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I'm Going To Hell!

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No really, I am!


says so right here:




Damn shame the online version doesn't include the lovely photo of my Edgley (and crappy photo of me) that's in the paper.


I'm actually a bit annoyed. Guess I don't like being told I'm going to hell first thing in the morning...

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I'm actually a bit annoyed. Guess I don't like being told I'm going to hell first thing in the morning...


On behalf of the C.Net community, I dare say that you are not going to hell :)

This is based on the fact that the C.Net community is a bunch of friendly, nice people :)


“Buddhism is false doctrine that will lead all Buddhists to hell,” said Pastor Peter Aulson of the Potter’s House Christian Center in Clovis.

This is based on.. what???? :ph34r: :ph34r:

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Henk, I have no idea what that's based on, other than his own rabid beliefs, which unfortunately are shared by many many people around here.


Everyone knows that concertina-playing Buddhists are just playing the Devil's music!!!

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Henk, I have no idea what that's based on, other than his own rabid beliefs, which unfortunately are shared by many many people around here.

This is not the place to start a discussion on religion. Before you know some fundamentalists are going to burn concertinas :(

Everyone knows that concertina-playing Buddhists are just playing the Devil's music!!!

Everyone must be very happy over there, knowing that you should live according to simple rules like that :ph34r: :ph34r:

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This is not the place to start a discussion on religion. Before you know some fundamentalists are going to burn concertinas :(

Worse, they'll draw cartoons of them! :o


Well, we're generally a tolerant lot here, but I fear we're getting dangerously close to the region of "religion and politics" where an incautious word could be misinterpreted and passions become inflamed.


So I suggest we respectfully let this Topic rest, and let anyone who wants to continue it in a serious vein contact Rhomylly off line.

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Oops! I didn't mean "here" as in C-Net, I meant "here" as in the town I live in.


Sometimes net life and real life get a little confuzzled...



Your "here" is definitely my "here" (=the town/belt where you live)


My remark about the burning of concertinas refers to the recent burning of flags (starting with the Danish flag)

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HELL just a got a little more crowded. A quick estimate of C-net members is 1400+!

Now, if you get stuck in the same room with me playing my 'tina, YOU'D BE IN HELL!


Actually, I think hell would be getting stuck in a room with a novice uillean piper for all eternity...

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Brava Rhomylly! You'll be in good company ;) . I hadn't realized that I'm using the 'Tina in meditation every morning until just now. I come in early and go by our chapel, an hour of playing as the sun comes throught the stained glass. When the maintainer comes in to clean I know it time to join the world again.




Oh, I almost forgot....Is that the new pooch?

Edited by Mark Evans
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HELL just a got a little more crowded. A quick estimate of C-net members is 1400+!

Now, if you get stuck in the same room with me playing my 'tina, YOU'D BE IN HELL!


Actually, I think hell would be getting stuck in a room with a novice uillean piper for all eternity...


Even as a novice concertinist, I find it very meditative.

My wife, on the other hand, finds it to be more like Hell! :D

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Now, if you get stuck in the same room with me playing my 'tina, YOU'D BE IN HELL!
Actually, I think hell would be getting stuck in a room with a novice uillean piper for all eternity...

Reminds me of the one about the bluegrass (hmm, my fingers tried to spell that "bluegrease" :unsure:) banjo player who found himself in hell, stuck in a room with a famous orchestral conductor. After a few weeks The Boss peeks in to see how things are going, and the grasser says, "Hey, I thought hell was supposed to be punishment, but really it doesn't seem so bad." The reply, "Oh, you're not the one who's being punished." B)

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[Reminds me of the one about the bluegrass (hmm, my fingers tried to spell that "bluegrease" :unsure:) banjo player who found himself in hell, stuck in a room with a famous orchestral conductor. After a few weeks The Boss peeks in to see how things are going, and the grasser says, "Hey, I thought hell was supposed to be punishment, but really it doesn't seem so bad." The reply, "Oh, you're not the one who's being punished." B)


Jim, this one is unknown to me and boy is it good. I've a circle of 'grassers that must hear this one. The lady in the office next door stuck her head in to make sure I'm okay. :P

Edited by Mark Evans
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