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Jack Bradshaw

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Everything posted by Jack Bradshaw

  1. It's probably not the bulk of the steel relaxing, but a change in the surface stress due to initial oxidation after filing....
  2. Have a look in this thread Jack http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...&hl=fretsaw This job teaches patience Dave Fantastic ! That is a "must read" thread.....almost makes one want to go Octagonal......(too far along for that at the moment)
  3. Ahhh...like a scrollsaw (sorta).....wouldn't you know it...I recently scrapped a Dremel scrollsaw (old one) to use the parts to make a grinding head for the lathe so I could mount 5C collets so I could turn buttons ! Ahrgggg.... I suspect the blades are the key thing so I'll get a couple and see if I can make something up..... Jack
  4. Hmmm....I guess I better find out what a fretsaw is ..or get very lucky......of course it probably works on wood as well ! Jack
  5. Hard to make it thick the way I do it...sputtering....on the other hand I can sputter a layer of glass over the gold to give it wear resistance........these pictures are giving me all kinds of inspiration !
  6. Does anyone know of a source for (new or used) 30 (or more) button metal anglo end plates...or is it strictly DIY ? (I have Bastari's but they are not particularly exciting..) Jack
  7. Great ! Thanks Brian....
  8. I sent an e-mail to hmi@scott.net....... Jack
  9. Two Bastari 20's Two Bastari 30's One Lachenal MacCann 46 (Philharmonic) One Majestic Chemnitza ...many, many flutes......
  10. Well, I thought enough time has passed that I probably should do an update..... 1. Modified the Bastari w/ key stops and new (aircraft fuel line) tubing..that cut down the key sticking by 90%....didn't eliminate it though...the buttons are just too short.... 2. Oddly enough, after playing the Anglo for a while, the McCann started to make sense (frustration w/ sticking Anglo buttons is probably the reason) even though I'm "pumping" the bellows so it still sounds Anglo...... So, I guess any sales or mods are off for the time being (maby the Chidley though ??) Thoughts ???
  11. Well, at todays rate that would be about 20lbs of silver that he's asking...so it's bargain...I'd bet I could come up with the metal (but not the cash.....I'm married, don't ya know).....if he was interested !
  12. Gavin's...The Country Inn....maybe The Carousel if they get it back in operation.....
  13. Can anyone fill me in on the various Bastari models ? ie....what's a 67 etc etc...????
  14. http://www.smh.com.au/news/investment/give...9881436619.html
  15. Well, you could always jump ahead of the "sharpen it to be noticed" curve and go right to D/A !
  16. I'm casting out the net here to see what info is available on button mods for the cheap italian concertinas...I know this is old stuff and I believe I've read at least some of the "classics". Specifically, I want to improve one of the old metal ended 30-button Bastaris (they may still be around as a Hohner/Stagi model ??)
  17. Based on a cursory look at least (by someone as uninformed as myself), I'm not quite convinced of that......although the "extra" buttons beyond 30 might be a bit strange. (or not any more strange ?) It also seems that to find anything in an Anglo 30 w/ concertina reeds anywhere near comparable shape means 3+ times the price....so finacially a conversion would seem to make a lot of sense...?? Or maby I've already got it priced at "giveaway" ??? Heresy! Leave that poor MacCaan as the good Dr. Intended!!! The MacCaan system is just as viable as any other duet system, albeit it is somewhat strange at first, the fact is many peopel still want one. I saw one in good restored shape (46 button) just recently go for $1500. Problem is, the 46 button lacks a low D on the left side, not a big deal, but some people cannot live without thier precious D. And for good reason, D is a very nice key for Celtic music. I think you should hang on to it and see it as an investment, duet prices are still on the rise, despite the smaller playing community. In truth, I realy can't bring myself to modify it..it's just too lovely. I'm frustrated by my fingers not being able to follow the system...and then having them work on the bloody Bastari in minutes is just too much ! I'm making "Lachenal" buttons for the Bastari for the moment while I keep my eyes open (you might say this whole thing has been an eye-opener anyway.......I'm under the weather so I've been able to read a great deal of old posts...great stuff) The Maccann has been saved for sure..I just minutes ago ran across (and won) one of those "junk box jems" ...30 button Bastaris on EBay......whoda thunk it!.....Thanks to the Concertina net for the tip ! Now to get back to those button mods.....
  18. The 46 button Mccann that I have is a=454........I thought it was 452 but a careful measurement today gives 454!
  19. It probably speaks more to my wife...having me practice to earphones !!
  20. I can't resist hazarding a guess here....Eb Irish session....
  21. Based on a cursory look at least (by someone as uninformed as myself), I'm not quite convinced of that......although the "extra" buttons beyond 30 might be a bit strange. (or not any more strange ?) It also seems that to find anything in an Anglo 30 w/ concertina reeds anywhere near comparable shape means 3+ times the price....so finacially a conversion would seem to make a lot of sense...?? Or maby I've already got it priced at "giveaway" ??? Heresy! Leave that poor MacCaan as the good Dr. Intended!!! The MacCaan system is just as viable as any other duet system, albeit it is somewhat strange at first, the fact is many peopel still want one. I saw one in good restored shape (46 button) just recently go for $1500. Problem is, the 46 button lacks a low D on the left side, not a big deal, but some people cannot live without thier precious D. And for good reason, D is a very nice key for Celtic music. I think you should hang on to it and see it as an investment, duet prices are still on the rise, despite the smaller playing community. In truth, I realy can't bring myself to modify it..it's just too lovely. I'm frustrated by my fingers not being able to follow the system...and then having them work on the bloody Bastari in minutes is just too much ! I'm making "Lachenal" buttons for the Bastari for the moment while I keep my eyes open (you might say this whole thing has been an eye-opener anyway.......I'm under the weather so I've been able to read a great deal of old posts...great stuff)
  22. Based on a cursory look at least (by someone as uninformed as myself), I'm not quite convinced of that......although the "extra" buttons beyond 30 might be a bit strange. (or not any more strange ?) It also seems that to find anything in an Anglo 30 w/ concertina reeds anywhere near comparable shape means 3+ times the price....so finacially a conversion would seem to make a lot of sense...?? Or maby I've already got it priced at "giveaway" ???
  23. Lachenal 46-Button McCann (MacCann) Duet Concertina Serial #796 in good condition, little used. Steel reeds (Patent No.4752). New valves, pads and straps from the Button Box. ($769 -- 3/10/06) Please note: this is an original high (Philharmonic) pitch instrument. A = 454 Hz. It plays one-half tone sharp and will always play brighter than an A = 440 Hz. It has never been retuned so it could be changed to A = 440 if desired. Bellows are good, the papers show some staining with age. Looking for 30-button Anglo......... Left side... Left Side
  24. Thanks guys; I'll stick it back up on Buy & Sell w/ Anglo swap possible and be patient...after all, I do have the Bastari working ! (#$%$ buttons !)
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