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Holiday Instrument Wish List

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Each instrument has certain strengths and what can I say, I would like to have as many strengths covered as possible :).


Haha, what a marvellous way of putting it. Now I never feel like I need to justify buying another instrument again!!

If you like that, how about this; certain tunes just sound better on certain instruments :). I have an old Red Paolo Soprani Clone button accordion that I rarely bring to sessions... its not my favorite instrument for jigs and reels, but with the low reed engaged it sounds absolutely marvelous for waltzes.


Couldn't agree more - it's why I turn up for most gigs armed with four concertinas and assorted other musical detritus :D

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Dear Santa

I wish I could get more time to practice with my new Edgley concertina.

Dear God

Please make me a concertina virtuoso by the new year - oh, and also a virtuoso fiddle player too.

And please don't let the bird flu come to Hong Kong.

And I wish all the concertinanetters a happy and safe Christmas.



Oh, and here is a photo of my new Edgley - and I am making great progress, although maybe not quite viruoso yet. Thanks Frank.


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For the holiday seasons I would like any of the following:


- A tedrow mini;

- A work shop complete with tools for my concertina exploration;

- A nice Anglo in Eb/Bb or Bb/F so I can play along with my husband's saxophones;

- Direct and regular access to BBC Northern Ireland and TG4 (Ireland) TV programs;

- And two return tickets to the 2006 Arran Concertina Event! :lol:


But I will settle for....


Chris Droney's new album. Or a new set of minature screwdrivers (for opening concertinas).



Morgana :)

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Another solution might be saxophones in C. I have two, a soprano and a tenor ("C melody").

Martin has a C Melody Sax, but shape/curve of the mouth peice is very unergonomic and not comfortable to play. We are currently researching new mouth pieces. However the Soprano is his favourite, and who am I to complain if it means I just *have* to get another concertina? :lol:

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Oh, and here is a photo of my new Edgley


The Edgley is a very pretty instrument isn't it - I love the colour of the ends


I thought it might be interesting to indulge our fantasies a bit and make some holiday wishes for the instruments of our dreams.


My wishes are going to come true, but alas, not this year. I have a Norman tenor English on order due for delivery about 13 months from now (I'm counting down).




The one in the photo was a prototype and the buttons are moved up more to the middle on the one I've ordered. Its going to have dark green leather bellows.

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Well, I suppose if I'd find a Bariton Crane Duet on my doorstep I'd give a good home! ;)

What a sad image you conjure up. That poor homeless concertina lying abandoned on a doorstep as the snow falls gently, the nearly illegible, tear stained note saying "Please give Crane a good home. he deserves better than me..." :( :( :(


People, we cannot let this happen! Send all your unwanted concertinas to me! I will give them a good home. Let this Christmas story have a happy ending :)


CHRIS tmas

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You know as I read this, I am shocked an appalled by the level of sheer greed and materialism I see in this thread... People with several concertinas wanting even more? What has our world come to? Ok.. I can save you all. If you truely value your immortal soul you will get rid of your surplus concertinas (well surplus Anglo C/G concertinas anyway) immediately. To see that such instruments don't go to waste, you can send them to me and I will make sure they have a good home... er I mean good homes.. yeah thats it, thats the ticket.




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Now, now, I'm sure there'll be enough for everyone. I'm quite happy to act as a central distribution point. If people want to let me know what they are looking for, then as soon as a suitable concertina comes into the orphanage I shall arrange for the issuing of adoption papers. The important thing is to get those concertinas rolling in.


[Thinks: Got to be worth a try]



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