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Utterly Frustrated With Colin Dipper

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My reference to "in the trade" was someone not in the US.

As I said it seems odd.. the confirmation will come when I have verified that an instrument they ordered truly is delivered under that 3 year window.


In no way am I slagging the Dippers. I see their work as altruism on the highest scale.


My "business model" comes from many years of being in biz, working in the corporate world for 25 years and teaching business management...


One of the resons I have never been late with an order is that I do not give unrealistic delivery times. Few people do what I do...so I have a "captive" market.. however I make and sell what people don't need so business is tenuous at best. Good years and bad years..

I don'take deposits even for 100% custom , you pay after you receive and approve the goods. I have taken back 3 items in 15 years and never been burned.


I ,like some posters here, feel that for what goes into a concertina they are a relative bargain.. and there is good quality for a modest price , better quality for under $2500 and then there are the truly handmades and the collectible classics

that command hgher prices,... but yet far less than "production" Martin guitars that can bring $30K and more for the right prewar unit...and of course there is the world of violins. Be thankful you do not have that affliction.


In sympathy with the Dippers and all the other makers tuners and restorers of concertinas I will restate the last line of my previous post in reference to the long waiting periods...


"this all points out to me that this (situation of waiting) bolsters the used market and the repair trade.

As well as creating an opportunity to work your butt off for minimal wages"


Hats off to all who provide instruments and service and repair of same.


If it were me in the 10 year position.. well I wouldn't be but let's just say I was...

it is evident there exists a communication problem that needs to be resolved.. at least that's what I see.




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In no way am I slagging the Dippers. I see their work as altruism on the highest  scale.

Hi Jeff,


Just to clarify, I'm sorry if you, or anybody else took my comment as referring to your post, I would have addressed it directly to you if I had meant that, but "slagging the Dippers", by someone who refuses to say who they are, or what they have ordered (now there's a "communication problem" !) is how this thread started and its theme.


Personally, I find it much more offensive than the "Blue concertina humour" thread that quietly vanished a week-and-a-half ago.

Edited by Stephen Chambers
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First of all, let me compliment the Dippers on their work. I have not seen heard or played a Dipper that was less than excellent. Rosalie's bellows work is a wonder and a joy to behold.


One of the strong suits of this forum is the information it offers. And once the dust settles from the complaints and the defense, I think there is some useful information to be found in this thread.


The Dippers do excellent work. Excellent work takes time. There is great demand for their work. Take a number, stand in line.


This is useful information for someone contemplating buying a top notch concertina. If the projected wait seems too long there are alternatives.


If only a Dipper will do then I suppose you should "live" in the meantime while it is being completed.


In the brief 16 months that I have been involved with concertinas I've watched Wally Carroll build 5 outstanding beauties; seen six outstanding concertinas that Paul Groff arranged new homes for; Done some business myself with Mr. Clapp, Mr. Algar and The Button Box; And witnessed dozens of players who love and make good music on their Tedrows, Edgleys, and Morses (haven't run into a Herrington yet).


I sympathize with the folks who have been waiting a long time for their instruments. Their stories and the testimonials of the Dippers' excellence and dedication will give others the information that will help them make educated decisions.


Regards, Greg

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I think that anyone on the waithing list for a Dipper should consider themselves lucky because, lets face it, they're getting on a bit, you'll probably be the last people to get one.


Maybe you should follow Paul's example and send their daughter maple syrup sweets mmmmmmmmm.

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... Dipper ... because, lets face it, they're getting on a bit....


Hey, Maddy, do your Mum and Dad know you're saying these terrible things about them? :D


And yes, I know, Walter Gabriel was before your time! But us old people remember.... :P


Now, where on earth did I put my repair customers' waiting list??? :unsure:

Edited by malcolm clapp
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That's right u guessed it, sorry was in the middle of an essay on deictic terms and got bored so searched my dads name lol. Anyway, the total at the mo is about 18,000 but I can't guarantee I can get you higher up the list for paying it off for me but I could try hehe. If anyone is thinking of asking without paying the loan off they can forget it cos I don't have anything to do with concertinas, they drive me nuts, as they would if you have lived with them for 18 years, tuning reeds above your bedroom at 3 in the morning! AAAAAARGH


Well hope you all have a good year.


Maddio signing off!


*** I got 78% in the essay hurrah! (totally blagged it)***

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sorry was in the middle of an essay on deictic terms and got bored so searched my dads name lol.

For those that may be wondering, deictic terms are words that are pointers to other people, things, and places, e.g. there/here, that/this, I/you, these/those.








Isn't Google wonderful?



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For those that may be wondering, deictic terms are words that are pointers to other people, things, and places, e.g. there/here, that/this, I/you, these/those.


Isn't Google wonderful?

For words I generally use Dictionary.com, which gave me this definition (among others):

Of or relating to a word, the determination of whose referent is dependent on the context in which it is said or written. ...the determination of their referents depends on who says [the] sentence, and where, when, and of whom it is said.

Sounds like "accordion" and "concertina" could be considered deictic in this group. :D

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Sadly it seems that "oddball" has now achieved prime position as commentator on C*l*n D*pp*r if you search Google, and he has done it with our assistance ! :huh: :( :angry:


The more posts are added to this and similar threads, the more "hits" there will be and his top listing on Google will remain, so could we please drop the subject ?

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The more posts are added to this and similar threads, the more "hits" there will be and his top listing on Google will remain, so could we please drop the subject ?

Actually, I think it's only posts that include the name in question which will increase its priority on Google.


But your post made me realize that two (or more) can play that game, and I've done something about it. Let's see how long it takes for it to show up on Google.


......... :ph34r:

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