Pete Dunk Posted September 6, 2017 Author Posted September 6, 2017 Pete: You're not Scottish, then? I have uploaded two versions of the audio file for Bonnie Charlie's Now Awa', one at the 110bpm in your .abc file and another at 70bpm. 110bps sounds way too fast to me. I know that pipers play it in quick march time, but singers mostly sing it andante and this arrangement sounds more song-like to me. Even the Clancy Brothers sing it at about this tempo! Don, I would urge you to use your discretion regarding tempi. Not all abc software is equal in this regard and I set the Q: value to something that sounds okay to me listening to it. If the music gives no indication of speed and I don't know the piece I just take a wild guess!
Don Taylor Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 Pete: You're not Scottish, then? I have uploaded two versions of the audio file for Bonnie Charlie's Now Awa', one at the 110bpm in your .abc file and another at 70bpm. 110bps sounds way too fast to me. I know that pipers play it in quick march time, but singers mostly sing it andante and this arrangement sounds more song-like to me. Even the Clancy Brothers sing it at about this tempo! Don, I would urge you to use your discretion regarding tempi. Not all abc software is equal in this regard and I set the Q: value to something that sounds okay to me listening to it. If the music gives no indication of speed and I don't know the piece I just take a wild guess! I have decided to upload as notated, but before you post your ABC maybe take a listen to an unknown tune on Youtube.
Pete Dunk Posted September 7, 2017 Author Posted September 7, 2017 Hi Don, sorry about the mix up but I did alter the abc in the original post to 70bpm as soon I read your comment, could I trouble you to replace the sound file with the slower tempo version?
Pete Dunk Posted September 7, 2017 Author Posted September 7, 2017 (edited) This one took a while to transcribe! Don can you use this file to make the sound file as I've corrected a couple of errors, I'll put an updated abc file in the Box folder shortly. X:8T:Organ Grinder's SongT:opus 39 no.24C:TchaikovskyC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:3/4L:1/4%%partsfont Helvetica 20%%partsbox%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Allegretto "1/4=140K:GV:1ddd|(d2^c)|e3|d3|BBB|(c2B)|A3|zcc|eee|(e2^d)|f3|e3|dfe|1d2A|B3-|B3:|[2(d2F)|G3-|G2B||[P:A](A2d)|(feF)|(G2B)|(e2d)|(F2A)|(c2F)|G3|DzB|(A2d)|(feF)|(G2B)|e2d|F2A|c2F|G3-|Gz[P:B]z|]ddd|d2^c|e3|d3|BBB|(c2B)|A3|zB/c/ A|eee|e2^d|f3|e3|dfe|d2AG3-|Gz|]"^If desired substitute A to B from above for the 'hurdy gurdy' below"B|A2d|feF|G2B|e2d|F2A|c2F|G3|DzB|A2d|feF|G2B|e2d|F2A|c2F|G3-|Gzz|]V:2|!mf!BBB|z[GE]z|z[AF][AF]|z[AF][AF]|GGG|z[GE]z|z[EC][EC]|E3|ccc z[bG]z|z[AF][AF]|z[AF][AF]|FAG|1z[FD]z|zDE|DED:|[2z[AF]z|zDB,|G,zz||!p!z[FD]z|dcC|z[DB,]z|E2Fz[DG,]z|A2C|z[DB,][DB,]|B,zz|z[FD]z|dcB,|z[DB,]z|C2F|z[DG,]z|A2c|zDB,|[DB,G,]zz|]!mf!BBB|B2^A|z F/A/ F|z F/A/ F|GGG|E2G|z C/E/ C|E3|ccc|G2F|z F/A/ F|z F/A/ F|FAG|F2C|B,DB,|G,z|]z|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|DED|Dzz|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Don Taylor Posted September 7, 2017 Posted September 7, 2017 (edited) Pete: OK, I have deleted the fast version of Bonnie Charlie's Now Awa' and renamed the slow version to be the only version. The Organ Grinder's Song is now uploaded. Edited September 9, 2017 by Don Taylor
Pete Dunk Posted September 8, 2017 Author Posted September 8, 2017 (edited) Here's Something For the Weekend that's going in this thread! Tricky piece this, and I've had to correct a few bar count errors where old Frank got a bit mixed up with his own demisemiquavers (32nd notes) and triplets. X:9T:WaltzT:Waltz in A-Flat Major, Op. 39 No. 15C:BrahmsC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:3/4L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Valse moderato "1/4=85K:GV:1(B3G) GB|(B3G) AB|c3/d//c// .B2.A2|(B3G) Gd|(e3B) Bd|(e3B) Bd|fe .d2.^c2|(d3F) (FB)|(B3G) (GB)|(B3G) (GB)|c3/d//c// .B2.A2|(B3G) (Gd)|(e3B) Bd|(e3B) Bd|fe d2^c2|(d3F) Bd|d3F Ad|(d3B) Bd|([=fg]3 d) (d[fg])|(g3e) (eg)|([ga]3e) (eg)|gf .e2.d2|(B3G) GB|(B3G) GB|c3/d//c// .B2.A2|(B3G) Gd|L(e3B) Bd|L(e3B) Bd|gd c2A2|G2 zBBd|([cd]3A) (Ad)|([dB]3B) Bd|([=fg]3 d) (d[fg])|(g3e) (eg)|%([ga]3e) (eg)|(gf) .e2 .[dc]2|{/G}b2 ((3zGd) ((3gbg)|\b2 ((3zGd) ((3gbg)|c'3/(d'//c'//).b2 .[ga]2|%b2 ((3zGd) ((3gbd')|Le'2 ((3zGd) ((3gbd')|\e'2 ((3zGd) ((3gbd')|g'd' .c'2 .a2|g2z2z2|]V:2!p!D3B, (B,D)|D3B,!<(! (B,D)!<)!|E2!>(! .D2.C2!>)!|\D3z (zB)|[bG]3G (GB)|!<(![bG]3G (G!<)! |%!>(!FG .F2!>)!.E2|F3 D DD|D3B, B,D|\!<(!D3B, B,!<)!D|!>(!E2.D2!>)!.C2|D3z zB|%G3G GB|!<(![GB]3G (G!<)! |!>(!(FG) .F2!>)!.E2|\F3!<(! D Dz!<)!|!mf![=cF]3"_poco a"D D"_poco"[Fc]|\[b3G3]"_accel" [GD] [GD][bG]|%[bG]3 G [bG]B|([ec]3 [cG]) [cG][ec]|"_a tempo"[^cA]3 [cA] [cA][cA]|\!mf![CA]2"_rit"!>(!.G2 .[Fc]2!>)!|!p!D3B, B,D|D3B, (B,D)|%[GE]2 .D2.C2|[GD]3 z(zB)|L[bG]3G (GB)|L[bG]3G (GB)|G2 .F2 .[CD]2%[DB,]2z[GD][GD]z|!mf![FD]3"_poca a poca accel"[FD] [FD]c|\[GD]3 G (GB)|[dB]3 [bG] [bG]B|[ce]3 [Gc] [Gc] e|%"_a tempo"[^cA]3 [cA] [cA]z|!mf![cA]2"_rit"G2"_dim"F2|\"_meno mosso"d2(3zB,B ((3BdB)|d2(3zB,B ((3BdB)|e2.d2.c2|%[dg]2(3zB,B !<(!((3BdB)!<)!|d2!<(!(3zB,B ((3BdB)!<)!|\[gb]2 (3zB,D ((3Bdg)|gd .c2.c2|B2 G,2 z2|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Don Taylor Posted September 9, 2017 Posted September 9, 2017 9. Waltz - midi played with a concertina sound font.
Pete Dunk Posted September 10, 2017 Author Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) Another classical piece. PDFs and sound files. X:10T:Harmonious BlacksmithC:HandelC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:2/4L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Andante "1/4=70K:FV:1FG|:Gc AG/F/|Gc A3/F/|E(c/E/) D=c|1c2 FA:|[2c2 cf/c/||:dc A/c/f/c/|dc A/c/f/e/|(e/d/)(d/c/) c/B/A//B//c/|G2 cF|GF c/A/G/F/|G/E/F cF/G/|(E/B/A/G/) AG/F/|1F2 cf/c/:|[2F2|]V:2C2|:EE C2|EE DD|G,A, zG|1E2C2:|[2E2 FA||:F2 zA|F2 zc|F2 EF|E2 AC|B,A, zC|B,C zC|B,C FB,|1A,2 FA:|[2A,2|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 10, 2017 Author Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) Second tune of the day. X:11T:Lily of LagunaC:Leslie StuartC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:C|L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"With a gentle swing "1/2=55K:GV:1z2[bG]2 z2[dB]2|E>D B,2 B,>B, C>^C|D4B4|A>G E2-((3EeB) ((3dcE)|A2- A>E A2- A>E|A>EA>E A4|E>^DE>^E F2=d2|c2E2 {FE}D>^D ((3E^C=D)|B4G2 G>E|F2F2- F>F E>D|F2F2- F>F E>D|E2E2- E>B,C>^C|D2d2c2B2|A2E2- E>EF>G|B A3 F3 D|G4 g2z2|]V:2B,4D4|C>B, B,2-B,>B,A,>^A,|D4G4|F>GC2- (3Czz z2|F2-F>C F2-F>C|F>C F>C F4|C>B,C>^C D2F2|E2C2 B,>^D z2|z2 D2 z2 [D2B,2]|[CA,]2 [C-A,-]2 [CA,]>[CA,] C>B,|\[b,G,]2 [b,-G,-]2[b,G,]>[b,G,] C>B,|[b,G,]2 [b,-G,-]2[b,G,]>z z2|z2=F2E2D2|^C2 C2- C>CD>E|^C4 =C3 [CA,]|B,4[dBG]2 z2|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 11, 2017 Author Posted September 11, 2017 (edited) This is a bit of a strange one, I'll leave you to make your own mind up. X:12T:LindyC:Syd LangdonC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:CL:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:1/4=100K:GV:1B2B2B2 G>A|B>^AB6|G4F4|E4- E2z2|B2B2B2 G>A|B>^AB6|d4^c4|B4- B2z2|e2B2d2c2|B^A B4 =A2|G4A4|B6 B2|^c2c2c2e2|B>^A B4 =A2|B d3 d2^c2|d6z2|:"^ Chorus"B2 d4 cB|BA E6|F^EFc B2A2|z2c2B2A2|B2 d4 cB|BA E6|AB2 E A2B2|A6 z2|B2 d4 cB|BA E6|F2 B4 F2|AG E4 E2|E2^G2B2e2|e2c2A2z2|F^EFE F2B2|1G2 ((3def) !sfz!g2z2:|\[2G2 ((3def) g2||!segno!((3Bc^c)|d4e4|d>ed>B G2((3EFG)|A4e4|c>dc>B A2z2|\((3ede) g>e d>B G2|((3cBc) e>c B>G E2|"_loco."F>Ac>f e2d2|g2f2g2z2|:E2G2F2A2|G2e2^d2z2|\e>f ((3gfe) ^d>f B2|1e>f ((3gfe) ^d>f B2:|2z2^c2d2|]V:2!mf!D2D2D2 B,C|D>^C D6|B,4D4|z>B,C>D E2z2|D2D2D2 B,C|D>^C D6|F4E4|z>DG>A B2z2G2G2B2A2|AF G4 C2|z2[EC]2 z2[EC]2|z2[GD]2[GD]2D2|A2A2A2c2|D>^C D4 =C2|D B3 B2E2|z2F2F2F2|:G2 B4 FG|DC C6|D3 D D2F2|D6z2|G2B4 FG|DC C6|^C C2 C C2C2|[EC]6 z2|G2 B4 FG|GF C6|D2 D4 D2|^CC C4 C2|E2E2G2G2|c2A2A2z2!p!|D2D2D2D2|1B,2 ((3zzz)[d2B2]"_FINE"z2:|\[2B,2 ((3zzz)[d2B2]||((3z!mf!zz)|B4c4|z2z2z2z2|C4G4|A>BA>G F2z2|z2z2z2z2|z2z2z2z2|z2z2z2z2|[dA]2 [dA]2 [dA]2 z2|:!f!z2z2z2z2|z2z2z2z2|\z2z2z2z2|1z2z2z2z2|:|2z2"_D.S."E2!segno!F2|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 12, 2017 Author Posted September 12, 2017 (edited) Two for the price of one today! PDFs and mp3s X:13T:Aloha HeT:Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee)T:He Lives on HighT:HymnC:Queen LiliuokalaniC:The last monarch of HawaiiC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983I: Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:1/4=100K:GV:1DG|B3A G>FGE|D6 zG|A3"NB E# is F="^G AAcB|A6 DG|B3A G>FGE|D6 AG|EEAG FDB>A|G6||zD|E2G2 c3E|D2G2 B3G|F>^EFG AAcc|(B4 G2) zD|E2G2 c3 E|DDGG B3G|F3G BA2F|G6|]V:2z2|D3F E>DEC|B,6 z2|C3^E FF=ED|C6 z2|D3F E>DE^C|z6z2|=CCCB, zzD>C|B,6||z2|C2E2 E3 C|B,2B,2 D3E|D>^ED=E FFAA|(D4 B,2)z2|C2E2 E3z|B,B,B,B, D3B,|D3B, DC2C|B,6|]X:14T:Ribbon DanceC:TyroleanC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:3/4L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Brightly "1/4=200K:GV:1((3D/E/F/)|G6|B6|d2 ^cdef|g2z2DD|:D4G2|B4d2|A4c2|F4E2|D4F2|A4e2|d6-|d2z2 DD|D4G2|B4d2|A4c2|F4 FE|D4F2|B4A2|G6-|1G2z2 DD:|2G2z2 GF|:E4G2|c4e2|d4B2|G2z2 GF|E4G2|c4e2|d6-|d2z2 DD|D4G2|B4d2|A4c2|F4 FE|D2E2F2|B4A2|z2zgg2|1g2z2 GF:|2g4|]V:2z|B,6|D6|F2z2z2|G2z2 z2|:z2[b,G,]2z2|z2[GD]2z2|z2[FD]2z2|z2[CA,]2z2|z2A,2z2|z2[FC]2z2|z2D2D2|D2z2 z2|z2[b,G,]2z2|z2[GD]2z2|z2[FD]2z2|z2[CA,]2z2|z2[CA,]2z2|D4C2|z[DB,][DB,]2[DB,]2|1[DB,]2 z2z2:|2[DB,]2z2z2|:C4E2|G4c2|B4G2|D2z2z2|C4E2|G4c2|z2D2D2|D2z2z2|B,4D2|G4B2|F4A2|D4 z2|z2z2z2|D4C2|G6-|1[bG]2z2z2:|2[bG]4|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 14, 2017 Author Posted September 14, 2017 (edited) The next four tunes are described as Sea Shanties in the book. PDF and mp3 files. X:15T:Rio GrandC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:6/8L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Andante "3/8=70K:DV:1A,|:D2D FFF|EDE D2A|A3-A2 F|B A2-A2 A|BdB AGF|GAG F DE|F>GF EDE|D3-D2 E|F3 EDE|D3-D2 A|A3-A2 F|B A2-A2 A|BdB AGF|GAG F DE|\F>GF EDE|1D3-D2 A,:|2 "^Last Time"D3-D3|]V:2z|:z2z DDD|G,zC z2z|zA,D F2 z|zA,D F2 z|DzD CzC|B,zB, A,zz|A,zA, B,zC|z3 z2 z|A,3 G,zG,|z3 z2 z|zA,D F2z|zA,D F2z|DzD CzC|B,zB, A,zz|A,zA, B,zC|1z3z2z:|2z3z3|]X:16T:Blow The Man DownC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:6/8L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:3/8=60K:DV:1A|:A>BA FDF|A>BA F2z|A3B3|G>FG E2 E|E>FE E2 F|G>FE B2 d|AAA A2 G|\[1 " Repeats"F>EF D2 A:|2" Last Time"F>EF HD2|]V:2z|:FzF A,zA,|FzF D2 z|[FD]3 [FD]3|B,zB, G,2 z|B,zB, G,2 z|CzC G2 z|FFF F2 B,|1A,zC z2z:|2A,zC Hz2|] Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 15, 2017 Author Posted September 15, 2017 (edited) X:17T:Good Morning, Ladies AllC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:6/8L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:3/8=100K:GV:1GA|:B2B BAB|A2G G FG|A3E3|A3 zGA|B2B BAB|A2G G FG|B2d A2B|1" Repeats"\G3- G GA:|2" Last Time"G6|]V:2z2|:z2z DCD|C2B, B, z2|[EC]3 C3|[FC]3 zB,D|G2G DCD|F2E B, z2|D2z C2D|1B,3-B, z2:|2B,6|]X:18T:Fire Down BelowC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:6/8L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:3/8=100K:GV:1d3 d2d|e3e3|d3 d2B|A3-A2 A|G2A BAG|A2B c2A|B3 A2A|G6|(e3d3)|e3-e3|d3 d2B|A3-A2 A|G2A BAG|c2d e2c|B3 A2 A|G6|]V:2B3 G2G|G3F3|B3G3|E3C3|B,3Dzz|C2z A2z|[GD]3 C2F|B,6|!ff!(D3 L[bGE]3)|(E3 L[bGE]3)|F3 G2z|C3D2z|B,3 =Fzz|E2z c2E|D3 E2 C|[DB,]6|]| Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 16, 2017 Author Posted September 16, 2017 (edited) X:19T:Steam Boat, TheT:Steamboat, TheC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:CL:1/8R:Hornpipe%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:"Rhythm: Hornpipe "1/4=140K:GV:1|:(3def)|g2 bg d2 gd|BcdB G2 (AB)|c2 ec A2 cA|FGAB cdef|g2 bg d2 gd|BcdB G2 (AB)|cedc BAGF|A2G2G2::(Bc)|dBdB g2 gd|ecec a2 ae|fefd gfgB|agfe defd|g2 bg d2 gd|BcdB G2 AB|cedc BAGF|A2G2G2:|V:2|:z2|B2z2B2z2|G2D2B,2z2|E2z2C2z2|z4z4|B2z2B2z2|G2D2B,2z2|z4z4|z2z2z2::z2|G2G2B2B2|A2A2c2c2|d2z2B2z2|c2z2F2z2|B2z2B2z2|G2D2B,2z2|E2F2 GFED|C2B,2B,2:| Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
Pete Dunk Posted September 17, 2017 Author Posted September 17, 2017 (edited) Going out with a big bang, here are the last three tunes. Huge thanks to Don Taylor, John Wild and Chuck Boody for thier help and support in this little project. Chuck will be creating a fully indexed PDF tune book in due course but he's a bit tied up at the moment, in the meantime individual PDF and mp3 files are here. X:20T:Russe, LaC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:2/4L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:1/4=100K:GV:1| ||!segno!GB/B/ Bd/d/|dg g(f/g/)|ag ec|ed d/c/B/A/|GB/B/ Bd/d/|dgg(f/g/)|ed dF/G/|AG G::[K:D]"^KEY CHANGE!"B|\Ad/d/ dc/B/|Aa/a/ ag/f/|gf ge|f/g/a/g/ fd|Ad/d/ dc/B/|Aa/a/ ag/f/|\gf ge|1d2-d:|2dd/e/ d/=c/B/!segno!A/||[K:G]V:2|:z||B,D/D/ DG/G/|BB Bz|cz z2|z2z2|B,D/D/ DG/G/|BB Bz|Gz Fz|CB, B,::[K:D]z|FF/F/ Fz|z2z2|z2z2|z2z2|FF/F/ Fz|Cc/c/cz|z2z2|1z2z:|2z2z2||[K:G]X:21T:Nancy's FancyC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:4/4L:1/4%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:1/4=190K:GV:1D|GB (B/A/B)|cAAd|BG.GB|A/G/F/E/ Dz|GB (B/A/B)|cA.Ad|(BG) (AF)|G2G||g|fedc|BAGB|dgdB|(B2A)g|fedc|(BA.B)c|dgfd|g2gz||BB B/A/G|cc c/B/c|BB B/A/G|A/G/F/E/ Dz|BB B/A/G|cc c/B/c|B/B/B AF|G2G||D|GB B/A/B|cAAd|BGGB|A/G/F/E/ Dz|GB B/A/B|cAAd|BGAF|G2G|]V:2z|B,DDD|ECCF|DB,.B,D|F/E/D/C/ zz|B,DDD|Ec.CF|(DB,) (CC)|B,2B,||z|z4|z4|BBBB|(D2C)g|z4|z4|Bedc|B2Bz||GG G/F/G|EEEE|GG G/F/G|z4|GG G/F/G|EEEE|D/D/B,CC|B,2B,||z|B,DDD|ECCF|DB,B,D|F/E/D/C/ zz|B,DDD|ECCF|DB,CC|B,2B,|]X:22T:Circassian CircleC:Edited and arr. Frank Butler ©1983B:Concertina Mini Tunes 1983M:C|L:1/8%%titlefont Helvetica 22%%subtitlefont Helvetica 16%%barnumbers 1%%staves (1 2)Z:Transcribed by Peter Dunk 2017N:with the kind permission of The International Concertina AssociationQ:1/4=200K:GV:1| (3DEF)|GDBA LG2LB2|GDBA LG2LB2|ADcB LA2Lc2|ABAG FDEF|GDBA G2B2|GDBA G2B2|ABAG FDEF|G2B2G2::(dc)|BGdc B2d2|BGBd gdBG|ADcB A2c2|ABAG FAdc|BGdc B2D2|BGBd gdBG|ABAG FDEF|G2B2G2:|V:2|:z2|z2z2B,2D2|z2z2B,2D2|z2z2C2F2|z4z4|z2z2B,2D2|z2z2B,2D2|Fz Ez Dz Cz|B,2D2B,2::z2|z2z2D2B2|D2z2 B2z2|z2z2C2F2|F2z2 D2z2|z2z2D2B2|D2 z2 B2 z2|Fz Ez Dz Cz|B,2D2B,2:| Edited October 24, 2017 by Pete Dunk
John Wild Posted September 17, 2017 Posted September 17, 2017 Well done Pete. I thought the project would take much longer to complete. - John.
Pete Dunk Posted September 18, 2017 Author Posted September 18, 2017 To be honest I already had several tunes done when I started the thread, as I said at the time I was transcribing it for my own use anyway. After that I went into 'Village Music Project Autopilot' and we can really get through some work when the mood takes us!
Aldon Sanders Posted March 10, 2019 Posted March 10, 2019 Just found and am reviving this oldish thread to say thank you to Peter Dunk for doing this! I'm going to download the pdfs (couldn't get abc to work on my phone) and give them a go. Good stuff here!
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