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  1. Two Concertinas for sale, they have both become expensive ornaments that just don’t get picked up Im afraid, one is a 61 button Wheatstone Maccann duet that I first posted for sale In February so I have just pasted the information from that post, it’s a shame that its not getting any use and I would like it to sell so I have lowered the price to£1500, I think that is a bargain I hope someone feels the same. I also have for sale my 48 button Lachenal new model metal ended EC serial number 58275 in very good condition which was recently fitted with new six fold bellows, has a carry case and is in concert pitch also at £1500, I’m in Doncaster south yorks and anyone is more than welcome to come along to view and try ether of the concertinas Posted February 25 (edited) Selling Wheatstone Maccann Duet 60 button plus air S/N 26369 dating from 1st may 1914, it is six sided and measures 7 ¾” across the flats I bought this from Chris Algar at Barleycorn concertinas in 2017 for £2500 to learn alongside my EC (which by the way I am also terrible at) it rarely gets picked up now which is a real shame so it is for sale and I am looking for £2000( now£1500) which I think is a fair price, its in very good condition with nickel ends and eight fold bellows with the original leather case anyone close enough to Doncaster is very welcome to come along and have a play, I will try to upload photos but who knows how that will turn out , meanwhile I will be happy to try and answer any questions you may have, Vin
  2. managed it, more luck than judgment
  3. Yes i do but i am having trouble getting them from my phone to the computer (something to do with i cloud it tells me?) luckily my son who is more computer literate then i am will be here tomorrow (Sunday) so hopefully he will be able to sort it out for me and i will upload them as soon as i can, thank you Vin
  4. Selling Wheatstone Maccann Duet 60 button plus air S/N 26369 dating from 1st may 1914, it is six sided and measures 7 ¾” across the flats I bought this from Chris Algar at concertinas in 2017 for £2500 to learn alongside my EC (which by the way I am also terrible at) it rarely gets picked up now which is a real shame so it is for sale and I am looking for £2000 which I think is a fair price, its in very good condition with nickel ends and eight fold bellows with the original leather case anyone close enough to Doncaster is very welcome to come along and have a play, I will try to upload photos but who knows how that will turn out , meanwhile I will be happy to try and answer any questions you may have, Vin
  5. can someone tell me where i can get a set of bellows for my EC i have fitted (last year) a set i bought but they are very stiff, i think they were probably made with an Anglo in mind unfortunately at the time i didn't realize there was a difference but i think i would like to bite the bullet and change them for a lighter set,
  6. why am i all of a sudden seeing pop up advertisements tagged on to the bottom of some posts
  7. Can someone give me a little help please, I have a 61 button maccann duet and I have just about learned Andy cuttings “the Abbess” on the right hand, I would love to add a little ornamentation on the left unfortunately I have very little musical knowledge and everything i try just sounds off so if anyone could offer some practical advice I would be very grateful, thank you in anticipation, Vin
  8. it was actually the very first tune, Tradewind hornpipe, i Probably should have made it clear from the start sorry about that but it is nice to see that people on the forum will all always take the time to help when you ask, thank you.
  9. No its still there, but im sure that if you go to you tube and search " Thanks Ralph Jordan" it will take you there.
  10. I have just come across a tune played on concertina on a YouTube tribute to Ralph Jordan, i think you will find it if you copy and past the link below, im hoping some one can let me know what the tune is, many thanks, Vin THANKS, RALPH JORDAN - YouTube
  11. As a novice i'm hoping that someone may offer a little advice on the way forward with my maccann duet, one of the things i'm unsure of is weather i should try and play the whole of the melody on the right hand side leaving the left side free for any chords etc or should i mix left and right if its easy er to play the melody that way and try to fit anything else around it, or do i try to do both depending on the tune that i'm trying to learn. i dont want to get into bad habits if i can help it. i'm am sorry if this sounds like a silly question to some but as i said i am novice, thank you in advance for any input, Vin.
  12. Can anyone help me to put some chords to "Danny Deever" id like to have a go at song accompaniment and I love the song but being a learner (Maccann Duet) im not to good at deciding which chords suit, I tend to sing around the key of D so any help in adding chords would be very welcome, thank you in advance for any help. Vin
  13. I found down loading and printing to be fine and also really easy to re size, I printed several of varying size and then laminated them (which adds a little rigidity) before cutting them out leaving enough of the laminating material around the edge to apply the glue which It does without staining the paper, I think they actualy look better printed one off white paper but that's just my opinion, good luck
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