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If a picture is worth a thousand words, we will have quite a novel when I am done with this concertina. I am building a custom Tedrow Zephyr 30 button Anglo Concertina for a customer. I intend on "Twittering" this job as I go. I hope you enjoy the progress and don't get bored. I will try to keep it light. I will try (no promises) to get some of the job up every week day.



to follow the progress:



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Nice to see another fan of the Hegner Saw!


I bought a secondhand one about 5 years ago in good condition. Last year it developed a fault in the box of electronics that includes the on-off switch and the speed control. I phoned the factory to be told that a replacement control unit would cost £80, but to send them the old one as it might be repairable. I duly sent it, and it came back within a week, repaired, gratis. Not just a good machine, but good people there too.

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You all are not bored yet?


I am utterly cack-handed at anything mechanical Bob and wish it were otherwise (my father was a boat builder until plastic ones took over), and I enjoy watching a master do anything (at least once). This is very interesting for me and thanks for posting it.



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Thanks for watching.

Hi Bob


No Thank You for putting this together for us. Awesome!

And a very nice finish:

Well Done!



Leo :)

Edited by Leo
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