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Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

Pete Dunk

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Been there done that. Tonight two of us played a bunch of tunes I know...and I couldn't get through any of them without silly errors. It just happens. Maybe it's "Old Timers" disease. :)


I prefer to think of it as "one of those nights". The fact that those night occur ever more frequently is a matter for future discussion I reckon. Should we meet back here to review the situation in say, ten years time? :lol:


Sure, why not? By that time I'll probably have forgotten your name, and all about music...except on the second Tuesday of each month... :lol:

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And Tallship was saying not to use tuneotron anwyay, as not being up to it.


I think what I said was the excellent Tune-O-Tron doesn't support ABC Plus extentions. Paul put the Tune-O-Tron together as a one off utility, told us that it is what it is and no, he can't make it better. Fair enough I say, the Tune-O-Tron is a great workhorse for simple melodies. In this case I needed to use coding the Tune-O-Tron won't accept in order to achieve a specific goal, that of faithfully reproducing the printed book I had before me.


The speed of playback with abc has always been controllable, albeit irregularly according to the software using the Q: field.


You need to move away from web based converters and learn to use dedicated software in order to create consistency with abc files. You have my email address, do please feel free to ask me about available software!



Thanks again for that repeated offer. I suppose I just want to keep it simple!

But I must time my next trip down to Folkestone/Dover for a cuppa of tina cheer and a bowl of ABC soup. It is about three years since I went to Hoddesdon, which perhaps u go to, and I keep trying to pop down again but the late evening starts aways but me off for the return journey into the Smoke....


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Erm, Hoddesdon is in Hertfordshire and a tad north of Watford, why would I go there? :unsure: Now if you ever get down to Frittenden that's pretty close to me, Tenterden Festival is practically on my doorstep!

Yes, that's where I foot-tapping meant! There was a classic Honda bike quiz night tonight near Hoddesdon (where a niece lives) so u know where that mixup came from!) :rolleyes:

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Please note that I've learned one or two bits of abc coding that are new to me and I'll be editing all of the files I've put up in this thread to tidy up my previous transcriptions. By all means pick the tunes up as I add them here but there will be a final complete abc file of the whole book when it's finished that will have been carefully edited so make sure you get that too!



T:Katherine Ogie

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Andante "1/4=120

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p!G>F|D2(G>A) G3 A|(B2 A>G) G2 AB|\

(c3 d) (cAGA)|(F3 G A2) (GF)|

D2 (G>A)G3 A|(B2 A>G) ([ge]>[fd])|\

([d2B2] [cA][bG]) ([bG]>[cA][A^F]>[bD])|L([G4B,4] d2)||

([GDB,]>A) (Bcde) (f3 g)|(fdcd) [f2d2B2] c>B|\

A2 (f>d) (c>AG>A)|(F3 G A2) (G>F)|

[b2G2D2] (A>G) G3 D|(GA[bG][cA]) ([d2B2] cB)|\

([cAF]>GAB) LG<E LE>D| [G3B,3]||

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T:Auld Lang Syne

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi


Z:Peter Dunk 2012



(GGB[dB])|([e3c3] g)|([dB]>B)(BG)|\

([AFD]>GAB)|L(G>E) L(E>D)|G3||

e|([dBG]<B) (BG)|([AFD]>GAB)|(d<B) (Bd)|\

L[e3c3G3C3] g|([dBG]>B) (BG)|\

([AFD]>GAB)|L(G>E) L(E>D)|[G3B,3]||

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T:And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi


Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p!(F/G/)|(A2 G) (FAc)|(c2 A) (AG) (F/G/)|\

(A2 G) (FAc)|([d2B2] e [fA]) z [ec]|

([dB][cA][bG] [AF][cA][fA])|([dB][cA]A) (AG) C|\

(F2 G) (Ac/B/A/G/)|F3-F2||

(3c/d/e/| (f2 e def)|(g>fe/d/ c2) [cA]|\

([d2B2][cA][A2F2][cA])|([f2A2][gc][a2f2]) (f/e/)|

(edc/B/) (Acf)|(dcA) ([AF]G) C|\

(F2 G) (Ac/B/A/G/)|F3-F2||



T:Mary Morrison

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Moderato "1/4=140

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p![F/D/][G/E/]|([A2F2] [bG] [AF][GE][FD][E^C])|\

D3 [E^C] [F2D2][G2E2]|[A3F3] [bG] [c2A2] [bG][AF]|

[d3F3] [GF] [G2E2C2] [FA,][GC]|\

([A2F2] [bG] [AF][GE][FD][E^C])|\

D3 [E^C] [F2D2][G2E2]|[A2F2][f2A2][e3B3G3]f|[d3A3F3] A A2||


A2|[d3F3][eG][f2A2][c2G2E2]|[AF][bG] [c2A2]F2A2|\


([A2F2] [bG] [AF][GE][FD][E^C])|\D3 [E^C] [F2D2][G2E2]|\

[A2F2][f2A2][e3B3G3]f|[d3A3F3] A A2||


Edited to correct errors reported below.

Edited by tallship
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T:John Anderson, My Jo

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Andante "1/4=140

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p!G|[DB,]GG[AFD]|[b2G2D2](B [c/E/]B/)|\

[AF] [GDB,][FCA,][=EB,]|[F3A,3]G|

[DB,]GG[AFD]|[b2G2D2]B3/ c/|[d3/B3/][c/F/][bD][cF]|\




[DB,][GE][GEA,][^FDC]| [G3D3B,3G,3]||

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Sorry Pete:


Rhythm errors in bar 3 of Mary Morrison and bar 4 of As ye shall walk.


I'll get onto it tonight!


Now corrected, thanks for the proof-reading Chuck you're a good safety net!

Edited by tallship
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Sorry Pete:


Rhythm errors in bar 3 of Mary Morrison and bar 4 of As ye shall walk.


I'll get onto it tonight!


Now corrected, thanks for the proof-reading Chuck you're a good safety net!


My pleasure. Lots easier than doing the transcription to abc!



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T:For the Sake O Somebody

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Andante "1/4=140

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p!D/|G>Bd>B A>GA>B|G>G[bG]>[dB] L[e2c2G2C2] (d<B)|\

(G>Bd>B) (A>GA>B)|(G>E)(E>D) d2 L(B<G)||

L[e2c2](c>e) [d2B2] (B<G)|L[c2A2F2] (B>G) [A2F2D2] (F<D)|\

G>BA>c "_rall."B(e/>d/) "_'a tempo.'"H[d2A2F2D2]|\

(G>E)(E>D) [d2F2] (B<G)||

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Here's tune number 50 so I'm half way there! I would describe my knowledge of musical theory and therefore musical forms as modest, slight in fact. It may come as a surprise to someone with greater knowledge then to find that I consider this tune to be very strange indeed. First of all it consists of only nine bars which to the best of my knowledge I've not seen before (or perhaps I've simply not noticed!). Then there's the matter of the key, one sharp indicates that G major or E minor are most likely but then there's that quirky ending note of B. I don't think this tune is in the Phrygian mode of B because it doesn't sound weird enough so my best guess is that it's in Em with an odd ending note.



T:Saw Ye Johnnie Comin'

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Moderato "1/4=120

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!p!G>G (A<B) (d>B) ([dB]<g)|G>GAB (d<B-) B2|\

G>G (A<B) (d>B) ([dB]<g)|

G>G AB (d<B-) B2|(g>fed) (e>d) B2|\

(g>fe[^dA]) [eG]<B- B2|

(g>fed) (e>[fc]) [g2B2]|G>G (A<B) (d>B) ([dB]<g)|\

G2 (A<B) (d<B-) B2||

Edited by tallship
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I'd hazard a guess that the "key" is G major. It seems the beginning and ending are G major, but the central bit slides into Em for a bit.


That said, I suspect it is likely that this sort of tune would have been more likely to have either no accompaniment or some sort of drone accompaniment, and not a chordal one.


To my ears it seems very much a part of Scottish trad music to have that sort of phrase ending and general sound. And, like many songs (as opposed to dance tunes) it is not unusual for there to be odd numbers of measures. The last measure seems like a little sort of "chorus." I'd bet it repeats the final phrase of the words. That said it pulls my head around too!

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I've edited that to the key of G Chuck, many thanks!



T:Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Allegretto "1/4=140

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!mf![G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|[G2D2B,2](G>c) (B>d) [A2F2D2]|\

[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]<g) ([bG]>g) H[A2F2D2]||


([bG][dB])([dB][ec]) ([gB][dB])([ec][dB])|\

([bG][dB]) ([dB][e/c/]f/) ([gB]>B) [A2F2D2]|\

([bG][dB])([dB][ec]) ([gB]>[dB]) ([ec][dB])|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]>g) ([bG]<g) [A2F2D2]|


[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|[G2D2B,2](G>c) (B>d) [A2F2D2]|\

[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]<g) ([bG]>g) H[A2F2D2]||

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T:Bonnie Dundee

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Allegro "3/8=95

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!mf![b/G/][c/A/]|([dB]>[ec][dB]) ([dB]>[ec][dB])|\

([ge][fd][ec] [d2B2]) (d/c/)|BdD BdD|\

[AFD]>[AFD][AFD] [A2F2D2] ([b/G/][c/A/])|


([dB]>[ec][dB]) ([dB]>[ec][dB])|([ge][fd][ec] [d2B2]) (d/c/)|\

BdD BdD|[GDB,]<[GDB,][GEC] [G2D2B,2]||


!f!D|L[GB,][GB,][GB,] [GB,][AD][bG]|\

[AD]LDLD LD2 D|L[AD][AD][AD] ([AD][bG][cA])|\

([cA][bG]).[bG] .[b2G2] G|


[bG]>BB [cF]>Bc|[d=F]>cd [e2c2G2C2] (d/c/)|\

BdD Ad>D|[GDB,]<[GDB,][GEC] [G2D2B,2]||

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Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie?

You know I don't understand most of this but is this Key of EDorian of any help; or maybe it is just for the original as opposed to Minasi's arrangement.

It has feisty lyrics. :)

I'm going mad trying to track down a copy of these song lyrics.. can anyone help?


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From: Bruce O.

Date: 25 Jun 98 - 02:27 PM


[From Hogg's 'Jacobite Relics', II, 1821]


Wha wadna fight for Charlie.


Wha wadna fight for Charlie?

Wha wadna draw the sword?

Wha wadna up and rally,

At their royal prince's word?

Think on Scotia's ancient heroes,

Think on foreign foes repell'd,

Think on glorius Bruce and Wallace,

Wha the proud usurpers quell'd.


Wha wadna, &c.

Rouse, rouse, ye kilted warriors!

Rouse ye heroes of the north!

Rouse, and join your chieftan's banners,

'Tis your prince that leads you forth!



Wha wadna, &c.

Shall we basely crouch to tyrants?

Shall we own a foreigh sway?

Shall a royal Stuart be banish'd,

While a stranger rules the day?


Wha wadna, &c.

See the northern clans advancing!

See Glengary and Lochiel!

See the brandish'd broad swords glancing!

Highland hearts are true as steel.


Wha wadna, &c.

Now our prince has rear'd his banner;

Now triumphant is our cause;

Now the Scottish lion rallies;

Let us strike for prince and laws.



T:Wha wadna fight for Charlie.

T:[Tune: Will you go an' marry Katie]

S:Hogg's Jacobite Relics





DD3/4 D/4|F3/4 E/4 F/ A/|DD3/4 G/4|F/ A/E|\

DD3/4 D/4|F3/4 E/4 F/ A/|B/ d/ A/ d/|F/ d/ E||\

F/ A/ A/ (B/4c/4)|d3/4 A/4 B/ A/| F/ A/ A/ (B/4c/4)|\

d3/4 F/4 E|F/ A/ A/ (B/4c/4)|d3/4 A/4 B/ A/|B/ d/ A/ d/|\

F/ d/ E|]




Now that you have kindly said you will group em all in one big file at the end, I am expectantly waiting for that. Be good if the seasonal ones (e.g.Auld lang syne also come with a click ready midi -- tho I think I know how that one goes!!)so one can peddle them about over the holiday.



quote name='tallship' timestamp='1353866286' post='141676']

I've edited that to the key of G Chuck, many thanks!



T:Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie

C:arr. Carlo Minasi



B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies

B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi

Q:"Allegretto "1/4=140

Z:Peter Dunk 2012


!mf![G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|[G2D2B,2](G>c) (B>d) [A2F2D2]|\

[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]<g) ([bG]>g) H[A2F2D2]||


([bG][dB])([dB][ec]) ([gB][dB])([ec][dB])|\

([bG][dB]) ([dB][e/c/]f/) ([gB]>B) [A2F2D2]|\

([bG][dB])([dB][ec]) ([gB]>[dB]) ([ec][dB])|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]>g) ([bG]<g) [A2F2D2]|


[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|[G2D2B,2](G>c) (B>d) [A2F2D2]|\

[G2D2B,2](G>A) (B>A) (B<d)|\

([ec]>g) ([dB]<g) ([bG]>g) H[A2F2D2]||

Edited by Kautilya
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Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie?

You know I don't understand most of this but is this Key of EDorian of any help; or maybe it is just for the original as opposed to Minasi's arrangement.


You've gone and got yourself in a tangle again haven't you? My message to Chuck about changing the key to G was about the previous tune "Saw Ye Johnnie Comin" which was a rather strange piece of music which was difficult to classify correctly. The version of "Wha Wadna Fight For Charlie" that I posted is definitely in G.


Be careful with modes, it all gets very confusing unless you make the effort to at least understand the general concept. The piece you posted was in two sharps, the Dorian mode in that scale is E. If it was transposed to one sharp it would be in the Dorian mode of A. Tonight's homework is to find out why! Start Here.


That'll learn yer to ask daft questions. :lol:

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