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South Pacific Squeeze-In 2004-2005

Would you attend a New Year's Eve celebration and concertina weekend on Fiji?  

25 members have voted

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Since Fiji is the first inhabited place in the world to experience the new year, I jokingly suggested that we squeezers should hold our own New Year's party there. Others took me seriously and nominated me to organize it), so now I'm taking them seriously by creating this poll to assess potential interest.


It's really too late to organize anything for this coming New Year's Eve (and especially for me to organize it), so I'm asking about possible attendees for next year (12/2004-1/2005). This has the additional advantage that Dec. 31 will be a Friday, so we could start with the party as the first event of a "South Pacific Squeeze In" weekend, the first ever.


OK, let me know how crazy you are.

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I'm surprised that there MAY/COULD be enough interest in folks spending the money and time to travel to Fiji, especially as this location is probably NOT the most centrally located spot from the greatest number of concertina players?


OTOH, if folks are seriously considering such a venture, I'd like to offer another venue: Hawaii.


My parents operate a B&B called MyIsland in the town of Volcano on the Big Island (yes, I'm originally from Hawaii). Their estate consists of 9 acres of botanical gardens, a main house with a number of private bedrooms and a "family" bedroom (more like a dorm with two double and two single beds), a separate 3 bedroom house, and a complex of 3 single room "apartments". They also manage a couple dozen area houses which they rent out for the owners, (many of which are walkable to their estate), some of which accommodate as many as 16 people.


Besides being a wonderful spot and easy to make the arrangements for, my folks love music and are quite partial to CONCERTINAS! They also serve absolutely amazing breakfasts and are known for their bottomless macadamia nut bowl....

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I'm surprised that there MAY/COULD be enough interest in folks spending the money and time to travel to Fiji, especially as this location is probably NOT the most centrally located spot from the greatest number of concertina players?

Well, it remains to be seen how much and how serious the interest is.


OTOH, if folks are seriously considering such a venture, I'd like to offer another venue: Hawaii.

This all grew out of a discussion oriented toward New Year's Eve, and that's how Fiji entered the picture. While I would like to visit Fiji some day, it needn't be connected to either concertinas or New Years. Ditto for Hawaii, but that's a place I've always wanted to visit and it has a much greater variety of attractions, so even if it's not for a Squeeze In, I just might contact your parents, Rich. :)


How about the rest of you? Would you seriously consider a concertina gathering in Hawaii? More seriously than in Fiji? I would, and I even suspect that there's a higher probability of discount air fares. Should I start another poll?


my folks love music and are quite partial to CONCERTINAS!

Lucky for you!


They also serve absolutely amazing breakfasts and are known for their bottomless macadamia nut bowl....

Shelled, I hope. ;) But please don't say we have to bring our own sandwiches! ;)


Of course, there's no particular reason why a South Pacific Squeeze In should coincide with a New Year celebration, so maybe Rich could advise us on the best season for us to visit and then we could see who's interested.

Edited by JimLucas
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How about the rest of you? Would you seriously consider a concertina gathering in Hawaii? More seriously than in Fiji? I would, and I even suspect that there's a higher probability of discount air fares. Should I start another poll?



I do not think another poll is necessary. Hawaii or Fiji is not so important. As long it is far away and an opportunity to play & have fun together it is OK with me.

BTW: Ireland is also a nice spot. Even without a B&B called MyIsland.



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Crazy idea, great idea !

Fidji or Hawai isnot really important. Richard Morses proposal Hawai sounds good to me.

New Year as a date, perhaps problematic to all of us, who we have family. Cannot imagine to celebrate New Year separatzed from my family, until now. You never know.

Imagine there will be more playerws in same psoition.

#But December souinds good, giving timer to save money, end of a hopefully succesful year, having been workoing all the motivated by this great idea, could it be a well merited premium (My birthday is in December also !!)


Resuming :

Highly interested top meet more crazy Concertina Players and other Music plöaying or singing persons in Hawai in December 2004. Jim and Richard could organize it. I am reaady to help, wherever it could be possible.


Full of expectation and hope it might come true IU send you all kind regards

Joachim Delp

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How about the rest of you?  Would you seriously consider a concertina gathering in Hawaii?  More seriously than in Fiji?

Just had a word with The Management (Anne). Instant reaction is that Hawaii is a definite maybe, provided we have sufficient notice to save. Flights from the UK would I guess be long and expensive. But hey - Hawaii with concertinas? This is once-in-a-lifetime stuff.



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I do not think another poll is necessary. Hawaii or Fiji is not so important. As long it is far away and an opportunity to play & have fun together it is OK with me.

I think it's already clear that there's more interest in Hawaii than in Fiji. But is there enough? And when? Joachim seems to like December, but what do others think? And Rich, is there an "off season" in Hawaii, when things are cheaper?


I wonder how many squeezers we could get who also dance Morris? Enough for a set of Island Mary?


BTW: Ireland is also a nice spot. Even without a B&B called MyIsland.

Indeed it is. But I believe there are already concertina gatherings in Ireland, so I don't see any point in my organizing one. :)

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Yes, it is conveniet to ask for off season.


I repeat my arguments in favour of December :

1. Onbe year in front for saving

2. As far as I know there are very few Concertina Meeting in Decmber anywhere

3.I do not know, but imagine that possibily when in Eurpe and also parts ofg USA it will be cold and wet, there might nice wheather, which I do not mind too much for Concertina Playing

4.Such an event, such a venture must be merited. So after a year of motivated working will come the premium

Last not least in Decmeber is my birthday. (a lotlle joke)

These reasons are making me the campaign for December.

I would try to adapt to any other month, but I think it would be good to have some months ion front for makuing the money. Consequently and as a father of kids still in School age, I think it should be in any case after summer holydas.


Ref. Ireland I agree totally with you.

Henk let´see if we can go together to Mrs. Crottys Festival next year. Seems to be a great event.




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Fiji would be great for the following year. And yes, the Elizabeth Crotty festival would be great too, but I admit I am more partial to something in the southern hemisphere :)


I'm sure if we keep brainstorming this we'll find the perfect time/location :)



Morgana :)

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Hi Folks,


once doing this kind of effort, should we try to organize something really speciual unique ?


Must it be only a weekend, could it not be extended to a full week ?


Previous training and learnign of CommonTunes for Group Playing


Some special Hawain Tune ?




Concourse (not very serious) but ? Some might like


As Morgana says lets go ahead brainstorming ! Would like to read your ideas !


Kind regards

Joachim Delp

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I think it's already clear that there's more interest in Hawaii than in Fiji.  But is there enough?  And when?  Joachim seems to like December, but what do others think?  And Rich, is there an "off season" in Hawaii, when things are cheaper?

There is no "off season" in Hawaii. They're plenty of tourists all year 'round, though the summertime has more families and the winter times have more couples and older folk.


How booked a place is is defined by percentage, but rather than in New England where a hotel would report that they are 85% booked for any particular night, in Hawaii they usually run about 120% booked a month before. They don't bother recording how "overbooked" they would be when any particular day occurs as it would be silly to keep track of all the people they'd turned away. Right now my folks are booked solid until mid January and have only a few openings into February and March. June is already 80% full....


The only price difference is in the airfairs which are steep in general and extreme around the holidays. From New England the normal round trip fair is about $1200, about $1500 around holidays, and if you plan ahead far enough and seek out various specials and combinations and come/go on certain days, etc., you can sometimes get it down to about $700.


If the focus of this event is a concertina gathering in an "exotic" place to experience a wide variety of music... most likely the musical variety will come from the participants, and the further afield the place is the fewer the participants....


Ireland is exotic to me (closer and cheaper than Hawaii too!) though is fairly monomusical (which happens to be one that *I* like). For eclecticity maybe consider an established event like the NE Squeeze-in which has Irish, French-Canadian, Swedish, English, Scottish, Klezmer, some Cajun, schmaltz, blues, classical, mid-Eastern stuff.... Oh yes - and can usually field a side or two of Morris.

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Must it be only a weekend, could it not be extended to a full week ?

If held in such a far-flung place a week would make more sense as jet-lag can be a major issue.


OTOH, if the event can be timed with other interesting things happening around that time, folks that want to extend their stay can. For instance, each year in March Wild Asparagus (a great NE contradance band) holds a Contradance Week in Puna on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is only a couple of towns away from my parent's B&B.


Concourse (not very serious) but? Some might like

What is a "concourse"? A broad open area full of tourists? Do you mean "street gigs"?

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There are advantages and disadvantages to the end of December.




A great many companies are closed from December 24th-January 1st. This means that people use less vacation time in taking the trip.


Since all (or as close to all as to be indistinguishable) schools are closed for the same period, it makes vacation travel easier for families.


It gives people 14 months to get the money together for the trip.


For couples and families travelling, where one or more members may not be interested in the musical portion of the events, being right by the Volcano Park and in Hawaii makes for a more interesting trip.


It has the advantage of being warm in the northern hemisphere winter, and suitably exotic for particpants from, well, everywhere but Hawaii.




Air fare is insane. I priced out a trip (for this December, since it won't let me do it for 2004-2005 yet) on American, and it came to around $2200/person from Raleigh.


Because it overlaps the holidays, many families have pre-existing committments or traditions which may cause problems.


Because it overlaps the holidays, the cost of the trip happens to coincide with the expense of gift giving.


Some airlines may black out the use of Frequent Flier miles to purchase tickets over the holidays.



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concours ?


Excuse, I have been to busy or lazy to look to the dictionary, Ricahrd.


I thought in some kind of competition, establishing differnt categories.

I do not feel sure abourt it, but somebody might like it.


Street Gig sounds nice !




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Concourse (not very serious) but? Some might like

What is a "concourse"? A broad open area full of tourists? Do you mean "street gigs"?

In Danish and German (and I presume a few other languages), the word "konkurs" means "bankruptcy". Probably not what Joachim meant, and I don't know what it might mean Spanish or French. But in Danish "konkurrence" means "competition", and that sounds close.


Joachim, what *did* you mean? :)

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