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Everything posted by maki

  1. Welcome! Do you read music? As Jim asked, what kind of music did you want to play?
  2. http://forum.melodeon.net/index.php?topic=15309.0 This one for $65?
  3. Great replies, thank you. It's an endlessly fascinating subject to me. So why is it that the English like d/g, the French like g/c and a/d, while the Germans prefer c/f? Are those standard key signatures for each contries folk music? I've kinda got my head around the ITM oriented opinions on the semi-tone sysyems.
  4. I wondering about melodeons, quite a bit lately. Something about waltzs played on those appeals to me. And that you can get a decent box for relatively cheap. So.. How many of you play, what key or keys, and what genre?
  5. I don't get it. Is there another Tedrow cocertina maker besides Bob Tedrow?
  6. I saw a video of our own member Bob M. demo-ing a Tedrow 30 button at Liberty Bellow. Only reason I mention it is that the price looks good. (I don't have any connection with Liberty Bellows, caveat emptor,YMMV,disclaimer,etc.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpv1bddDi_A
  7. Somebody's got to follow Bob's gorgeous piece. So here is mine. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=qBMgtJ_-6yA
  8. You could also try putting up the same post at other music forums. http://forums.chiffandfipple.com/index.php http://forum.melodeon.net/index.php?action=forum It will take time and a little effort, but may be it will save you some shekels.
  9. Linky http://www.custysmusic.com/product-info.php?pid763.html
  10. I'm getting to be quite a big fan Clive Williams and his box playing. Looks like others here double on the Melodeon as well.
  11. Congratulations. Stunning instrument, wow.
  12. Great sounding concertina. Congratulations!!!
  13. That was great, love the blues. I wonder if he covers Killing Floor?
  14. My Marcus is steel reeded, but I don't worry about the reeds. It's the sound board that's a concern. Normal humidity around here is 40-60%. Which perfect for pipe reeds, wood instruments, and strawberries growing.
  15. The weather around here has been near zero humidity. An interior high sends dry desert air to the coast. Bottom line is that I can't play my concertina. Anyone get similar conditions?
  16. Another brilliant vid. Love the tasteful over dub. Here's my effort. A humble polka. Was trying to go for The Rights of Man, but I'm choking on the b part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnm2m5fOOF8&feature=youtu.be
  17. Seventeen Hippies rock, though I'd prefer to play it more trad. Still, it's all fun.
  18. Welcome to the forum!Congratulations on getting a wonderful upgrade too. I believe that most of the duet fans here love having new company.
  19. Two Rivers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M95eMYVA_jE
  20. The good news is that if you did want to get new bellows it is commonly replaced item. After all they were only meant to last one hundred years. The bad news is that good bellows will be pricey. All that skilled labor.... http://www.concertinaconnection.com/replacement%20bellows.htm
  21. You could probably get 4500-5000 GBP if you sell it yourself. Less if you sell it to a dealer for cash in hand today. I don't consider it greedy to ask what the market will bear. Put it on ebay with a reserve of 4500? Congratulations on getting a C. Jeffries!
  22. How about a tune, waltz, called Thirty Two by Larry Unger. Here is a taste played on melodion.
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