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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpIKrHEYuvY
  2. And then the South African style with Piet Visser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_bW63U9R-k
  3. And for something different Padraig Rynne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6usF6cClosw
  4. Watch Alan Day taming his bellows! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbOuqW2Xkyc
  5. I think that as far as bellow work goes there is a vast array of variations in style. I know the Irish players seem to barely move the bellows and this suits the style of music. The English style players tend to use much more exaggerated bellows movements to give the tunes more punch. The South African players are the best with the bellows shaking. Also - it depends on the instrument. Some of the new instruments are just more "air-efficient" than the older ones. Accordion reeds are very efficient - some concertina reeds are not as efficient and require more bellows. If you have an instrument with more bellows folds it can be more difficult to keep the bellows as controlled! At least that's my experience so far. On the Anglo-International CD there is a player who uses a four fold bellows which would be easy to control but short on air for some people. It's an interesting topic.
  6. Does anyone have the dots for the tune "Mandy Murray's" from the Anglo-International CD - great tune!
  7. Ah - but I know they've done it before!!
  8. I think If I was offered the right amount for the Willie van Wyk I would then order a Ceili in G/D -possibly with an additional drone button on the left thumb and an extra bellows fold to give a little more air for those deeper notes. Maybe I'll strike it rich and be able to have both!
  9. It occurs to me that rather than acquiring a C/G with more buttons I would have been better off picking up a G/D with the same amount! This is a wonderful instrument with real concertina reeds - steel in brass shoes. Eight fold bellows - metal ends. Hook and spring action that is responsive and quiet. If interested please PM me - I will not be listing this concertina anywhere else. I would keep this concertina, my Cover and my Stagi if I could justify the purchase of another concertina in G/D!
  10. Any chance of some pictures of the reed pans and action on these new Heritage models? I'd love to see and hear one of these!
  11. Here's a little rough recording of Princess Royal on my new 40 button Willie van Wyk Anglo. Needs work but it was fun! http://youtu.be/ctlg-Yuj8Mo
  12. I do search regularly for Konsertina and Boeremusiek. It was suggested a while ago and it reaped rewards!
  13. Hi Dirge - I was looking for the dots also. It seems that a great many of the tunes are available in a tablature sort of diagram. You learn the tune through listening and copying the rhythm using the buttons indicated on the diagram. I wasn't so sure about it - coming from a classical background it seemed odd but it makes committing the tune to memory easier. Ben Otto has been a great guide into the world of Boer Konsertina.
  14. I just purchased a wonderful 40 button Willie van Wyk C/G. It is a classic Wheatstone layout. I plan on learning some Boer tunes along with the English and Old Timey stuff I learn from Jody Kruskal.
  15. I love Boer style concertina music. The tradition in South Africa seems to be really strong. They use techniques that we don't see in other styles. The waltzes they play are some of the most beautiful I've heard. I particularly enjoy this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wcmkm5MevI Amazing playing!
  16. Here's few photos - in case you're interested
  17. Still available - make me an offer!
  18. Looks like a great time - I really hope to be there next year. It's been a tough year for me.
  19. Just bought my new Willie Van Wyk Lachelle 40 button anglo and she's a beauty. My first "real" concertina. Fantastic instrument.
  20. Good afternoon all, I have a Stagi W15 C/G instrument with a soft case that I'm looking to sell. These are $900 new for The Button Box. I'm looking for $700 obo. It was a great instrument to get started on. Bertram Levy loves his! He just had new bellows made for it! Message me if interested. Thanks, Marcus
  21. Maybe next year for me
  22. I have a soft spot for the South African players. It's nice to hear them play without the midi backup that's used nowadays.
  23. I did that with the tunes Dan. It would be fantastic to be able to read it on the ipad and have all the links work too.
  24. Good morning folks, Does anyone know if it's possible to put the House Dance CDRom onto the ipad so I can read it and listen to the musical example as I can on a PC?
  25. Do you do terms?! I'm in the market!
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