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Everything posted by ocd

  1. Wow. That's maddening. What if you right-click the link and choose "Save link/target as..."? I got that to work on my end just now. -J It finally worked using a different browser! ocd
  2. It is strange. I can open it in my browser, but when I download it, Adobe says that the file is damaged. I hate computers. ocd
  3. With the IPad one can change the zoom of PDF documents. Including music scores. ocd
  4. That is cruel (but necessary, probably). ocd
  5. How would you know that people are using their real names? ocd (real name John Smith, really)
  6. Right hand side is C griff. What do you mean? In C-griff, in playing position, C# is closer to the floor than C. In Thomas scheme, C is closer to the floor than C#. ocd
  7. Thank you very much for posting this. I am puzzled: I would have expected that the right hand side would be like the right hand side of a C-griff chromatic accordion. As shown in the diagram it is neither C-griff or B-griff. (It is like a C-griff with the opposite slant of the keys.) How come you decided on this? Thanks! ocd
  8. Do you mean 1/60th of a second? ocd
  9. Thomas, Fantastic playing! BTW, I am really curious about the layout of your concertinas. Thanks, ocd
  10. There is at least one more meaning: elicit emotion in the audience. One does not necessarily need to feel the emotion to bring it out in the listener. A parallel would be the difference between "method acting" and "craft acting" ocd
  11. Oh, come now. Regardless of how they sound, if concertina playing school was developed half of bandoneon school, we all would be much better off. Watching the vide below reminded me of the comment above. http://www.youtube.com/user/singlemaltbear#p/u/11/o7YsRlhwlAM The video was recorded during the final exam for the player's sixth year of bandoneon studies. I do agree with Mischa. ocd PS Technically speaking, the bandoneon is a concertina, anyway
  12. Juanma, In your site there is a recording of yours with chifla and salterio. What is the salterio? Thanks, ocd
  13. The Rheinische Tonlage bandoneon, used in South America, much like a typical large duet, has an overlap of about one octave (from A3 to A4) between the sides.. See, for example, http://www.inorg.chem.ethz.ch/tango/band/band_node13.html Each side has an almost continuous range (some notes are missing cerrando in the bandoneon of 144 buttons). ocd
  14. Does anybody have experience with meantone-tuned English concertinas? In theory one of these should have sweet-sounding thirds in a good range of the usual tonalities. The trade-off is that fifths do not sound as nice as in ET-tuned instruments. ocd
  15. Just to muddle the waters: (from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boustrophedon ) Boustrophedon (pronounced /ˌbaʊstrɵˈfiːdən/ or /ˌbuːstroʊˈfiːdən/; from Greek βουστροφηδόν "ox-turning"—that is, turning like oxen in ploughing), is an ancient way of writing manuscripts and other inscriptions. Rather than going from left to right as in modern English, or right to left as in Hebrew and Arabic, alternate lines must be read in opposite directions. ocd
  16. Look at the videos in this youtube user page: http://www.youtube.com/user/tentreb ocd
  17. imslp.org has it. You might have to go through their menus. Look under J.S. Bach and then cantatas (#147 as Yagi-san posted). It is a 44 page file. The choral starts in page 23 (pdf file). ocd
  18. One of the comments in the youtube page from the poster of the video says: (In reponse to a question: understand the accordions are called clarinet, oboe, french horn and tuba. How do they produce these sounds? Is it all through reeds and different materials?) "Inside are long wooden tube as a body, a cabinet still increases their sounds and colors timbre. From left to right: oboe, clarinet, bayan, french horn, tube. No, materials of all reeds the same, but rezonatores different." ocd
  19. Yes, they are, but sometimes they are handy for easier fingerings. (Some people call them enharmonic substitutes.) ocd
  20. I am sorry to hear that you are not enjoying the concertina. Good luck! ocd
  21. The concertinas of Wim Wakker, I believe, are at least at the same level of quality of the best accordions *I* have played (Giulietti Continentals and Super Continentals). Admittedly I have not played any Russian-made CBAs. As for the playing of professionals: you might want to take a listen at http://www.amazon.com/Great-Regondi-Vol-1-...3752&sr=1-2 Also http://www.concertinaconnection.com/soundfiles.htm Clearly we could quibble about how these compare to top-rated CBA players, but these recordings are representative of what can be done with the EC. Admittedly the market for the EC is much smaller than that of the CBA and that does make a difference on the availability of top rated instruments. ocd
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