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Kensington Concertinas going dark

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Hi All, 

illness forced me to cut short my concertina making activities more abruptly than I expected.  I am shutting down the Kensington Concertinas website, and with it, my dana@kensingtonconcertinas email address.  I should still get PMs from concertina.net.

however, all repairs or tuning requests should go to Bob Snope at the Squeezebox Garage in Asheville NC.

https://www.squeezeboxgarage.com  I’m leaving you all in the best of hands.  We’ve worked together on and off for the last 30 years, and nobody does tuning and repair better than he does.


Hopefully I’ll come through this alright, but I want to give myself a chance to explore interests I never had time for

hope all your concertina journeys are as rewarding as mine has been.

Dana Johnson

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Dana, I wish you a swift recovery and, yes, plenty of time to explore whatever interests you. Thank you for your attention and care with Kensington Concertinas. I really appreciate the service you gave to me; I admire your workmanship every time pick up my concertina.

-Joe G.

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I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to deal with this illness. Best wishes in overcoming your health challenges and exploring your next interests. 

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I'm glad for the correspondence we've by email, but it seems we will not have the opportunity to meet face to face.

I'm hoping the best for you and sending you good thoughts to help you through your ills

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My best wishes to you for the future Dana, 

I very fondly remember the day just before Christmas 2017 that my late wife and I collected my concertina from you. It was a privilege to meet the person who made such a lovely instrument, and I count myself privileged to have been able to enjoy playing it ever since.

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