe through all that water and mommy the button box sounded like a fiddle?? Rhomylly, you'd better get an amplifier and play through a speaker strapped to your tummy!
  17. I agree! Shakespeare and Concertina! Great combo! I could probably live withoutthe hairdoo though.
  18. WOW! Great instrument and great playing! What a nice combination. Thanks for posting the tunes. I downloaded them as a playlist. Hope you don't mind. You can tell a man love his instrument when he photographs it with flowers!
  19. My only stage experience iswith singing. Before a solo I had to keep saying "Don't Faint! Don't Faint. . . " Needless to say I cut my choral career short because the anxiety was too much! I don't know how you people do it! Maybe I needed more beer!
  20. WooHoo! Great news!! I have 3 kids ages 22, 5 and 3. It's fun, exhausting,exciting, anxiety-ridden, and amazing! Kids love you like no one else ever will and vice versa. Have you started throwing up yet?? I would advise you to be careful about being in the hot sun for hours. Maybe get yourself a big straw hat or a beach umbrella. Drink lots of water too!
  21. I can dance, HEY! I can sing, HEY! I can do most anything, HEY! I can dance, HEY! I can play, HEY! I can do the shepherds hay, HEY! Could go nicely with those new style Morris costumes.
  22. Nice. But do you need a forklift to carry it around???
  23. Yes, we have to support free reeds wherever we hear them! Especially in mainstream music.
  24. When I bought the button accordion from Lester he sent it Fed-Ex overnight, which was a great idea. That way the instrument wasn't banging around in transit for 10 days. A week after it arrived Fed-Ex sent me a bill for somewhere around $35 for duty. Fairly painless and WELL worth it!
  25. I'll make sure to order a matching color, Al. Your could alway stuff you powder puffs in the bustier of your new outfit, you know, for that full figured look.
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